
Title: the-sauna-helsinki-finland-16-7-2000
Author: Christoffer "Thedit" Niska
Date: Jul 16, 2000

This is the 1st tourney after the Toola Regional where I placed on 15th just because I did a miss on my decks (didn't play Sense in Light (Profit) or Alter in dark (Ral Ops)). =( I was thinking to do great in this tourney if I wouldn't play my friend, Thomas Udd, best SWCCG play in our area. I had played my LS like 4 times before the tourney so I wasn't really confident with it but I couldn't think of anything else to I took the risk. My DS was over 2 months old and I had played it a lot, like 20 games and won over 15 of them, not a too hard to choose my DS deck. I tested my decks the night before the tourney and my LS lost with a small differential to the DS deck so I was quite sure I’d do well next day. I set my wake up for 9:30 and go to bed at 3:00.
In the morning I wake up 10 minutes before the clock rings, pull on my clothes and run over to my friend. We talk @#$% and deck strategy, seems like he has made a similar deck to my DS but I just say that it’s an awesome choice. =) We meet my friend Thomas at the train station and go to Safe Haven in the Centrum of Helsinki (It’s a place that stinks because of all the Pokemon players), we usually play at a different cardshop. When we arrive there is already 6 guys waiting, after a couple of minutes we get into the shop and I make a last check on my decks. I don´t see anything that I should change so I just put them back and wait to see who´s going to be my opponent is the 1st round. Seems like Lari is going to be the lucky one to get spanked by my new not-so-much tested LS deck.


LS Deck - HB / Tatooine Celeb.

Hidden Base/Systems Will Slip Through Your Fingers
Rendezvous Point
Tatooine (HB Maker)

Dagobah: Yoda's Hut
Tatooine: Cantina
Tatooine: Mos Eisley
Tatooine: Obi´s Hut
JP: Audience Chamber

Ben Kenobi x3
Luke w/ saber x2
Master Luke
Leia w/ Gun x2
Captain Han Solo x2
Tawss Khaa
B´omarr Monk

Falcon x2

Obi´s Lightsaber

Alter x2
Don't Forget The Droids
Effective Repairs
Fly Casual
Nabrun Leids x2
Narrow Escape
Rebel Barrier
Sense x3
Solo Han x2
The Bith Shuffle
The Signal x2
Under Attack
Weapon Levitation x2

A Gift
Battle Plan (SE Maybe)
Mantellian Savrip
Order To Engage
Tatooine Celebration
Traffic Control
Uncontrollable Fury


DS Deck: Ralltiir Ops AT-STs.

Ralltiir Operations/In The Hands Of The Empire
Bad Feeling Have I
Twi'lek Advisor

Dagobah: Cave
Death Star
Hoth: Ice Plains
Hoth: Wampa Cave
<> Desert
<> Forest
<> Jungle
<> Spaceport Docking Bay

4-LOM With Concussion Rifle
Admiral Ozzel
AT-ST Pilot x4
Darth Vader With Lightsaber
Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith
Grand Moff Tarkin
Lieutenant Arnet
Lieutenant Cabbel
Lieutenant Watts
Major Marquand
Mara Jade, The Emperor's Hand
Officer Evax

Blizzard Scout 1
Tempest Scout 1
Tempest Scout 2
Tempest Scout 3
Tempest Scout 5
Tempest Scout 6
Fett In Ride
Bossk In Bus
Dengar In Penetrator
Z-Man In Rocket

Alter x2
It's Worse
Masterful Move
Ommni Box
Point Man
Trample x2
You Are Beaten

Battle Order
Blast Door Controls
Come Here You Big Coward! (SE vs Profit)
Imperial Arrest Order (SE vs non-mains)
Imperial Decree (SE vs EBO)
Oppressive Enforcement
Search And Destroy
Secret Plans
There'll Be Hell To Pay


Here we go then..

Game 1: My HB / Tatooine Celeb VS Lari Lemmentyinen´s Hunt Down IAO

No starting effect for me while Lari played Twi´lek to take IAO. My hand was not that good neither was his, the 1st turn he use IAO to get a Exe: DBay and I deploy Yoda´s hut, then we just drew. 2nd he pulls D*: DBay and I deploy Cantina with a B´omarr Monk, I know it will get beaten so I deploy Savrip to keep the damage away and draw Ben, EPP Leia and a second Cpt Han. Third turn he try to kill the B´omarr with EPP Vader and Dr. E, he swing and miss, I played Solo Han and cleaned the site with a total destiny of 9 also Savripped the attrition. LOL B´omarr beat Vader and Dr. E =). Next turn I backup Cantina with Ben Kenobi and used HB to deploy Tatooine also I deployed BoShek to D*: DBay and moved him to drain at the D*: War Room, where he drained for 2 each turn. Next turn over he mad a bad mistake, he deployed Bossk In HT to Tatooine. I respond with Super Falcon, Cpt Han and EPP Leia also I deploy Tatooine Celebration and EPP Luke to Mos Eisley. The Falcon battle goes as I planned, my total destiny was 12 when he had 1 and had to lose 11 after Bossk. Now he's pretty %!?, I run Celebration for 2 and drain for 2 at War Room and he has almost nothing on table. Next up he deploy EJP 4-LOM, EJP Dengar and Jodo Kast to kill of Luke but once again my Savrip saves it. Last what he tries to do is to deploy Vader again to Tatooine and I give him Uncontrollable Fury, which he can´t do anything about so my drains, UFury and Visage which did never get canceled finishes him off. Good game (...for me). FW ( + 16 ).

Highlights: Winning a Hunt Down with my lousy deck and getting Tatooine Celebration set up (It&#8217;s not as easy as you might think. =)
Lowlights: None at all.

Total: 2 ( + 16 )

Game 2: the Firebase VS Johannes Tikka´s Dant Ops Nudjs

I start with IAO and he starts Insurrection. Argh! On the 1st turn I see that he´s playing Nudjs to his <> sites. We both deploy sites and I draw like mad for my twix location, I get one on my first, Coruscant and I wait to convert his, second turn I draw one Twix and I´m satisfied. I flip on turn 4 with 2 AT-STs and 4 Imperials. Next turn he deploys Coruscant, Battle Plan. and some ships. Next up Coruscant gets converted, I Monnok for lost and see some Nobel Sacs and deploy CHYBC to be sure that he doesn't use them. 5th turn he decides to flip back my obj and get the Coruscant ships to Ralltiir and Tawss and Harc to my <> SP: DBay. I let him drain 1 for some turns paying 3 while I drain for 2 also paying till I have I track my trample destiny and trample Tawss and beat the rest, he did deploy some more guys there on his turn. Ralltiir gets cleared of Rebels with Z in MH and Bus and they flee to Corulag which he deployed same turn, my obj flips back to side 7. The game is a draining race after that, he drains on CC: DBay with SOS, Jeroen and Ani's saber while I drain on Ralltiir and deploy Fett in Ride and Kashyyyk. Jade tries a cheap drain on Farm but Boussh comes to stop it. Z-Man goes to tail the rebel fleet on Corulag. That's almost the game I drain for 4 a turn while he drains 1. In the end he tries some suicide attacks to Ralltiir but he don't succeed to kill my drain so I win. FW ( + 12 ).

Highlights: Seeing his face when I converted Coruscant. =)
Lowlights: The flip back to 0 after I had flipped.

Total: 4 ( + 28 )

Game 3: My HB / Tatooine Celeb VS Thomas Udd´s Hunt Down IAO

I was expecting to play DS and win big but no! I had to face the worst deck against my LS also Thomas is the best player in my area. The game was not my game, my starting hand was 1 character and all other red, it %@!? big time. I playtested against Thomas so we knew each others decks almost 1st we drew only and then he pulled the DBays and I Dagobah and Yoda's Hut for generation. I was pissed that I didn't get ANY fricking sites into hand before about the 10th turn. Anyways 3rd turn he drop DLOTS to D*: DBay and I try to stop the drain with Master Luke...and then a stupid mistake, I draw all bout 1 and know I have Narrow Escape in hand but man! I didn't read the text of D*: DBay and did leave 1 force less than I should had so he kills Luke off with I Have You Now! It %@!?. Anyways I make some desperate tries and finally I manage to cancel the visage by Orrimaarko / Nabrun and he just sits with Vader and his saber, Tarkin and Presence of the Force draining me for 3 I can't do anything about. IG catches Orrimaarko and he plays Put All Sections on Alert, no destiny for me...I´m lucky kill all battle damage in the game by Savrip. On about the 12th turn I get Ben to my only sites I drew, Mos Eisley but Jade and friends nails him. This game was the worst ever against Thomas. FL ( - 22 ).

Highlights: Getting Visage canceled.
Lowlights: To don´t leave enough force for Narrow Escape, stupid me.

Total: 4 ( + 6 )

3 rounds are over know and I see that Thomas went 2nd after his beatdown on my crappy LS deck. We talk a bit with Thomas and decide to eat Hamburgers at Carrolls. We get some burgers and they're cold as %@!? but I´m too tired to go and yell at the lady who sold them to us... lucky her. Oh well I get back to Safe Haven and see that I'm going to face the 2nd best in our Area, I´m fricked at our TD but I calm down and shut up. =)

Game 4: the Firebase VS Miika Huttunen´s Speed Profit

I'm a bit concerned when I see that he´s playing Profit but start off with CHYBC to stop the retrieval early. I get Ral Ops set up on turn 3 by drawing a couple of twix locations. He tries to kill of one of my sites with Ben and Han Solo, doesn't succeed trough, lucky me. Well the luck is gone he gets up a stronger loss to me than I ever can do. I do some damage in battles to minimise the differential, but it&#8217;s not enough he drain more than I and there is not much to do. Boring game and I could had drawn better battle destines. I'm starting to hate my Ral Ops... oh well I guess I keep it till DS2 is out Anyway. FL ( - 17 )

Highlights: Setting up Ral Ops fast against Profit and killer starting hand. (Didn't help trough).
Lowlights: Drawing lousy destines and pulling just the wrong cards.

Total: 4 ( - 11 )

Game 5: the Firebase VS Lauri Syrjanen's Mind 2 Test Deck

This game was a great game for me. I pull a good starting hand and flip on round 3, on round 5 I generate 16 force so I have no problem to send out DLOTS / Tarkin / Bossk in Ride to Dagobah from my Kashyyyk. I drain a lot in the game and Monnok 2 Master Lukes 2 ECC Chewies and 2 The Force Is Strong With This ones from his hand, he didn't like it =). After that he does %@!? I lock down Yoda and DOS to a Dagobah site and drain on the Y´s Hut, I also It's Worse him for 13 Force, that's the game. FW ( + 29 )

Highlights: Winning with a interrupts I just packed for fun. =)
Lowlights: None at all.

Total: 6 ( + 18 )

Game 6: HB / Tatooine Celeb VS Klaus Einsalo´s Ral Ops Bikers

I know Klaus is a good player because I have played him many times before so I decide to take it really easy. He starts BFHI (wonder why? =) and I Battle Plan. I draw my starting hand and start steering on it, WOW! Obi´s Hut, Ben, Nabrun, EPP Luke, awesome hand. 1st turn I pull Dagobah and Yoda´s Hut and deploy Obi´s Hut and draw, he does nothing more than deploys 2 sites. In this game I dominate the ground. 3rd turn I deploy Ben to Hut and Nabrun him over to Swamp and deploy BoShek to beat a biker, he tries react but I sense it, Ben and BoShek cleans the ground and he flee to space into Bossk Bus. I drain on ground he drains nothing. The game is my game till I screw the falcon on a barrier and there comes Z-Man in Ride and Dengar in Penetrator and kills him off =). He gets a drain on his Kiffex and invades Mos Eisly with Barich, Misik and DLOTS but I get fasly some help there in form of EPP Luke and Orrimaarko, I don't manage to kick their butts but I get out Uncontrollable Fury on Vader and run away. The rest of the game is a drain race which I win easily. Good game and very interesting, well played Klaus, he said it had went 10-1 so far so now it's 10-2 =). FW ( + 17 ).

Highlights: Getting a quick start against Ral Ops.
Lowlights: Losing the Falcon too easily.

Total: 8 ( + 35 )

Top 5
1 Lari Laine
2 Miika Huttunen
3 Thomas Udd
4 Tero Suominen

Oh well the tourney took like 6½ hours so it was getting hot in Safe Haven so I had to run out before I melt. =) Oh and the prize support had not arrived so Tero who was our TD did buy 10 Boosters Endor and 3 Reflections for support, I pulled a Corporal Dreoslyn...oh well it could had been worse. =) There was 15 guys on this tourney so I was quite satisfied on my 5th place. The games was great (if you don't count my losses of course. =) After I got my prize I took the bus home. End of story.

Chris / Thedit