
Title: dantooine-regional-6th-place-report
Author: joe "brangus" horbey
Date: Jun 26, 2000

I had been playtesting my decks about 2 weeks prior to the regionals, so I was pretty confident that I would place at least in the top 8, and maybe the final with some luck. I was playing my undefeated RALops deck (17-0 now), and YOPS (2-1). I really wish I would have gone with mains and toys over the YOPS, because YOP's auto loses to ISB and Raltirr if they're playing decree. Anyways..onto the report..

1st Game, My DS RALops vs. some guy's ebo/hb without 5 battle ground systems??!??!

I auto-start Bad Feeling Have I vs. HB and he starts rebel fleet (which he never used). First turn I drop a twix site and search, I grab the Jungle and notice there is another twix site in my force pile...sweet. I draw up and end my turn. He gets 3 systems down and draws a few. Next Turn I drop 3 imperials down, flip, deploy an at-st to one site, then bunch the other 2 scrubs together at the forest. I feel really sorry for this guy because he hasn’t played in a long time and doesn’t know the errata on hidden base…so he basically can’t drain until he gets ebo out..then he can drain for 1. I fortify Ralltirr, deploy search and destroy, and deploy imperial decree while controlling my coruscant and my ralltirr. He come after me with a mon calamari and 3 b-wings to Ralltirr, which I beatdown on my turn with ZIMH, Boskk In Bus, and Executor. My drains on ralltirr and my search and destroy did him in.

FW (+26)

2nd Game, My LS YOP’s vs. Ross Lillie’s SCREW/Heavy SAC deck

Going into this game I was praying to god that Ross wasn’t playing ISB, and he wasn’t, so it’s all good. He starts Jundland Wastes and Jabba’s Palace. First turn he drops vader to the Jundland Wastes and Alter’s my Yarna….@#$%! I really have to control my drawing this game so I keep it down to around 6-8 cards the whole game because a monok would absolutely rape me. I flip the objective with a 3 sites controlled by 3 ops/3 y-wings. He get’s down POTF on the wastes, a saber to vader, mara and her saber to JP, and ETE on Jundland Wastes. I’m like, “Jesus Christ, your out draining an operative deck at 2 sites alone!” I end up winning because he doesn’t have the beatdown capability to handle operatives, and my retrieval gets me ahead in the drain race. It was a fun game and was funny to hear people saying, “That kid just organized attacked his y-wing, on the ground, killed off vader, and didn’t have to lose anything!” I felt bad beating Ross with cheese…


3rd Game, My DS vs. Tony Lutz’s Kashykk Speeder Operatives

I hate playing against speeder ops because it is so damn cheesy. I get ungodly lucky though in the 2nd turn when I masterful move for a monnok after seeing him draw a bunch of cards, then nailing 6 ops, and 3 interrupts which I will not name because it was a cool idea and he is probably gonna want to use it in the future. From there, I flip raltirr, get the decree going, and slowly kill him with a drain at kashykk for 1. He makes a fatal mistake after sending EPP Han and a sandspeeder to raltirr the ending his turn. I drop Vader/Tarkin trample han and beat the speeder down for 11 force and the game. I felt really bad because for about 15 turns I just said, “Drain 1, go.” I wish we would’ve interacted more, but I was too afraid to go to his op planet for fear of speeder beatdown.


At this point I am in the #1 seat at the tournament figuring all I needed was 3 more wins, then I’m in the final. Little did I know my easiest games where behind me and the hardest ones to come.

4th Game, My LS vs. Robert Rau’s ISB ORS

I know this game is an auto-win vs my deck so I’m not even going into detail because it’s @#$%ing pointless..the guy had no chance of losing with Imperial Decree and ISB vs. a YOPS deck. The only reason this game was a low diff loss is because he draws a @#$% load of cards at the end and I draw up.


5th Game, My DS vs. Some Dude’s Elom Inserts

This game was the hardest game I’ve ever played with my Ralltirr deck except the time I played Mike Patterson’s Dagobah X-wings. He draws up his force pile first turn and I drop the jungle to Ralltirr, and I know he is playing inserts because he start, Throne Room, Jungle, and Farm – looks like paul hodges/bill gordons inserts…”Number and Assasins.” First turn he draws and yoda stews 3 cards down. I deploy the jungle and draw up a vesden (sweet-he’s the only insert protection I run). He drops 2 eloms and a bothan spy. I respond with another site and a docking bay; then I drop an at-st with vesden and an at-st pilot on it, and an at-st pilot at an adjacent site. He drains and drops more eloms and suicide mains, and I just run. His insert pops and he loses 5. He is totally dominating raltirr, so I figure I need to satisfy his battle order in order to have a chance at this. He has a GLIG1 at raltirr btw. I drop Boskk and a 2/2 scrub to raltirr..clear the planet, and move to kashykk. I go the his throne room with igar, vader, tempest 1, and 2 2/2 imps. I spread to all his sites on yavin, deploy mara to his chirpa’s hut and drain him for abou 8 force a turn and finally win.


6th Game, My LS vs. Some Guy’s Hunt Down Big Blue

I guess people are out to get me today. Anyways…I play like an idiot this game and forgot that ops have to flipped in order to get the destiny..so he pounds my ops for a ton and I lose a ton from drains/beatdown. So he has 35-40 cards left in his reserve about half way through, and I have 12. I start to make my comeback here. I get ops flipped, somehow manage to clear his 5! Yes 5! Walkers off bothawui with ops/epp obis/lukes. He dominates the Bothawui system so I can’t run away with my y-wings…it ends up turning into a drain race at the end which I win. This was the largest comeback I have ever made in my life…he should’ve won this game by a lot.

I end up like 10(+75) and the standing are like this

1. Micah White (Lost in the final)
2. Frank Troung (Won The Final)
3. Robert Rau (only loss to micah I think…or frank…can’t remember)
4. Eric Berger (only loss to robert rau)
5. Martin Boehm (only loss to robert rau)
6. ME – Joe Horbey (only loss to robert rau)
7. I think Brian Guthrie got this…not positive…

I really would’ve liked to have seen Robert Rau in the final because he really deserved to go …. Just look at who he beat!!!!! He was a nice guy with good decks…ah well…

BGC for running it
All the SM’s and TD’s for running it
Frank for winning (I was rooting for micah :) )
Berger for being cool
Patterson for taking me home :)

Those @#$%s who made a lot of noise at the end during the final game.
My YOP’s deck because it isn’t broken, it sucks.
…that’s all