
Title: lvgs-feature-match-4-erwin-v-lafferty
Author: Michael "Dvader" Girard
Date: Jun 6, 2000

Game 5 Feature Report: Zach Erwin (San Diego) vs. James Lafferty (San Diego)

This match at table two pitted an up and coming youngster in Erwin against a much experienced Lafferty. Friends, they both came from California and knew each other*s decks well.

Erwin was LS playing a heavy revolution deck similar to the more typical Throne Room decks but started Obi*s Hut and Battle Plan. Lafferty played the same San Diego ISB deck as Van Buskirk and started ISB Ops/Coruscant and Oppressive Enforcement.

Lafferty unsurprisingly began the game with many effects. He deployed There Is No Try, Come Here You Coward and Security Precautions from his hand and then spent his three force to Twilek for Imperial Arrest Order, playing 4 of his 8 cards in hand. Erwin had a less impressive first turn, playing the Endor Bunker (might have name wrong, a 2/0 site).

Lafferty again Twileked on his turn, this time for Undercover, drawing one card to find more locations. Erwin makes a questionable play on his turn, tunnel visioning and then drawing all of his force pile anyway. He got lucky, though, and found Yavin4: Massassi Ruins off the Tunnel and played it. He then passed to Lafferty who activated, played Imperial Deree and drew.

On his third turn Erwin deployed Ben Kenobi with Obi*s Saber to his Hut and then Nabruned (in the move phase) him to the Ruins. At this point Lafferty was activating 4 to Erwin*s 7 and seemed to be in some trouble, but on his turn he Twileked again, this time for Crush the Rebellion and played Hoth Ice Plains which he*d just drawn. Erwin took his fourth turn, couldn*t drain because of Coward, and drew. Lafferty played slow, searching for an Evader with Crush on his turn (Erwin had held back several revolutions he*d drawn because of Crush) and also drew.

Erwin tunnel visioned for Yoda*s Hut and played it, Y4 War Room and Chirpa*s Hut to increase his resource base. He also played Kal C*n*dros along with Obi. Lafferty played the Death Star and drew, taking no actions but not being threatened by Erwin either.

On the sixth turn Erwin decided to commit to Yavin 4 and deployed EEP Luke, EEP Han and EEP Leia there, along with the potentially devastating Oola.

Lafferty played his first card of the game and deployed Image of the Dark Lord to the Ruins and ended his turn, saving force. Erwin immediately Altered the Image which Lafferty caught, but the Alter worked and Image went to Lafferty*s used pile.

On his turn Erwin spent all 13 of his force to activate Oola*s ability and caught 4 characters, including Vader and Tarkin. Lafferty responded by drawing on his turn and then twileked for the Image. Erwin took turn 8 and drew, still unable to drain.

Lafferty decided it was time to win and redeployed the Image on his turn, then dropped Endor with Devastator and Boba Fett there. Erwin played a traffic control and drew, desperately searching for a solution. Lafferty drained for two at Endor and put Lt. Tredium on the Devastator as well.

Erwin activated, paused for a moment and then conceeded the game. He had no ships to fight off the Endor drain and no battlegrounds to beat the Coward.

Isn*t this game exciting?