
Title: wa-state-championship-seattle-04-26-2000
Author: Greg "Rogue 9" Otte
Date: Jun 8, 2000

Let me start by saying I do not get to many tournaments and have no one to test my decks against. I am not going to bore you with preliminary details.

My LS was a HB with B-wings, YT-1300*s and Bespin Defense fighters and a rotating hidden base.

My DS was a CCT BH deck

My Objective going into the tournament win at least 3 of My games and I am confident that I can do this with my DS deck.

Game #1
My DS vs. Dantoine Operations.

I start with all my objective stuff and he gets his out I get some rebel scrub for CCT. I play AMN and get Boba Fett w/Gun the JP: dungeon and Slave I. We spend 2 or 3 turns setting up and drawing. I get Expand the empire out on the Carbonite chamber and have all of my site deployed by turn 5. Turn six he deploy the last of his and flips. I control all three of my CC sites and with Expand and the console I easily freeze the scrub he loses 8 and I move every one to the east platform from the carbonite chamber and everyone from the sec. Tower to the chamber. He drains and deploys a couple of scrubs to block my drain at the platform. Next turn I deploy Ephant Mon and use the JP:AC text to deploy Jabba. and use transit to get Boba Fett and captive to Docking Bay 94 and then move to the AC and move the rest of my contingent to the Platform. He drains and decides I have to large a force so he deploys space port DB and a few more scrubs (I did not see a single main in his entire deck).and transits to it. My turn I retrieve for having frozen scrub and drain at AC and plat form he is out draining me most of the time by 1 I deploy a skiff and Anti-personnel cannon on it to the platform and a couple more BH I move Fett and cap. to dungeon retrieve 2. End to and do not draw. I did not feel I had enough to power to take on his crew and his people at other sites were scouts which made reacts a possibility. He see s what is coming and beefs up the DB. I drain and deploy 2 more aliens to his DB and transit everyone off of CC. This gives me 6 BH*s a skiff with cannon and a 3 aliens 1 of which is an Ugnaght I also move Fett and captive to AC again. Power wise we are pretty even so he drains our drains are even now he deploys a few back ups to his other sites and ends turn. Now this is where I start making some huge mistakes the first being not having enough room on my skiff. I drain , and forget to retrieve this will come back to haunt me. Initiate battle and let him have it I hit 4 with the cannon and capture 1 with IG w/gun. Draw battle destiny and I win but all his is soaked up by forfeits form hit people. I lose the Ugnaght no great loss. He has 5 people left at the site and 2 at each his 3 others. Rather than move to where he is weak I stay . His turn he deploy 4 characters to the DB and a Squadron to Dat. End turn. I active and have a few force left from last turn. Drain and again forget to retrieve. Initiate battle I capture another and hit 6 this time with the cannon he forfeits all and clear site. I lose another alien. Yet another mistake I move skiff with all but 2 of my guys to his forest where Boshek and 2 scrubs are. I figure I will need the drain later and should be able to take out this crew and re-flip his Obj. Seeing this he activate drains and deploy Kessel aurgh with another squadron. I figure ok I take out this crew drain game over we are both low on force. I activate forget to drain again and battle he is immune to attrition (forest) and draws a 5 for destiny. I hit 2 and mis capturing BO why I did not just shoot him do not ask. I so he absorbs the damage with the to hit guys still has BO there and I lose another BH. He drains and plays Battle plan now I have to pay for the little that I am draining. I pay for draining did I mention I forgot to retrieve again and battle Bo shoot him and site is clear and he flips back. Is clear look at the situation and figure I can make . I spread out and block the drain at his other 2 sites and there is not enough there to battle. He drains and I finally realize I have not been retrieving. I activate, retrieve and realize I can only pay for 2 drains so I drain him for 3 and that leaves him with 2. His turn he drains for leaving me with 2 and I realize I have lost. I activate and retrieve which is futile at this point. Can not drain he drains and game over

FL 0 (-2)

HL get his guy frozen on the first try and shooting up his forces which justifies having that cannon in the deck. Very interactive game.
LL handing him the gave out of stupidity. I figured out that by the the end I had missed at least 8 retreivals

Ok so I am feeling pretty good about the deck just no myself, and figure okay my LS will pick up the slack.

Game #2
LS vs. TDIGWATT w/dark deal and occupation.

I am think those Bespin Defense fighters are going to pay off. I have 2 local defense and intruder missiles so I have a shot a controlling the system and any cloud sectors he puts out plu I can convert his Bespin if I need to and use Luke w/stick and Chewie w/ gun to battle on cc. We get started and he is getting setup fast me on the other hand have got exactly squat in my hand. Basically it is a drain game until he gets Dark deal and occ. Going and I am losing huge force. I can not draw or find anything including My hidden base. He gets Zin mh and Binbus and at Bespin. I finally get a couple bwings out and an intruder missile. We battle on his turn and I realize what that game text on ZinMH says I hit the bus but can not draw destiny I lose a Bwing by this time I am so low on force all I can do is damage control. So I spread out for my one drain at 4 different systems and he drains me out.
FL by 28 0 (30)

LL Too many to count.

I am thinking ok just did not have anything to counter that deck I can do better next round

Game #3
DS vs Profit
I am like cool I start with boba in hand and I get Jabba and Ephant to a site were they are immune to attrition before the game even starts. He gives me the usual scrub for the Security tower. And we draw I get a great hand I deploy and get boba out and move the captive . we both draw for a couple of turns and he initiates a battle at the chamber where he has Master Luke and Ben. We both draw I get a 5 he a 1 and I win he forfeits look and revive and I lose 1 force. All I have to do is get DB 94 out and I am set. Remember that card I lost it came from reserve and guess what it was yep there went any chance I had of flipping my Obj. I get some guys up and decide we have to drain this game maybe battle and hope to freez a couple for the heavier loses. He deploy a contingent to the Carbonite chamber and we battle I shoot 1 with Boba and capture PLO. I am thinking cool I have at least 2 that I can freeze. If only it were that easy I lost my ugnaught in the fight and my Expand the Empire was lost to a drain. I play carbon freez and back up the AC after I convert it by using the text to get bane Malar he gets a few back up there and deploy a couple of unrelated sites to drain at . the drains continue and I make several attempts to freeze PLO and the scrub to no avail I lost the drain race.
FL 12 0 (42)

HL none
LL try to freeze PLO and not getting the job done.

Game #4
LS vs. Martin Norris and his RalOps.
After the defeat in game 2 I am hoping to pull at least 1 win out. I did not know much about RalOps. As soon as he found out what I was playing he already had a strategy I knew I was in trouble. We get going once again no ships I get my sites out and deploy to Kiffex he has been pretty much drawing up every turn so when I flip he was a hand full. And all of his sites are starting to fill up. I flip about turn 5 and he the next and start draining little did I realize that once he flipped I had only 1 system that I could drain at. This is ok because I am canceling 2 out of his three. This goes on for several turns. And he deploys a couple system of his own 1 being the death star So I prepare he is running a mostly imperial deck so I get some being wing out and move them to the death star. I star t drawing and all of a sudden the alarm in my he goes off *IT*S A TRAP*. To late I have already drawn. I fear the worst and get it e drops the executor and a pilot on the D* and battle it was ugly he gets an excellent destiny I get none I lose both b wings and a couple other cards. My turn I back up my defenses at Kiffex with Lando in falcon and put a RFC in the defense fighter. I can only block 1 drain now. His turn he drops security precautions and Binbus and zinMH. I am going great a repeat of the last on I have 1 intruder missile on the Bwing that was there so I fire and hit Bin bus. We drawing I get squat and he draws enough to make me lose the bwing and the RFC. Next turn I initiate a battle dumb I do not have 7 ability so my destiny drops to zero. He draw a 5 and I lose the defense fighter. I can not get any thing and his drains are killing me. I have nothing to help in had so I end turn I am not going to give him a drain of 2. He moves instead of battling and drains me out.

FL 15 about 0 (-68) about

Before the tourn. Started I made friends with a guy about my age from Spokane we had chatted and basically had the same starting goals by this point neither of us had won a single game and after game three we both discussed the fact that we would both like to win at least one game. Well guess what we were both at the bottom and we get matched up and unfortunately for me I had opened my big mouth early and made some comments about how I choose my hidden bases(I rotate from Game to game). You can get his side of the story his Decktech user Id is Bobbo Feet.

Game 5#
LS vs. his HD non dueling

Have I mentioned how bad this LS deck is he starts the usual gets out Sec. Pre. and I get my sights out he*s draining I*m draing I cancel some of his but can not find my Luke with saber or my Chewie w/gun. So I am losing to visage the whole game he was kind enough to not remind me a few times. He gets avenger out and probes and misses I have 2 b-wings at Kiffex with 2 Intruder missiles. So he is avoiding that and move the other way I deploy and knock out avenger. Next he deploys ZinMH and I start to grumble probes and I lose 10 force it was my hidden base after that it was all over I could have cut the damage by spreding out more but I had no ships to deploy and figured he had at least one more in his deck. It is over quickly between Drains and visage.

FL -8 0 (76)

HL taking out avenger.
LL having given away where my base is not had I been smart I would have used the only one I had mentioned by name

Game 6
DS VS profit
I think I have learned my lesson from the previous round with profit. It starts off Han frozen Jabba and Ephant at the chamber scrub in tower Boba in hand. Basically I gave this game away I lost my DB 94 again to a drain he used Boushh to keep me from draining on CC so all we did was keep battling at the AC I finally moved and let him have Han since he could not drain at the AC and I am tired of losing characters I back them up with Bane and start the beginning of the end. I had Dengar*s riot gun in my hand and should have deployed it on Bane but did not I had played all wrapped up earlier but because he was not forfeiting it did no good. This caused my to forget during a battle with my three vs. Ben. M Luke, Han and Chewie. He lost Chewie and Han but revived Han with been I forgot to capture one of them no big deal. Next turn I put down an alien and battle again he loses Han and revives and I forget to capture we are both getting down on force and thankfully he has not been able to slash anyone with obi*s stick. But I have no one left to deploy and cannot keep up with the battle damage and he keeps forfeiting and reviving Han. I do not know what the final was but I came up way short.

Final 0 (-90 something )

I had fun made a new friend and learned a lot I am heading to Endor regionals in 3 weeks my CCT is now a COTVG and I am still trying to figure out what deck I am taking for LS I have some Ideas that are on the abstract side. I have 3 DS and 3 LS decks that I maintain and tweak as new sets come out. This sit has helped a lot I think I am going to build an Anti Ralltiir Ops deck I have some good ideas and think some will work well against other decks as well.