
Title: orgins-2000
Author: Josh "Jizosh003" Paterniti
Date: Jul 18, 2000

After debating weather or not to go to Orgins for the past 3 month, i decided that it would be fun, so i called up the Terwilligers from Albany and tried to get a ride, and of course, they would bring me along. I woke up at around 11:00 wensday morning to the phone ringing, I answered it, and it was Brian Terwilliger telling me he'd be here in 45 minutes. so after rushing a shower, and packing, i met them at the thruway exit and we started our Journey.

Dan and Matt got lost in their books, Brian and Martin exchanged driving positions, and Chris Twigg and Pete Slept on each other. I couldnt sleep cause i was in the middle of Dan and Matt Sokol and had no place to lay my head,oh well it was only a 12 hour trip after all.

At about the time we got to Ohio Dan and Matt Sokol were talking about their books, and out of nowhere Chris Terwilliger just says "I Read Book" which was probably the dumbest thing he could have done, since when you do something stupid with these guys, you hear about it for the rest of the weekend, we made sure that Chris didn't forget this stupid comment, since anytime he tried to challenge anything anyone said, they would jsut reply with "I Read Book" and shut him up. So after 11 hours we get to Columbus, and hit about another hour of heavy traffic. Eventually we get off the highway, and instead of turning right and going west into the city, Brian Twigg turned Left and went to the East Side. We decided that this probably wasn't where the hotel was since we hadnt seen a white person for about 15 blocks, so we turn around, and head west, stop in a McDonalds parking lot to get directions, then continue to the hotel. On the way there you hear Chris Terwilliger Wisper "I See White People" in a voice that sounded alot like the kid from the Sixth Sense.

We got to the Hotel and after moving all our @#$% in, we played a game or 2, then we went to sleep. Now I was in that stage when your kinda half asleep, and half awake, when the phone rang, and it was the rest of the Albany crew, who had arrived at about 3:00. Because i really didnt know most of them, and feared they would ruin my sleep, which was kinda important cause i probably wouldnt sleep more than a totl of 10 hours for the whole weekend, i decided to sleep in the closet, which was a walk in closet, that was alot bigger than our rooms bathroom.

I Woke up the next morning and since we cound out that our Current Hotel was like 23 blocks away from the convention center, we decided to change hotels to the same one as the rest of the albany crew was staying at. so after re-packing all our @#$%, and throwing it into the terwilligers van, we walked the 13 blocks to the new hotel, and stopped for free ice cream on the way, which was really cool, since everything else to eat on the trip was expencive as hell.

So we move into our new hotel room, and find it to be nicer and larger than our first one, we play tested all day long, and suprizing to me, my Elom deck was doing better than my mains, but i was still getting my ass handed to me by the twiggs and sokols all day long. We went to Wendy's that night for dinner, where Dan Sokol stole my fries, stealing my luck for the tournament.

The next day we all woke up and got our @#$% ready to go play in the team tournament. I went using a throne room mains deck, and a ROps, arnt those just so original?

Game 1: Dark vs Scrubs Mind What you have Learned.
Well this game got going pretty slowly, but i got my 2/0 sites out in a few turns, and started draining him. he deployed romas and a few mains, i trampled romas, deployed a few characters and walkers, beat the @#$% out of his mains, and then won the game on the drains the next turn.

Result: Full Win. 2(+18)

Game 2: Light Side vs Steve Brensons Manipulator.

Now I knew Steve by reputation, but figured that i had a chance, as long as i didnt do anything stupid. I got my grabber, and my wise advice both in my opening hand, which helped, but i grabbed scanning crew instead of a dangerous time, which proved to be a mistake since he only played 4 screws the whole game, and he really @#$%ed me up with a dangerous time. After he killed off the only mains i could get, he drained me for a couple of turns, killed off more mains, and drained again,Which killed me pretty quick.

Result: Full Loss. 2(+-0)

Game 3: Light Side vs ??? Court of the Vile Gangster.
This had to be the quickest game i played all day. the kid dropped boelo at the audience chamber and left him there for like 3 turns when i saved. he didnt save any force, so i deployed luke, leia, han, orrimaarko, jeroen, and KFC, and draw their fire of course. He tried to play imperial barrier, but i played desperate reach, and then sensed 2 none shall pass. I battled, and drew 2 5's and a 3 for my battle destiny..he lost around 25 force..give or take a few.
He didnt get anything down so he was losing to his objective, and i got obi with his stick to the dungeon so i was draining for 4, and he was losing 1 to his objective...after about 3 turns of this he was done.

Results: Full Win. 4(+34)

Game 4: Dark Side vs Old Guy's Mind What you Have Learned Speeders.

Now this game was complete ass. I altered his maneuvering Flaps, but he still was able to drop about 15(literally) speeders to raltiir. after losing about 30 force from a well played combination of uncontrolable fury, order to engage, and ability ability ability, i lost in one last big battle, where he pretty much whooped my ass due to his low deploy speeders, and me losing so many essential cards from his effects.

Results: Full Loss. 4(+12)

After this game we all sat around and watched Dan Sokol and Clint Hays play. Dan tried to get himself out of a bad play, where he tried to play a grabbed out of commission with no force left, then when Clint told him it was Tied down, Dan is just like "I dropped it out of my hand, i didnt play it" and Juz ended up telling him it had to be stacked, though he never paid for it in the end. Anyways, about 1 turn later, Dan proceeded to whoop the Hicks ass, Clint looked like he was about to cry when he lost, too bad for the @#$%ing Redneck.

Now anyone who has played in a team tourney knows that there supposed to be 4 games, not 6, but Juz decided that he would rather give Gary Cartmans team a chance to win, instead of stopping after 4 games when team Albany was in the lead.

Game 5: Dark Side vs Old Guy with one earing's mains and toys.
This was a really close game. I got a pretty nice opening hand, and was able to flip my objective by turn 5. It looked for a while like i was going to win, but after losing force to drains and battles, i ended up losing by 3 force.

Results: Full Loss 4(+9)

Game 6: Light Side vs Bald Guy from Quebec's Dark Deal.
This game started pretty quickly..he deployed zuckuss to the downtown plaza and left him there for 2 turns when i saved force. I revolved his security tower just for fun, and i beat the @#$% out of zuckuss with a few mains, he lost like 12 force. After he drained me for a total of like 8 at my own farm, i dropped boushh to block the drain, and continued to drain him for about 6 a turn at his own bespin locations. he tried to battle my mains a few times, but his own terrible destiny's screwed him, he lost pretty quick.

Results: Full Win 6(+37)

So I assed out and went 3-3,but my 3 losses were to good players and my 3 wins were to ass players so my raiting should pretty much even out.
Team Albany got 2nd in the team competition, losing to Gary Cartmans team "Anglo-Americans"

We all went to the hotel food court and paid $5.25 for a hotdog, and met up with Steve Brenson, who turned out to be alot cooler out of the tournament then he seemed in it. After that we all went back to the hotel room, where we tweaked our decks, or in my case built new ones, then we spent until like 2:30 in the morning testing them, but i actually went to Aaron Kingery's room and tested with that half of the Albany crew until 6:30 in the morning.

I woke up the next day and got my @#$% ready to go to the Open. We got there about half an hour early, sat there waiting for the games to start.

I went in using a non-dueling hunt down deck that Chris Terwilliger helped me Build, and a Yavin 4 mains deck alot like the one i played the day before, but with better destinies.

Game 1: Dark Side vs Kid from Quebec's Mains and Toys.

This game started slow. We both lost to visage for about 5 turns, then the kid deployed Epp luke. So I deployed vader, tempest 1, and Dannik Jerriko(Terwilliger Tech)as a passanger on it. I battled, he forfited luke, and i ate his soup, putting him out of play. then flipped my objective. He lost to visage 1 more turn then dropped obi, han, KFC, chewie, and Romas to the lower corridor and started draining me for 2, when i drained him for 3 at the defencive perimeter with vaders saber. We both lost to visage until he canceled it with jeroen and orrimaarko, then he deployed boussh to my defencive perimeter, so i wasnt doing any damage to him. i deployed mara to the holotheatre and killed his characters, but lost her to attrition. the next turn i looked in my deck with imperial arrest order to see what was in there, and sure enough, hutt smooch wasnt, so i drew up until i got it, then captured leia. i had about 20 force left, and my opponent had 17. I drained him for 3, and he played it could be worse, i immeadiatly reacted with the "it's worse" that had been sitting in my hand for most of the game and hit him for 12 more, leaving him with 2 force, which he lost the next turn to a drain.

Results: Full Win. 2(+18)

Turns out that another Quebec kid lost to an its worse from Chris Terwilliger this same game, I hope they both feel like complete @#$%s losing just because they were playing such a predictable card as It could be Worse.

Game 2: Light Side vs Joe Alread's Court deck.

I started this game with no sites in my hand, so i dropped a nudj and drew up for some sites. I got yoda's hutt and the massassi war room. Joe dropped Vader to the swamp, moved to the farm, and let me go. I deployed my sites, and dropped obi-wan to the farm, battled, drew a 2 for destiny, joe drew a 1, and we sat there. Next turn he moves to the war room, draw up, and lets me go. i drain for 1, he plays always thinking with your stomach, and i sense, he alters, i sense again and win that war. so move obi, draw a few, and save up. he deploys mara to the judland wastes, and moves vader. I drop epp luke to the throne room(vaders location) and nabrun obi-wan to the wastes. I deployed obi's stick and battled, missed with the stick and drew a 3 for desitiny. He missed obi-wan with maras stick, and drew a 4 for a destiny. then i battled at vaders location, and of course, missed with the stick and drew a 1 for desinty, he also missed with the swing, and drew a 2, so i lost luke. next turn he drained me for 3, deployed tempest 1 with igar to the wastes, but didnt battle, and he let me go. I deployed han and chewie to the throne room, but didnt battle, then i moved obi-wan to the pit of karkoon. he drained me for 3, deployed dengar to the throne room, played you are beaten on chewie, battled. i missed with han, he hit with vader. he drew a destiny of 4, i lost han and some force. then he moved dengar to the war room, and let me go. Expecting the always thinking with your stomach again, i didnt drain with obi, instead moved him to the audience chamber, and drew a few. He drained me for 5, moved tempest 1 with igar to the pit, and saved his force. I drained him for 3 at the audience chamber, then deployed han and romas to dengars site, killed him, joe lost a few force, then i moved them to the throne room with chewie and vader. Joe drained me for 4, then deployed evazan and tarkin and played another you are beaten, this time on han. He battled, hit chewie and operated, beat up romas to win the game.

Results: Full Loss 2(-10)

I have to Say that Joe was one of the most courtious opponents i had ever had, kinda weirded me out, i figured he would be a @#$% like most people.

After this Game the people at the Wizards of the Coast Security Stand decided to send to armed security guards to come and escort me up to the desk. They told me that my Bat was a weapon, and a hazard to other well being, that i had to leave the Open since they had been looking for me all day and i had been avoiding them. I asked for a complete Refund on my Entry fee and they wouldnt give. We argued for about 15 minutes then came to the solution that i had to leave my bat there until the end of the day, and pick it up, but i could still play. On my way back to the area where the tournament was being held, which was only about 50 yards away, i saw 3 LARPers(Live Action Role Playing) walking around with a battle Axe, a cane, and sword, i guess none of those weapons are anywhere near as bad as my bat, since Wizards Didnt find it necissary to confinscate them, Assholes.

Game 3: Light Side vs Court with Tatooine Occupation.

I don't know what was up with this guy, but for some reason he was being a complete @#$%. I deployed a few mains and beat down boelo and Zuckuss, and he lost 10 force to that on like turn 5. he kept looking for a docking bay and letting me see his deck, which was cool. He lost about 10 more force to his own objective before he deployed a few characters to the audience chamber, and got jabba from researve, he battled and i killed jabba with obi's saber. and but i lost obi to cover the battle damage that his characters inflicted, he lost everyone except for djas puhr and boba fett. i had tatooine to myself all this time, and i was draining him for 2..i had exactly 6 ability there, with chewie and han piloting the tantive, and i always saved 2 force for the spiral, which finally came to use and ended up making him lose dengar in punishing one. I then lost 1 a turn for 3 turns from his occupation until i finally had the space power to kill off his bounty hunter ships(he played 2 of each) and cancel it, then a hit squad of ground mains chased his characters around when i drained for 2 a turn until he was dead, i ended up winning by 22.

Results: Full Win 4(+12)

Game 4: Dark Side vs Phillip from Quebec's Tatooine Celebration

I thought i had Phillip beat at first, he lost about 10 force to visage, and about 15 to drains until he was man enough to stop running from vader, tarkin, tempest 1, and dannik. He canceled visage with boushh, then dropped commander wedge in rogue 2, im just like "What the Fuck?!" he got his celebration set up, and retreived 2 a turn for a few turns, i moved to block his drain at the enterence cavern and deployed a few ships to tatooine. He killed off all but Zuckuss, shuffled with mos eisly and the cantina, and drianed me for 4 a turn, till i tried battling, but lost due to ass destiny, compaired to his destiny of 5. I decided to land zuckuss, completely forgetting the mos Eisly shuffle(showing you the kind of ass player i am), and he shuffled obi-wan and Luke over, battled zuckuss, and won the game by 11.

Result: Full Loss. 4(+1)

Game 5: Dark Side vs Kid's Jared Napolitano's Machine deck.

Now I knew exaclt how to beat this deck since i had been playing it for a little while. I killed off both nudj's just to scare him, and the ndeployed to his guest quarters and started draining him. He was losing 6 a turn, mara with saber at the farm and vader with saber at the quarters, he was also losing from visage...he lost 4 ewok catapults to this, didnt get a retriever off once, he deployed mains to beat up mara, but he forfit covered it, and then i deployed tempest 1 with igar, tempest scout 1 with arnet, dannik as a passanger, and another mara and beath is mains up, placed luke out of play. my drains and visage finished him off, as he ran from my endor hit squad.

Results: Full Win. 6(+26)

Game 6: Light Side vs Andy Talaga's ISB hoth deck.

We both started by deploying mains and draining. He dropped tempest 1, blizzard 2, and Isb Agents to Hoth and Flipped. I had obi with saber draining at the Carbo Chamber, and he ended up losing decree to the drains. I kept dropping mains to battle him, but nothing really suceeded, eventually we both turned to space, i was draining him for 3 at death star, and 3 at the carbo chamber, when he was draining me for just 3 at the defencive perimeter. When he decided to drop endor, 2 bounty hunter ships there, and battle order. We drained each other down to 2 force each, he could afford to drain cause he had a battle ground system, i didnt, and he won by 2, all because of battle order.

Results: Full Loss. 6(+24)

Chris Terwilliger and Joe Alread made it to the Final Duel. Chris Was whooping his ass in the begining, then after joe retreived a few times, and made chris lose alot to Profit, Chris ended up winning by 5.

The next game Chris and Joe battled it out for a few turns, then chris lost some big battles because of you are beaten, and lost to some drains, Joe finished him off with another big force loss from a you are beaten battle, and ended up winning the game by something like 28, giving him the duel, and the trip to worlds. Congrads to Chris for doing so well, and to Joe for beating such a good player.

That night, after i got my @#$%ing bat back, we all went out to eat a meal in an actual restaurant instead of the @#$%ty cafateria the Hotel had. After that we went back to the hotel and had a huge pillow fight, in which we all found ourselves on the floor dizzy as hell, and Brian Twigg had hurt it arm by falling into the railing to the stairs in our room(thats right out hotel room had stairs) We all went to sleep pretty early, woke up early the next day, and started packing. We went down to the Hyatt(Hotel/Convention Center) for the last day of games. Most of the Crew played in the Pre-release, but Chris and Matt Sokol played in the Young Jedi Open.

I pulled Dark Side in the Prerelease, and my opponent ended up getting Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight, when i got nothing good at all. Brain Twigg got Flagship Executor and Art got Lord Vader. I went 3-1 in the tournament, and got no prize support, but brian got 2nd place dark side and got half a box. He pulled Home 1, Lando, Vader, Wedge, Wedge's Ship, and other crap. We all went out to the parking lot and found that someone had disconnected Aaron Kingery's Car Alarm, and torn apart his dash trying to hotwire the car, but luckily they didnt get it, instead they left and inside light on and ran out the battery so the twiggs gave them a jump and we were on our way back. Basically i slept all the way to Syracuse, said farewell to everyone, and went home and slept for 14 hours. Thats it, cant wait till DCON.

See Everyone in Orlando,
Josh"Bat Boy" Paterniti