
Title: d-ii-prerelease-in-normal-il-6-24-00
Author: David "Wedge659" Marincic
Date: Jun 26, 2000

It’s been a long time since I went to a tourney, but what better way to get back in the swing of things than by going to a D*II prerelease? Well, those were my thoughts at least, so I signed myself, my good friend Sean, and his little brothers (Ryan and Patrick) up for the Normal, IL tournament, snagging 4 of the last 10 spots…this one filled up really fast! I was hoping to get Sean back into SWCCG since he hasn’t played much at all recently, and it worked! We all hung out at Sean’s place the night before, playing some Wars and watching our “pump-up” movies, 1941 and Canadian Bacon. About 9:00 Sean got a call from Chris “Jackal” Caras, who I’d only recently learned was an active DeckTech member (since I wasn’t a member myself until recently) and who had made a disturbing comment on the “lack of local competition.” My ego bruised, I challenged him to a duel. His Dark Side space deck faced off against my EBO/X-wing Swarm deck. I got EBO set up on turn 3, and was in space on turn 4 with Oola, an Incom Tech, and Mon Mothma camped out on Hoth. Oola kept his Imperials in his hand, leaving nothing but starships to take on my souped-up X-wings and making his forfeits costly, while Mon Mothma kept the attrition low. End result, the “local competition” wins by 18 ;) Chris took the game (and my subsequent jokes about the disturbing lack of “local players”) really well…and proceeded to use his Manipulator to beat up on Patrick, the youngest of the Tuckers. His self-esteem repaired, he kicked back with the rest of us for some movies then headed home about midnight.

The next morning saw myself, the Tucker clan, and last-minute-addition Chris (turns out he was signed up but didn’t have a ride – go figure) piling into the car around 10 and making the drive to Normal. On the way, Chris and I talked about some of our favorite strategies and such. He’s got some really great ideas, but like me his resources are limited (in other words, we’re freakin’ poor ;) and so most of our deck ideas are impossible to actually make, which means a lot of Stormtroopers have Darth Vader written on them in magic marker, etc. Pat seemed hell bent on coming in dead last, and even tried to bet 50 bucks that he would. Now, bearing in mind that he didn’t even have enough money to cover the entry fee (lucky for him he was covered for) we were less than willing to take that bet, but it did give myself and Sean a great opportunity to bring up the fact that in the last tourney Pat was in, he beat out his older brother Ryan. The car trip was uneventful, although I think both Chris and Sean can vouch for the fact that Ryan got louder and louder and louder with each passing second and that Pat must have asked me 25 times if he could put his own cards into his deck even though it was a sealed deck event…so it seemed like a hell of a long ride. We finally got there at about 11 and stood in line to sign up, pay, get our little cards (for the ending drawing), etc. I checked to see if there was a Mara Jade to be had anywhere in the store since the local shop, which FINALLY got EJP after I bugged them every week for a month or two, is totally overcharging – they wanted 20 bucks! That’s sick, man. Oh well, we got registered and everything and hung out for a little while, joking around and talking about what side we wanted. I hoped for Light Side, but it just wasn’t to be. The first pairings came up and I took my seat across from Matt Clemens, a squadron member from Kentucky who came up with four other guys for the tourney. The packs were passed out, with the starters mocking us with “You want this, don’t you?” written across the backs, and at Ron Fonck’s (who, by the way, had only Jason Lumsden for assistance that day – they both did a hell of a job) signal we tore into the packs like starving animals. After passing everything to my opponent I looked to see what I got…garbage. Only one of the rares was Dark Side, and one of the cards I passed was Luke’s Lightsaber (I’m pretty sure I passed it, at least, it’s tough to tell). Once we opened the starters people realized that the Light players got Gen. Solo and CoK and the Dark players got Tempest 1 and TS3. I knew that would be trouble, since Han would be sickeningly powerful in a closed environment like this one and since I got no other ground troops whatsoever in my packs…not one! I looked to see what the Light Side got in their starter and my jaw hit the table…A-wings! That made my TIE Defenders suck right off the bat and kept me from using the cool reacting abilities of some of my TIEs. Wonderful. I was already feeling shorted by my overpriced, low forfeit, hyperdriveless (it’s a word, dammit!) fighters, but I did see the power potential provided by the pilot/ship combos and the incredibly cool ability of Scythe 3 to fire weapons during my move phase (evil!). Anyways, my “deck” looked like this:

Endor: Ancient Forest
Endor: Back Door
Endor: Great Forest
Endor: Landing Platform (Docking Bay)
Mon Calamari

Admiral Piett
Captain Jonus (Scimitar 2 pilot)
Captain Yorr
DS-181-3 (Saber 3 pilot)
DS-181-4 (Saber 4 pilot)
Lieutenant Hebsly (Scythe 3 pilot)
Lieutenant Arnet
Lieutenant Grond
Sergeant Tarl
Corporal Drazin
Reserve Pilot
Elite Squadron Stormtrooper x3

Black 3
Saber 3
Saber 4
Scimitar 2
Scythe 3
Scythe Squadron TIE x3
The Emperor’s Sword (rare TIE squadron, very cool)
TIE Defender Mark I x3
Victory-Class Star Destroyer x3

Tempest 1
Tempest Scout 3
Tempest Scout x2

Blaster Rifle x2
Enhanced TIE Laser Cannon
Intruder Missile x2
SFS L-s7.2 TIE Cannon

Battle Order
Combat Response (search for matching pilots/fighters)
Inconsequential Losses (forfeit a weapon to Used for 3)

Dark Maneuvers x2
Flawless Marksmanship
Imperial Reinforcements
Monnok x2
Prepared Defenses (start w/ up to 3 effects)

Our decks prepared, we were ready to go, but Jason Lumsden had a pump-up speech ready for us that went a little something like this: “I want to get home early, so crush your opponents QUICKLY!”

Game 1 vs. Matt Clemens
I started Endor and used Prepared Defenses to get out Combat Response and Inconsequential Losses since I wasn’t confident in my ability to hold him off on the ground and in space at the same time. He started Sullust and Heading For The Medical Frigate for his versions of my two effects and this one that allows him to activate extra at docking bays. First turn I got DS-181-3 and Saber 3 out to Endor thanks to Combat Response for only 2 Force, plus he’s one of the only Imp pilots that I got that could draw a destiny on his own. His turn, he drops Hobbie and Red Squadron 4, also for 2 Force. At this point I’m thinking, “How come his combo is so much better than mine?” but I figure it’s still pretty early and it IS Hobbie, so he may just have gotten one of his best ones out. Next turn I drain, drop DS-181-4 and Saber 4 to back up Saber 3 at Endor, and play Great Forest. His turn he drains me for one and I lose off the top…Tempest 1. Crap! The next few turns he adds to his fleet. I have the power advantage, but I can’t find a single one of my Vics so I’m totally stuck, plus his ships have higher manuever, hyperdrives, weapons, and this pilot that adds 2 to weapon destiny draws…not good. After a couple turns of drawing no walkers, I dump two Elite Squads at Great Forest, and the world seems to stand still as I utter a phrase I never thought I’d ever use, “2 Force to deploy a Blaster Rifle.” Unfortunately I can never find any bloody walkers so the Stormies were stuck there the entire game, but they pinged him for 1 every turn. At this point I’m out draining him, but he drops Back Door, Gen Solo, and some random scrubs to Endor, then next turn deploys a B-wing, an A-wing, and a Grey Squad Y-wing w/ a Gray Squad Pilot and Concussion Missiles (I think) and battles. He misses his weapons shot, draws a 0 for battle destiny, and I shoot his B-wing, but my 3 is only enough to put my power ahead of his by 8, so he loses the B-wing, the weapon (to his Used), and some system from his hand and moves half of his main fleet over to Endor. At this point he’s out draining me and we’re pretty even at Endor, but I’m still stuck at Endor since I can’t find a Vic and my TIEs just aren’t popping up in my draws, so he’s gradually whittling me down and draining me to death. Piett, TS3, and a Vic are lost to drains, and then I finally get a VSD to Endor and block his drain at Sullust by deploying Scythe 3 w/ Hebsly. I think in my excitement at finally getting a Vic out, my brain lost the capacity for rational thought because I thought that Hebsly drew destiny if not able to otherwise and that I’d be safe for a turn at least, but I was wrong. He dogpiles me with a few more ships at Endor, battles, shoots down my Vic (curse you, Steady Aim!) and hammers me at Sullust, so all I have left is a pathetic power but ability 4 at Endor and my immobile Troopers, with my Reserve Deck looking real small. I dump some support to Endor since there is absolutely no way for me to run away with these damned TIEs, but he squashes me. The game ends pretty quick after that and I lose by 17.

Highlights: Hey, I’m here aren’t I?
Lowlights: I felt like I was outmatched in almost every aspect…my kingdom for an AT-ST Driver or three!
Score: 0 (-17)

I hung out w/ the Peoria crew afterwards and learned that everybody won except Chris and I. Sean (who had a modified win, but he was kicking some butt as I hear) and Pat were Light Side and the rest were Dark, but Ryan beat his opponent despite facing a Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight. We’re all psyched for the next game, though, and I have some ideas for how to do better (like reading my bloody cards!). When the final games ended, we got ready to play again, with Jason informing us that “too many games went to limit, this round there will be NO modified wins!”

Game 2 vs. Rick Grendell
We talked a bit before the game and I learned that he game down from Michigan for this. Right from the beginning, I have to say this is one of the most relaxed and enjoyable games I’ve ever played, mainly because he’s a really nice guy. Anyway, I start the same as last game except I have to start Mon Calamari since he started Endor as well, he starts Hidden Forest Trail and some other Endor site w/ Careful Planning. First turn I get set up at Endor (which I was fortunate enough to draw) w/ Saber 4 and pilot, then use DS-181-4’s ability to grab Saber 3 and get set up for next turn. He starts slower but drops some systems and draws a few, so after a few turns he’s dropped Chewie and a random scout to Hidden Forest Trail and I’ve garrisoned Endor pretty tightly (complete with a Vic, hot damn!), so I drop Battle Order to force him to go to space. He does, and I dogpile him there while draining for a pair every turn. I do some heavy damage so he runs, I chase him around to black his drains a few turns, while saving up to take out his almost-forgotten ground troops. I plop down TS3 w/ Arnet piloting and a couple Elites (no blasters this time, though) and battle, taking out the scrub and losing one of the Elites. His Chewie stays put, though, cause he knew he could cover heavy losses and he needed the Force to run away in space, so next turn I beat the crap out of CoK and take him out, and a couple turns later I catch up with him in space thanks to two (count em, two!) Vics allowing me to split my fleet and corner him, The Emperor’s Sword took out a couple of fighters he stuck at Kessel, hoping I couldn’t reach them, and Admiral Piett made an appearance with a couple Interceptors as backup to annihilate his main fleet, that’s pretty much game but I had to deploy a fair amount to finally track him down. Win by 9.

Highlights: Beating him in space by throwing wave after wave of my own men to their deaths in order to overpower him…that’s the Imperial way!
Lowlights: None really, this was one of the best games I’ve ever played
Score: 2 (-8)

Only 11 Dark Side players had won that round (at least when I finished), so Chris, who also won, and I felt pretty good. Sean was tearing it up, it was obvious already that he’d be representing Peoria today! His brothers both lost, and before we knew it, it was time for game 3!

Game 3 vs. Mike Monday
Another nice guy, he started the same stuff as Matt did except he also used Battle Plan and Aquaris when both of us tried to start Endor, I got stuck with Mon Calamari again (just in case of the big Mon Cals!). I got set up incredibly quickly this time, and had Scythe 3 w/ pilot and cannons as well as a Vic and Saber 3 w/ pilot out on turn 5 or six after letting him consolidate at Aquaris. I then started to jump between the two systems and take pot shots at his fighters during my move phase, taking out a Gray Squad Y-wing and a B-wing that way. He dropped Gray Squadron 2 and this pilot that adds 2 to the destiny draws, so I moved over and took a shot, using Hebsly’s once per game (once per game??? c’mon, just let him add one to weapon destinies or something) ability to lower the manuever to 2, only to draw a 2 for weapon destiny. This is NOT good. He initiates and uses Steady Aim to blow my Vic to hell, and I respond by killing his GS2, but the Vic had Piett, Grond, and Yorr on board and my TIEs are now sitting ducks and a lot of my power is gone. I reinforce a bit, fire at another Y-wing (and miss, this sucks), and prepare to die a horrible, horrible death. He dogpiles me, battles, wipes out almost everything but Scythe 3 and a Scythe Squadron TIE, so I at least have a destiny. I finally shoot the bloody Y-wing in my move phase and add a TIE Defender (a piece of crap thanks to his A-wing), then get killed next turn. He drops a site or two and I get a foothold at one, but he doesn’t have to pay to drain and I do, so I can’t mount any kind of offense and still drain, some last second desperation moves, Ghhhks, and Captain Jonus allow me to prolong the inevitable, but I never get another Vic out and lose by 15.

Highlights: Scythe 3 blowing away fighters in the cheesiest possible way
Lowlights: Scythe 3 missing about 2/3 of the time despite the fact that I targeted the easiest things to hit; I need hyperdrives, dammit!
Score: 2 (-23)

Every one of us lost this round except Sean, so we weren’t all that cheerful; although Sean had a really high differential his modified win in round one kept him out of the top pairings.

Game 4 vs. Bill (don’t remember last name)
This game also started out well, although I didn’t have Scythe 3 killing his stuff like last game (damn!). I started the same stuff (Mon Cal AGAIN instead of Endor…damn). He starts same as Mike except he used Sullust. He also showed me his best pull…Wedge Antilles, Leader Of Red Squadron! I was pretty jealous (OK, very) but figured I might not have to fight him and his wicked destiny canceling ability. The beginning was similar to last game, but he had Nebulon-B’s up the wazoo and was moving his fleet around for almost nothing while I was camped out at Endor (with a Vic, thank God) and had Piett on a Tempest Scout with a couple scrubs for backup. Next thing you know, Wedge shows up on a Neb-B and smacks me around a bit. I run, but eventually come back to Endor when he leaves so he moves his fleet (the one without Wedge) to Endor and I battle, he shoots down my Vic and I know I’m in trouble despite hitting him hard for battle damage. Meanwhile, he brings CoK and a bunch of other scouts to kill Piett and the walker crew, but if I eliminate his fleet at this point I know I’ll win since he’s still a little behind thanks to over deploying. I add some backup to Endor (couple Defenders, forfeit fodder thanks to those infernal A-wings) and he initiates on his turn. I fire my Intruder Missile at Wedge’s ship and miss, but I hit one of his other ships with the new TIE cannon. I figure I’m all set for my turn and track the 7 to kill Wedge so that I’ll be able to draw destinies again and really tear him up, and drop Cpt. Jonus on his ship to settle the damage. Unfortunately, I screwed up on the track and drew the 4, not the 7, and he cancelled my battle destiny of 7 but I leave it on top and Jonus cancels the damage, but I know I’d dead now. He initiates and I take out Wedge, but this time I take a lot of damage and lose most of my ships. At this point Jason yells out “You’re not crushing your opponents fast enough!” and Ron is walking around asking how things are going. When he gets to our table and asks, Bill says, “I’m kicking his ass!” I add him to “the list” and prepare to meet my destiny, which happens pretty quickly after that. I lose by 8.

Highlights: Getting to see the new Wedge
Lowlights: Getting my ass kicked by the new Wedge (the irony here is just awful); losing to a guy who was fairly @#$%y the whole game but played very sloppy and over deployed…he should have beaten me by like 20 with all the good stuff he had out; mistracking and sealing my death by letting his Wedge live another turn; far too many more to mention
Score: 2 (-31)

The Peoria crew didn’t do so well; Sean was on fire and went 3-1 (he lost his last game), but the rest of us were 1-3. Still, it was worth it and I had a great time overall, and it looks like the expansion will be awesome and Sean will be playing more often now – mission accomplished. The Dark Side got creamed today, the decks that did well had great pulls for the most part since the common/uncommon cards were really tilted to the Light Side. The Dark Side had power going for it, but the Light Side had mobility, forfeit, and some really cool abilities (adding to drains, weapons draws, manuever, etc.) that just shredded my “deck.” I had a great time, though. Congrats to Geoff Snider for winning it all, I saw his report and his pulls were really great! Thanks to Ron and Jason for running a great tourney that went pretty smoothly despite the number of people and would have reduced lesser men to tears (Ever tried to yell pairings to 90 people? It didn’t look fun to me!). Also, thanks to Chris and Sean for making the trip (thanks for the ride, Sean) and just being cool. To finish it off, here are some of the quotes I heard while there:

“This sucks on SO many levels” – me, surveying my card pool
“You’re not crushing your opponents fast enough!” – Jason Lumsden…I already wrote it, but it’s classic
“Who’s Pepperinito?” – Pat trying to pronounce ‘Pepito’ at dinner (it was on a trivia game)
“Oh my God, I got Luke!” – some kid after pulling the UR…I thought he was gonna pass out
“Damn, Vader looks fat…” – Sean describing the new Lord Vader
“The Force is with you” – Rick actually said this in our game, and didn’t sound stupid. Impressive.

Props to all of you who showed up and had a great time, I can’t wait for the set to come out and this was a great taste of how it might play…although just a taste, I’m hoping the Dark Side will have a better chance in constructed and with all those rare ships, they probably will. Looks like it’ll be back to the drawing board for decks, though, but I’m thinking either EBO w/ Suicide Mains or RTP for Light, and Endor Ops for Dark. A little soon to know for sure, though! Finally, big thanks again to Ron and Jason for running this whole thing and doing a damn good job!

- David “Wedge659” Marincic