
Title: vancouver-bc-canada-1-7-00
Author: Ryan "Cradossk" Mathison
Date: Jul 1, 2000

Well my first tournament report. The tournament was slated to start at 10:00am - All my decks are ready, and I am feeling pretty good. 10:20am Sh!t I slept in, I call the store and ask if they started; "pretty soon" is the answer. So I am thinking Great! I just missed the first game. So I arrive at the tournament, find it out it only started 10 mins ago: there is another player there who was also late - so we ended playing.

First I'll let you know the two decks I was using.
LS: Profit Deck
DS: Hunt down and destroy the Jedi

Game 1: I can't remember the players name (he's a new player)

So I start Hunt Down, he starts Rendezvous point - I'm thinking oh great a space Deck. I draw for the first couple of turns (trying to get a Vader) Meanwhile we are both losing force from visage, I had to explain Visage to my opponent (I guess he is really green). So I get Vader&stick on the table, turn 3 as well as Mara w/saber. Vader's at Lars farm and Mara's at Judland wastes, This was a pretty non-eventful game. I think he only got one other planet out, He came down with Han & Chewie; and got worked over. I was draining him for 8 a turn, and visage was also taking 1 per turn.

FW +2 (33)
Highs:Very glad I was able to play, and win
Lows: playing a rookie, who didn't pose much of a problem.

Game 2: My Profit vs Corulag Ops- Maks Golabka (1545)
Well despite Maks's rating, he is a very decent player. He start his Corulag ops, with Strategic reserves. I star my profit with Goo Nay ta. He gets alot of locations down right away in the first few turns, I waited until I had the right stuff in my hands. He Drained me until I had 9 in my lost pile, I threw Master luke, Ben and chewie down; and released Han (retreived 9force). I spread out and put leia down on tatooine, I used the "order to engage""Narrow escape" combo - He was losing 3 a turn from this combo.
In the end it came down to a drain race - I won, cause he wal also losing from the flip side of Profit.

FW+2 (5) Differential(+38)
Highs:winning a close game, against a good opponent.
Lows:only winning by 5.

Game 3: My Hunt down vs Profit - Kevin Wan (1946)
So here I am playing Kevin wan, a very good player. He starts profit, and "Do or do not" - I start HD and "Goo Nay Ta", I also deployed Mara Jade and Djas phur. First turn I get vader in my hand, and the aud Chamber. Deploy vader and convert his audience chamber. He loses to visage and draws. My next turn, I Elis Mara over to Jabba's palace and drain for 2. I deploy Judland wastes Tarkin and Bubo, I elis vader and tarkin to the wastes. Next turn he rescues han, bubo eats han. Anyway we start battling, he loses his other han to a force drain; we had many great battles. He never did flip his objective again, and he grabbed my Elis. Kevin used "lost in the wilderness" perfectly -Mara& Vader both went missing, It took some tracking to be able "find" these characters. It came down to the Dual, He moved deployed a bunch of characters, and moved all his Characters to my site. I waited till he spent enough force, so he only had one left in his reserve deck. I played "Vaders obsession" and had tracked a 6, So he only drew a 3; I drew a 3 and a 6 - he plays glancing blow canceling the 6. I thought I had the card that adds a destiny, in my hand - I didn't. Oh well no big deal we were even, he pointed out that vader had no lightsaber AAGHHHHHH - I lose the duel along with Vader and 9 more force. The game slowly piddled down after that, and he ended up winning by 18.

FL 0 (-18) Diff (+30)
Highs:having a good fun game, with a great player.
Lows:Losing the Dual, and finding out a few turns later; that Tarkin was with vader.(could have canceled his Destiny)

Game 4: My Profit vs Set your course for Alderaan - Cole Doche (1541)
First time playing against the new DS objective, So first couple of turns he sets up the Death star and I draw for the things I need. He deploys Vader,Tarkin,DS gunnersx3 to DS war room and is content to let them stay there all game?. Once I see that happen I deploy luke,Ben,boushh. He finally blows up Alderaan,So I release han - and get back my entire lost pile.
I didn't really pay attention to the flip side of the objective, it's pretty deadly; i was drained for 4 and 3 a couple of turns. I spread out all my characters, and started draing away. My drains coupled with the flip side of profit, proved to be to much for this player. He managed to blow up Yavin4, making me lose an additional 5 force. And that was about it, I won the game soon after that.

FW+2(tot6) (14) Diff(+34)
Highs:spreading out my characters, one a site (7 sites) with no fear
Lows:Having "A Bright center to the universe" played against me.

Game 5: My Profit vs Raltir Ops - Ryan Yee (1642)
So I let him kinda set up, while I draw for the things I need. It took a few turns for me to get a character,meanwhile he was draining me- a couple force per turn. So I release Han, get some force back and prepare to let my objective do some magic. He flips his Obj (making all my force drains -1) and he plays "Ogana Ceramonial Necklace"; so instead of losing 3 a turn on Raltir - I am now losing 6 force AGGGHH. So I spread out, and deploy Boushh on raltir (docking bay). I break cover,and wait, interrupts in hand.
His turn, He deploys 2 more characters - no problem, I have "Fallen Portal" in my hand. He deploys "Blast door controls" Great there goes those two "narrow escapes in my hand. He iniates a battle, I play "fallen portal" - he senses it - I alter- He senses - I alter - he senses. - Shit!!!! I lose Boushh and 12 more force. That was pretty much game, I managed to get a few more force off him; and that was it. Full Loss by 13

FL 0 (tot6) (-13) Diff(+21)
Highs:None, Lost to another F**cking Ralops
Lows: Losing to a Ralops

Game 6: My Hunt down vs Dantooine Base ops - Stephen Yee (1571)
So I get vader out second turn in the Cantina. He deploys a lone Henemthe, to dantooine?. Next turn Zuckuss and 4-lom come down to Dantooine and waste him - he ends up losing the Henemthe and 9 more force. After that he abandons dantooine and goes to space, I control the ground and am draining him for 5 a turn. He manages to get a drain in at kessel, I get mara Jade out at lars farm; and load up Bossk's bus with 4-lom,Zuckuss and IG-88. We battle in space, a few times; meanwhile he is now taking a drain of 6 a turn +Visage.
By the end of the game, it is just fun - I could have drained him out, but instead I opted to battle a Kessel for a few turns. In the end I win by 34.

FW+2 (tot8) (+34) Diff(+55)
Highs: Having a fun game, and winning by 34.
Lows: just knowing this was the last game, and I know i should have done better.

So in the end I ended up with 3wins and 2losses, my differential was +55.
Ended up doing well enough to take 5th place (out of 21) -

And That concludes my first tournament report.