
Title: 6-14-00-vegas-sealed-deck
Author: Danny "Skuff D" Rider
Date: Jun 14, 2000

Ahh, the day was set for a tournament of the most simplest proportions. I had worked a full load of renting videos out to the public and had just signed off duty as I began to head towards the Hines Ranch. This would be the location of today's sealed deck and I was finally set to play a Star Wars. Due to life activities, I have been out of tournament commision this last month. It was time for me to return! We awaited for more players to show, but this sealed deck would end up running un-sanctioned.
We would be swapping Limited Starters and then drafting from 2 unlimited packs of ANH and a pack of JP and CC. The drafting took all but ten minutes and despite me drafting 9 or so rares (The best being Glancing Blow and Off the Edge) none of theem were useful to me, so I actually ended up creating a deck without rares. I would be playing Light Side.
(This tournament is not sanctioned so I won't bother posting players rankings...)

Game 1: VS. Noah Singer

This game relies on activation, as both of us go 4 or 5 turns without deploying a location. Finally, I get set up and hold the Tatooine system with 2 y-wings and a rebel pilot. He doesn't challenge me in space the whole game. I begin to put out some characters and utilize rebel guards to hold Jabba's Palace Entrance. I get 1 cheap drain, all the while Noah is draining me off two at the jundland wastes. We begin to finally battle and it seems to go back and forth. The power bonus from the system helps me but I'm still losing force from the wastes. I put down figrin at the Yavin Breifing room and hang on to Quite a Mercenary the whole game. General Dodonna also makes an appearance 3 times in the game. YAY Dodonna! I finally get Kessel and the balls to spread big on Tatooine thinking he's about out of characters. I was wrong and he uses several sweet interrupts to battle me effectively off Tatooine. I end up draining for four, retrieving one and losing 5 every turn till the game is over. FL by 8
The Good: Space, the final frontier. Also a good place to drain.
The Bad: I forget to drain my first turn.
The Ugly: Sometimes if you stare hard enough at a trandoshan, you can see the Mona Lisa in its' scales...or am I just crazy?

GAME 2: I get the bye.

During the bye, I dance merrily, mope about my close loss, star at my rare pulls and dream of running the fields wild. I then proceed to have a sick conversation about Hutt sex and Scoby Doo. By the time I regain consciousness it's time for game 3.
The Good: A little R&R from the last game.
The Bad: I don't like byes.
The Ugly: The mental image of Hutt sex. I think I'm damned to hell for even mentioning Hutt Asexuality. Sigh.

GAME 3: VS Shane (last name?)

Hmm having slightly learned my lesson i begin t build a large hand. I slap down kessel and control. He'll convert it next turn and deploy Tatooine system, which I'd rather control as we begin to battle on tatooine. He tries to surprise assault 2 of my drains of 2 and the destiny back fires on him. He loses 6 to one bad draw and then loses 1 more to another nad draw. He tries to battle my squad of Dodonna and troopers but a bad destiny hurts him even more. The bad destiny cost him this game.
FW by 24. This puts me at 4 +16
The Good: Winning against the Counter Assaults.
The Bad: Shane's destiny draws made even me flinch. Drawing 0's for destiny makes me cry sometimes.
The Ugly: Dodonna makes his appearance once again. He's not really ugly but old and isn't old age the ugliest curse of all?

Game 4: VS. Chris Hood

I've decided to name this sealed deck Dodonna's revenge. Ironicly this is the one game he never shows up. First turn he gets scanning crewed and the other copy vanishes to the lost pile. I control Kessel for a turn then match up against Devestator and Officer Evax. I lose a pilot and spend the rest of the game running from the starship and draining for two at Bespin when Chriss forgets to move the SD. (He forgot about 4 times.)
I decide to latch onto Jabba's Palace and control that for two turns with my guards and an armed trooper. I later send in back up with a correlian. I use an expensive Nabrun to get an extra drain. had I waited a turn I could have been more devious. instead we end up facing off trooper guards to trooper guards at the palace. By the time I get a Squad leader in my hand so i can move my guards, he SCrews me again and away goes the squad leader. By the time I have enough characters to do battle with him again, he's spread out thin and is utilizing a reactible vehicle. Curse ye olde reacts! I know there is nothing I can concievably do and thus I lose out on this one.
The Good: Early Drains for lotsa force.
The Bad: That damned reacting machine! Also being unable to move my guards. Doh!
The Ugly: Losing to Chris Hood, whom everyone BUT me beat in this tournament. If I had pride, I lost a lot of it right there.

And so the tournament ends. For 15 bucks I got a wad of rares and some much needed play time. It was a good thing it wasn't sanctioned though. Sometimes I sit alone in my room cursing my dumb luck. Tonite I'll probably just curse Dodonna. Afterwards I arranged to get next weekend off in hopes that I will be able to attend the Death Star II PreRelease. Wouldn't that be cool?