
Title: cedar-grove-nj-7-8-2000
Author: Ted "Rogue15" Panczyszyn
Date: Jul 9, 2000

Cedar Grove, NJ, 7/8/2000

What a busy week it has been for me!! My 4th tournament in 8 days!! I’m almost caught up with Joe Young in our “most games played” contest (although I have a handicap of 90 games since he played in tourney’s I ran).

The decks:

LS: Same EBO deck, a few cards removed due to atrophy, Melas, more generic x-wings, and 2 “All wings…” added to beef up the battle force. These proved to be valuable changes!!

DS: Same Set Course/manipulation deck. I took out a scanning crew, a Miyoom, and the ISD’s and put in 2 4-Lom’s and a Grand Moff Tarkin and a 2nd Zuckus in MH. Again, these turned out to be crucial changes that allowed me to battle more effectively

Game 1: Mike Daulton’s Rallops deck.

You’ve got to be f**king joking. I hate Rallops. Please refer to every TR written prior to this one regarding this game. It pretty much tells the same tale. Search and Destroy killed me in the long run despite some excellent space battles. Getting EBO up on turn 2 or 3 continues to be the norm. Basically he whittled away my space ships with +4-5 attrition per battle. Here is where taking out a few “Organized Attack’s” killed me. Full loss by 12. 0(-12).

Game 2: Luis Rodriguez’s Alien/Profit deck.

A neat idea. I deploy Miiyoom and Mara to the AC at the start. Mara never leaves pretty much. She gets a weapon on turn one and dares everyone to come and play with her. I had everyone there at one point, sacking Vader and redeploying where necessary. He uses Eloms to boost power against Imperials. In a few battles I used 4-Lom to cancel a game text and I hacked at these guys to kill the bonus whenever possible. I eventually get Endor and later Kashyyyk out to drain in space while we more or less stalemate at the AC. Full win by 9. 2(-3).

Game 3: Pete Flamini’s Scum deck.

Pete gives me some grief because I tell him rather loudly to ..”get his scum deck over here.” We throw a few jokes around as we set up then get under way. My first turn I get Obi to the Wastes to battle Brangus Glee. I hack and he draws a 0 destiny. I’m still working on getting EBO up (3-4 turns due to EPP battles on Tatooine). Once EBO is in effect I concentrate on draining in space and holding whatever I can on Tatooine, Which isn’t much as the game goes on. He deploys Battle Order, which ends up killing him because I hit Zuckuss with the x-wing cannon and left Boba Fett by himself at Haven/Hoth. Without any more ships he had to pay to drain and I was draining faster than him. There was a minor skirmish at the North Ridge between EPP Leia and EJP Dengar, but they hit each other and they both went away. Outdrain race for a close win. FW by 7. 4(+4).

Game 4: Greg Anderson’s Raltiir Snowspeeder Ops deck.

I hate Rallops a lot, but regular Ops I can do without too. Basically I start with Bright Center and slow his drains but I manipulated all of his good stuff away before he could mount a major threat to me. I hit a few really good Monnok’s after scanning crew or Miiyoom got a look see. Mara and Vader just went all over Raltiir beating up whatever he deployed. To be honest I don’t think he ever flipped the objective, either. Greg recently moved to our area and rode up with travelmeister Nathan Brown today, but between work and school and running tourneys he hasn’t played a lot, which shows today. FW by 11. 6(+15)

Game 5: Chris Gogolen’s Clakd’or Ops deck.

Bite me!! A repeat of last week. Chris is the reason “Bright Center” went into this deck. This slowed down things a bit, with a few Monnok’s thinning his hand a bit. Mara, Vader, and Tarkin were able to hold their own on Clakd’or for much of the game. Basically it was the one destiny drawn with a speeder and operative that whittled away my Vader’s and Mara’s. I managed to get a token drain at Endor and Kashyyyk after a while, but he kept moving away from my characters…how non-interactive can you get? Anyway he basically wins a drain race (his 3 to my 1 or 2). FL by 15. 6(0).

Game 6: Tom Hermley-Keen’s Rallops deck.

(see above) I actually had a chance here!!! I got Melas and KFC down at Raltiir on the first turn and did not go for the EBO early on. I managed to add an EPP or main to the site and I actually kept him from flipping for about 8 turns while he deployed characters to battle rather than sites and characters to flip. He also played Search and Destroy which killed me after all of my mains were gone. I did get some drains going in space, but he brought his BH ships out and the +5-6 attrition at each battle knocked away ships before I could redeploy or move to the battleground sites. EBO never was deployed since all of the characters were needed elsewhere. I’m gonna add a frikkin H’methe or something in this deck next time!! FL by 9 6(-9).

Once again I flirt with mediocrity. I’ve been shooting .500 at my last 5 tournaments, but it shouldn’t hurt my rating too much. I left before the last games were done (10:20pm with a 2 hour drive), and I know Chris Gogolen probably won with Daulton coming in second if memory serves. Ray and Dan Bordier showed up too, along with Ghetto Leader and ODB. Nice Guy Scott Lingrell played too, but almost didn’t because he forgot to put the objective in his LS deck. Like, DUH!!! Next stop: Columbus, Ohio!!

(request: If those darn symbols show up where the punctuation should be, can someone please send me a message on how to make those go away rather than just complaining about it? Thanks!!)