
Title: mt-view-ca-06-24-00
Author: Cat "CatLoneRogue" Ceder
Date: Jun 27, 2000

D*II Pre-Release Tournament Report/D*II Deck

This is my first attempt at a Tournament Report and I don't think that it will be that good, but I am also adding my Death Star II Pre-Release deck in it as well...

Well the day was set, the drive was incredibly long, something that I don't want to do again unless I am driving something that get's better gas mileage than I do in my jeep... I get my friend Dan over to my place at 12:30 and we leave for Sacrament to stay with Mike Hardy Red 32. We arrive there at about 8:30 at night and play a couple of hands of SW and then crash the drive really does that to you.
The next day we get up, and get going at 8:00 in the morning... 8:00 YIPES!!! I didn't know there was an 8:00am on Sat. :) So we leave Sacramento and head to Mt. View. When I walk into the store I stop for a moment to pick my jaw up off the floor.... It was HUGE and definatley a cool place... I didn't even get more than 5 feet into the store when I saw some people that I knew so I walked up to them and talked to them for a while... It was fun reminising.
The tournament was supposed to start at 12:00 but we had to wait for someone that was going to show up and thus started at 12:30.

I can't recall any of the names of the people (sorry) that I was paired up with but I do remember some of the games and the highlights. First off I would like to show you my deck and what I had to use...(also I will put a little blurb of what the new cards do so you know)

Prepared Defense (Used/Starting - Used - Add 1 to battle destiny just drawn. Starting - Deploy up to three Effects if each of them deploys for free, is always immune to Alter and has 'deploy on table' (or 'deploy on your side of the table') in its game text. Place Interrupt in lost pile
Inconsequential Lossess - Effect - Deploy on table. Each turn, each of your characters, vehicles and starships may forfeit one of its weapons (except a lightsaber) using forfeit value = 3. Also, your forfeited weapons go to Used Pile (Immune to Alter)
Combat Response - Effect - Deploy on table. During your deploy phase, you may reveal one unpiloted starfighter from hand to take its matching pilot character from Reserve Decj (or vice versa) and deploy both bimultaneosly; reshuffle. (Immune to Alter)
Something Special Planned For Them - Effect - Deploy on table. For opponent to move a starship from same location as your Star Destroyer requires +2 Force. Also, when opponent has just retieved Force using an Interrupt or Utinni Effect card, that card is placed out of play. (Immune to Alter)

Mon Calamari - (DS - If you occupy with a Star Destroyer, opponent's Star Cruisers are deploy +2 (and may not deploy here) (LS - Force Drain -1 here. If you occupy with a Star Cruiser, opponent's Star Destroyer deploy +2)
Sullust - (DS - If you control when Haven is canceled, opponent loses 8 Force.) (LS - Immune to Revolution)
Endor: Landing Platform
Endor: Ancient Forest
Endor: Back Door

Lord Vader (Yes the man) P:7, A:6, D:8, F:8 - Deploys -2 to Executor, Death Star II or Endor. Adds 3 to power of anything he pilots. While armed with a lightsaber, adds 2 to his defense value and 1 to each of his lightsaber weapon destiny draws. Immune to Uncontrollable Fury and attrition <6.
Admiral Piett - P:3, A:3, D:4, F:6 - Deploys -2 to Executor. Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots (3 if a Star Destroyer). Your capital starships deploy -1 to same system. Ince per game, you may take on Admiral's Order or any commander into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle.
Lieutenant Grond
Lieutenant Arnet
DS-181-3 - P:1, A:2, D:1, F:2 - Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. When piloting Saber 3, draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. Opponent may not 'react' to same system or sector.
Lieutenant Hebsly - P:2, A:2, D:2, F:3 - Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. When piloting Scythe 3, once per turn may subtract 1 from maneuver of one opponent's starfighter at same location for remainder of turn. (Very key card against A-Wings)
Major Rhymer - P:2, A:2, D:2, F:3 - Deploys -2 aboard Scimitar 1. Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. When piloting a bomber making a Bombing Run, prevents opponent's characters at same site from using landspeed.
Captain Jonus - Deploy's -2 aboard Scimitar 2. Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. When foreited from a Tie/sa, also satisfies all remaining attrition and battle damage against you.
Sergeant Tarl
Corporal Drazin
Reserve Pilot
Elite Squadron Stormtrooper x5
DS-181-4 x2 - P:2, A:2, D:2, F:3 - Adds 3 to power of any Tie he pilots. Once during each of your deploy phases, you may take one unique Tie Interceptor into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle (another key card)

Blaster Rifle x2
Heavy Turbolaser Battery x2
Concussion Missile - Use 1 force to deploy on your bomber, Tie Defender, freighter or transport. May target a starship for free. Draw destiny. Add 1 when targeting a starfighter or squadron. Target hit if total destiny > defense value.
Enhanced TIE Laser Cannon
SFS L-s7.2 TIE Cannon x2 - Use 2 Force to deploy on any TIE (for free if a Tie/LN). May target a starship using 1 Force. Draw destiny. Target hit if destiny > defense value.
Intruder Missile x2

Tempest Scout
Tempest Scout 3
Tempest 1
Tie Interceptor x3 - P:3, M:4, D:2, F:3 - Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. Power +1 when present with an X-Wing. During each battle, may fire one starship weapon aboard twice. (that's So SWEEEET)
Onyx 2 - P:3, M:4, H:3, D:3, F:4 - Deploys for free to any mobile system. May deploy with a pilot as a 'react'. May add 1 pilot. any starship cannon may deploy aboard. Immune to attrition < 4 when Yorr pilioting.
Scimitar 2 - P:1, M:2, D:2, F:4 - May add 1 pilot. Power +3 during a Bombing Run battle. Once per game, you may deploy one Proton Bombs from Reserve Deck on this starfighter; reshuffle.
Tie Defender Mark 1 x2
Saber 3 - P:3, M:4, D:1, F:3 - May add 1 pilot. Cannons are deploy -2 aboard. Immune to attrition < 3 when DS-181-2 piloting.
Scythe 3 - P:1, M:4 - May add 1 pilot. Hebsly deploys -2 aboard. Once during each of your move phases, may fire one starship weapon aboard (hit targets are lost). Immune to attrition <4 when Hebsly piloting. (this is a SWEET ship and oh so helpful)
Scythe Squadron TIE x2 - P:1, M:4, D:4, F:3 - Deploy -2 to Death Star II or Endor. Permanent pilot provides ability of 2 and adds 1 to power and maneuver.
Victory Class Star Destroyer x3

Battle Order
Dark Maneuvers x2

Unfortunately I don't remember many of the vital stats so please again bear with me. This is my first TR.

Well that's the deck and the first round my partner that I traded with got a Home One that was nice. :)
First Game - My opponent started with Sullust and I started my usual opening hand gave me Tempest 1 and Lt. Arnet as well as the back door and some other I sat there and kept the force activated and let him go. This happened for a little while until I got enough force to deploy my scrubs and Tempest 1 and Arnet to the Back Door. He recently picked up and looked happy with his hand...I said go and he deployed to the back door Chewbacca and Gen.Solo (that sucked for me) and this new character that adds +2 to weapon destiny draws if w/scouts and it's a blaster rifle. (OWWW) needless to say that took me out of the ground game...~sigh~ space however was a different story our first battle was quite interesting with these new weapons I was up against a A-Wing, a B-Wing and a Medical Frigate (they all had some pilots on it so it was quite the power) I deployed a VCSD, Lt.Hebsley & Scythe 3, 2 Tie Interceptors w/Guns, Onyx 2 and a Proton Missile. Also I deployed Battle Plan. I battled for free, and shot down all three of his ships drawing a 5 for the first shot w/the Cannon on the Tie (forgot that I put that there as well. :), a 6 for the second shot, and 7 (the other Missile) @ the Frigate. That won me the battle and I lost the weapon and Onyx 2 to attrition (of which mine was a 3). simply stated he controlled a planet - Tatooine and the ground FD'ing me for 3 and I was paying 3 to FD for 2. I tried to go ground again and just got trounced upon and eventually lost to FD's.
Full Loss - 11

Highlights: Shooting three ships...drawing a 5, 6, and 7.
Lowlights: COK and GS are FIXED......GEEZ.....

Second Game - The exact same start as the first game, although I had Lord Vader this time in my hand and Tempest Scout 3, Tempest 1, Arnet, Grond, and the Back Door. So I activated...until I had enough to deploy it all in mass. I did that and he deployed. Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader...General Calrissian....COK....GS and that stupid chick gunner and rifle. He battled and CAPPED Vader - Grrrr. Freaken Vader was killed by a Scrub. Again I pretty much controlled space...he had some characters spaced out and I deployed and beat down General Calrissian and Cmdr. Wedge, and he ran we both FD'ed alot and he eventually won out.
Full Loss - 9

Highlight: Getting Lord Vader out.
Lowlights: Getting Lord Vader capped by a scrub.

Third Game - Well it's time that I come back...and I did. The guy I played started Careful Planning w/Chief Chirpas Hut and another site. I knew that he wasn't space worthy with that start and thus controlled space the entire time. 4 ships sitting @ Endor FD'ing for 2 and adding 4 to my power. He sat at Sullust with Home One and Ackbar - (he can have that) - I had ground w/Lord Vader, a Gun and some Eliete Squad troopers...and another site w/ Tempest 1 and Arnet and another guy. There was a little battle in the game and I pretty much dominated that one but it was still a close FD race.
Full Win: 13

Highlights: Getting control and holding it.
Lowlights: Seeing Home One.....scary

Fourth Game - This guy started with Sullust, so I was prepared for a battle in was I right fortunately for me he NEVER got any of his weapons out and I got to beat him down in space with my weapons. We battled back and fourth at Endor Back Door for a while again fortunately for me he deployed and didn't save the 2 force for General Solo and I drew a 6 for destiny making him deplete most of his characters. It was a see-saw on the ground and in space. Fortunately he never got Home One out either so I just move about and battled when I could. He kept running away from Lord Vader and group.
Full Win: 11

Highlights: Lots of battling
Lowlight: Not getting Piett out EVER.

After all was said and done and getting our one pack of D*II (I pulled some cheese rare that has to do with Admiarls and Commander/Lieutenants...whatever. :) My friend Dan draws an Executor.... It's not that great it's not immune to Attrition and only has 3 permanent pilots...Sheesh...The other good thing about going was that I met some of the people that I wanted to meet and saw some old aquaintances...and just to note: Alfred 'The Bhrama Bull' Dong - cool guy, extremely intresting playing style. I got a chance to play him after the tournament against his renown Profit deck - I won but I'll let him tell the details. :)

Thanks for reading and hopefully the next one will be better.

Thanks for taking the time.

Cat "The Garindan Collector" Ceder