
Title: virginia-beach-gs-7-29-00
Author: Kelly "juno23322" Newman
Date: Jul 29, 2000

Well, the day before the Grand Slam I have no idea what LS Deck I am going to play. After much comptemplation I decided to wait on the BHBM DS I was working on and took a good old Rallops. For LS I took Throne Room Mains, very original. Well I show up and there is like 10 people there. Another 10 joined after I arrived so we had only like 22 people for the Grand Slam. It seems likes these tournaments just keep getting less and less popular. The first couple had a lot more than there is now. Anyway, on to the games.

Game 1: DS vs. ? Rescue the Princess
I start RallOps and Prepared Defenses for You Can Hide Forever, IAO and Decree. First turn, deploy 2 sites from hand and docking bay from reserve. He gets out 8d8 to the yavin docking bay and transits him onto the ds. I act drop at-st at one site and draw. He paths Leia to the DS Docking Bay and uses 8d8 to free leia. I set up Rallops and flip as well as put Dengar and Zuckess in ship at Sullest for a drain of 2. Were both draining then I get out Come here you big coward to stop his drain with Leia at the War Room, I also get Search and Destroy which gets him for a few along the way. He has a bothan and Jerron web at DS throne room. I put down Iggy with Gun, initate, capture Webb and beatdown the bothan for a few. He's not getting any force draining or force loss of any kind so I eventually drain him out.

Win by 23

Highlights:Iggy kicking ass


Game 2: LS vs. ? Rallops
I started TR goods and drew my hand. Dropped two twix sites and drew. He draws. I put down Kessel with Han in the Tantive for a early drain of 3. He sets up a few at-sts and I reply with Luke and Obi and the bacta tank. He puts down Boba Fett in Slave 1 at kessel and battle. I draw 3 him 0, he loses Slave 1. Next turn i put down Wedge in Red Squad 1 and I put down orrimarko and he battles off Luke and Obi next turn. I put down Boussh and immediatly break cover to prevent beatdown of Orri. He battles with vader and I lose both. This is when I made my mistake. I forget to put Boussh in the tank and lose her to the lost pile instead. He is draining for 3 on ralltiir and have Search and Destroy getting me for 1 a turn as well. Were getting down and just drains me out. If I remembered Boussh I would of been able to block one of his drains for a couple turns which would of got me the game.

Lose by 2

Highlights: Holding Kessel the entire game.

Lowlights: Losing, forgeting Boussh.

Game 3: DS vs. ? TIGIH/ICSH Scouts
I start the same effects as game 1 and he starts Strike Planning, Inserrection and the Numbers effect. First turn, I get down Come here you big coward to block his drain at the hut. I get down the Docking bay and forest to Ralltiir and draw. This was my big mistake. He was transiting in rebels all game. He uses Strike Planning to get Crix Madine. Uses him to get some scouts and deploys to endor. He transits them over and moves luke to the Docking Bay. He continued all game with a endless flurry of scouts, using han to cancel my destinies, reducing my destinies. I don't think i flipped all game. To finish it off he Under attacks my at-st. Yes, UNDER ATTACK. This deck had a lot of tech and a lot of high destinies.

Lose by 17

Highlights: None, this game was ugly.

Lowlights: He under attacked my AT-st, nuff said.

Game 4: LS vs. ? Rallops

Well, so far all my game have involved Rallops in some shape or form. I start the goods and get a nudj out as well as 2 twix sites. He gets out a couple of sites and the Death Star. I respond next turn with the Tantive 4 and Han to the Death Star.He puts out Boba Fett with some 2/2 imperial for forfeit fodder and battles. I end up losing han and he loses his Imperial. I put wedge, obi and the bacta tank on the table and battle boba fett. He draws a 6 and I draw a 2 and he loses nothing and I lose obi to the tank. He sets up a site or two, puts evax on slave 1 and draws. I put obi back on and battle again. This time he loses his imperial and I put obi in the tank again. He moves slave 1 away and alters my Bacta Tank. He sets up Rallops and flips. I get down home one and leia to the death star with the Tantive and put down order to engage. He drains for 3, alters engage and moves away. I stay at the death star with a steady drain of 2 for the rest of the game. He is loaded at all his sites and I can't seem to battle him off. He drains me out.

Lose by 14

Highlights: Control DS for most of game

Lowlights: Him altering all my effects, not seeing luke in hand for entire game.

Game 5: LS vs. Matt Rudolph ISB Drain on Coruscant.
I drop a twix site, a nudj and draw. I have the tantive, both luke and obi as well as Wedge. I draw into a han, orri and some other cards. He searches for Kuat with Mobilization Points drops the coruscant docking bay and a Victory- Class SD at Coruscant blocking my deployment there. He gets a few ISB's down and draws. I have no Docking bays so I ponder how to get over there and then remember I have the tantive siting right there. I drop the Tantive and Wedge battle, he loses the SD, I lose nothing. I draw. He drops a couple more Isb, Vader and stick for backup and flips. I put down the CC: Lower Corridor and put Luke and Obi there. He drains for 3 on Coruscant. I drain for 2 at the lower corridor, naubrun luke and obi to one of his sites and move the tantive to kuat. He drops tarkin with vader and moves him to my site. I am starting to regret moving luke and obi but oh well. He sets up another drain so he is draining me for 4 a turn to my 1. Then I draw into none other than Blount himself. Thank the lord I put him in there. I put him and the spiral at Kuat and move them over to Coruscant, flipping his OBJ. I drop Captain Han and Orrimarko at the Lower Corridor and move luke and obi out of vaders way. He drains for 1 or 2 and drops a presence of the force at vader's site with vader's saber so he has a nice drain of three. He doesn't move vader or tarkin over. I drop boussh to block that drain and battle 5 random isb's. He losses 3 of them and I lose obi. Vader and Tarkin move over and I deploy another obi and battle, losing both and making him lose vader. He attempts to never yarna or what ever its called my undercover boussh. He needs a 1 but draws a site and she stays. I am draining for 3 at turn to his 1 and finally drain him out.

Win by 12

Game 6: DS vs. Brain Casmiro's TIGIH
Well I learned from my mistake in the last game agianst this obj. and decided not to deploy my docking bay. It took me a turn longer to flip, but I did none the less. I drop at-st's at the desert and swamp and leave arnet alone at the Forest thinking i could react, i flip. Well he drops a bunch of 2/2 scouts and beats him for him and 4, i lose to I feel the conflict. He moves his scout to the desert and draws. I get down another at-st, mara and david jon and battle. I trample one scout and I win by a few. He loses Threepio to the lost pile and I lose 2 at-st pilots. He drains with luke and draws. I act. 4, search for sandwhirl and deploy it to the desert making all his characters missing as well as my mara. I am draining for 2 to his 1. He finally finds the Tantive and deploys it to Ralltiir. He gets obi down to my unoccupied forest to flip ralltiir. I make a mistake here. Instead of setting up a drain in space I decide to lose my sullest. It turns out it would of been very close if I were to get my ships out there. Anyway, he beats me off the desert and drains me out.

Loss by 10

So i went 2-4, not cool. I made some mistakes that cost me possibly 2 games.Anyway, Joe aldread ends up winning beating Matt Lush in the last game and walking away with the Premiere uncut sheats.