
Title: endor-regional-seattle-wa-7-1-2000
Author: Jeremy "jerome" LaMere
Date: Jul 5, 2000

Well, the Endor Regional has come and gone. I thought I would give you all a tournament report.

I have been thinking about what to play for this tournament ever since the Portland GS where I went 3-3. I was determined not to have that poor of a performance at the Regional. Talked to quite a few people on what to play, including Mike Girard, Yannick LaPointe, Frank Lamantia, Christian Orellea, and others.

Me and Jason "J-3PO" Dennee are the only people from Montana that are going to make the trek out to the Regional, so we decide to go together. I meet him in Helena on Thursday evening and we drive to Post Falls, Idaho and set up camp. We finish the trek the following day. During the trip we talk decks and we think Profit, TR Mains, Huntdown, and ROps are going to be the prominent decks. At the Portland GS I didn't see a lot of Manip protection so I decide to go SYCFA/TUPITU Manip and Jason decides on Endor Ops/Trooper/Numbers for the surprise value. For ligh Jason goes with a solid EBO deck that he is comfortable with and I go YOps because I think I can go undefeated with it if I play smart.

When we arrive to Seattle, we check into our room and rest for a while. We then call up Charles and decide to meet at a McDonalds, from there we go to Mike Mikaelian's house for some playtesting. Mike has a number of decks, but Charles only has Profit (surprise, surprise) and High Destiny Hunt Down. Mike decides to go with Court and ANSB and Charles goes with what he has got. Eventually get to bed around 1:30.

Me and Jason wake up around 7:30, get cleaned up and head to IHOP for some breakfast and to fill out our deck lists. Head to the Game Center and we arrive outside about half-hour early. People start showing up and the open the Game Center. Doug Taylor will be running the tournament and we only get started about 30 minutes late with 67 people showing up for the chance to be Endor Regional Champ. Turns out they are going to have a team tournament so me, Jason and Tom Thomas decide on Montana + 1 as our team.

My decks are YOps and SYCFA Manip.

Round 1 Game 1

My Dark vs. Chris Denoma (1885) RTP/Attack Run/...

I start Surface Defense for Resistance and Secret Plans and he starts Echo Base Garrisson. I start by pulling the D*:DCR with Mara at it and get some Docking Bays. No Alter however and he gets to use EBG to get 8D8. I spread out the D* and it doesn't look like he is playing vehicles, so it is going to be a long trip for the Prisoner. I set up control with M'iiyoom and Search And Destroy and there is really nothing he can do. He tries a last ditch effort to get some damage in and puts Tantive and Hobbie to the D* but Bossk and Zuckuss make short work of them. He eventually frees the Prisoner but I look at his hand and he doesn't have another Leia so I kill the Prisoner who goes to the Bacta Tank which I Alter. Drains and S&D finish the job.

Result: FW 2(+22)

Round 1 Game 2

My Light vs. Erik Reiersen (1594) Endor Ops/Biker Scouts

He start Stratec Reserves and I start Yarna. I flip second turn and he comes down with a mix of unique and non-unique biker scouts and battles using all the enhancement interrupts and we exchange blows all over Tibrin. He eventually take over the system with Bossk, Zuckuss, and Dengar. I claw Bossk but he just lands it. Late game I take over Endor since he has commited most of his forces to Tibrin. Late game I only retrieve 6 from All Wings because he has killed most of my Y-Wings. Effective use of EPP Obi and EPP Luke win me the game.

Result: FW 2(+11)
Cumulative: 4(+33)

Round 2 Game 1

My Light vs. Steve Nguyen (1738) This Deal.../Sabacc/Brangus

He starts Any Methods for the Zuckuss package and I start Yarna. I don't get an OAttack in my opening hand and he sets up DDeal 3rd turn and I flip that same turn. I drain him for a lot and kill Lando and Brangus and take over the Bespin system. Deploy Battle Plan so he has to pay for drains, which I then It's A Hit. EPP Vader makes an appearance but he gets Barriered. I retreive a lot from All Wings and Operatives.

Result: FW 2(+26)
Cumulative: 6(+59)

Round 2 Game 2

My Dark vs. Ben Rich (1539) EBO/Incom/X-Wings

He starts ANSB and I start Resistance and Secret Plans. I get out some DBs with M'iiyoom at the CRoom. Scramble and an EPP Obi take out Mara. I get M'iiyoom and Monnok running and control most of the game. He gets a couple of drains off but then Zuckuss, Boba, Executor hold them off. S&D set with Vader and Mara win me the game.

Result: FW 2(+18)
Cumulative: 8(+77)

Round 3 Game 1

My Dark vs. Tom Thomas (1705) Profit/ASP/On The Edge/Narrow Escape (Team Member)

He starts Insurrection and I start Resistance and Secret Plans and Mara in the AC. I give Mara her Saber and move her to the AC to get some drains in. He puts Boushh down, who gets Snipered in a couple of turns. I get M'iiyoom set up and keep males out of his hand but he gets Masta and an ASP set up before that to free Han. He gets a few big drains and some Profit damage in before I can Set For Stun Han and M'iiyoom him. He also retrieves with On The Edge a few times before I can catch it. A critical play happens when I drain with Mara and he tries to make her missing but draws a Ben and he is devastated. I drain for 3 the rest of the game with Mara. He redeploys Boushh to the D* to get some drains in but DLOTS comes down and chokes her after a while. We are both getting low on force but he is running out characters and he puts Lando/MF to the D* via Alderaan, but it just isn't enough and I squeek out a win.

Result: FW 2(+8)
Cumulative: 10(+85)

Round 3 Game 2

My Light vs. Steven Harpster (1618) Tatooine/Scum/Abyssins

He starts Combat Readiness for the Palace and I start Yarna. I wasn't sure what to expect so I took my time to set up while he stacked the AC with Abyssins. Take over Tatooine for a small time until the BH ships show up. I eventually flip then he tries to win the game by Elis Beatdown but It's A Trap! makes sure that doesn't happen. I manuver around Y-Wings and Ops to avoid beatdown and drain. Obi and Luke take on Jabba and Myo that Elis left behind and cancel Scum. Mara and Dr. E take out Obi and he sets up Occupation for some damage, but Obi and Luke reappear to take out lone Abyssins for 8 damage each. I then drain him out.

Result: FW 2(+13)
Cumulative: 12(+98)

Well, I am the only undefeated player after the Swiss and I am to face John Hawkins who has been destroying everyone by 40+ all day. I feel confident in my chances though.

I decide to play my Light first since I hear he is playing a deck similar to the This Deal I faced earlier in the day and I think I can win the match up if I flip early.


My draw isn't good with no OAttacks or Operatives. There is not one battle the entire game. He flips 3rd turn and I flip on the 4th. He is making me loose force from Sabacc, drains, and Voyuer. I never seemed to have the three cards to exchange for an EPP and never found an All Wings to get the big retrieve. He played his deck very well.

He wins by 20.


I get no characters to get my force generation going and he sets up numbers fast and leaves Wioslea alone. I combat with Vader but he plays some battle interrupts to lessen the damage. Go to Alter the EBG he started with and numbers pops up for a loss of like 11. Another numbers pops up later for 8. I get down to 18 cards and can't win so I concede the match. Again he played his deck very well.

So I take second. Still pretty respectable I guess. Our team Montana + 1 takes first with only three people so that is cool, had to represent for all those people that doubt Montana. Doug Taylor ran an excellent tournment, props to him. Also, thanks to everyone who helped me prepare for the tournment.

Top 3:
John Hawkins - QMC/Inserts/Sabacc/EPP and This Deal/Sabacc/Brangus Glee Engine
Me - YOps and SYCFA Manip
David Kitzman - Y4 Mains Teamwork and Huntdown Dueler


See ya at Gen Con.