
Title: arizona-gamer-randomness-not-allowed
Author: Brian "bgkenobi" Garrison
Date: Jul 30, 2000

Ok, so I have not played in a sanctioned tournament since the Tatooine Regional, which I played with Strep Throat and went 3-3. DSII came out, and I had some new ideas, but was not sure about how well they would do. I have my tickets for Dcon, so I need to justify to myself that I can play this game.

I showed up at Arizona Gamer around 12:00pm, and saw most of the regulars, some not here, but some new faces also. Girard shows up and starts ranting about getting delt 4 Kings in Omaha at Casino Arizona, then we start playing.

Decks -
LS - There Is Still Good in Him - with the Endor A-Team.

DS - Set Your Course For Alderaan - Space Drain and Beats.

Game #1 DS vs. Jerry Jones MWYHL Test Deck.
Jerry is still learning this game, at least I though that a year ago when I first met him. He plays Magic, but not Star Wars. I had to instruct him on how to play his deck. Search for a dagobah site Jerry, and that stuff. He tried to train EPP Luke, using EPP Obi-Wan as the Mentor. That told me that I would win. I had a nice drain of 2 coming from Sullust, a drain of 2 coming from Endor, and a Drain of 4 coming from the Back Door with Lord Vader + stick, Mara Jade + stick, and Tarkin. He lost his characters to Force drains, so there was not much that happend during the whole thing except me saying - Drain for 2, drain for 2, drain for 4, go.
Full Win - 2(+23)

Game #2 LS vs. David Jones RalOps Deck.
David is a SWCCG player visiting from Oklahoma for the summer, and I also met him for the first time last year. He has grown up alot and I think he is a cool guy. I helped him build his RalOps deck when he first got here, and he modified it using DSII cards. I started with the Turn Vader objective, with Jedi Luke chillin at Cheif Chirpa's Hut with his lightsaber. That first turn drain of 1 is killer. I start getting out the Generals and the scouts, draining on Endor, then I drop Obi-Wan against a Blizzard Scout 1 and AT-ST pilot on Rallitir. I draw a 3, he draws a site. He loses his pilot. Next turn he gets ready for the beat down, dropping Igar and Mara Jade + stick against Obi. He swings at Obi, draws 2 1s. I draw destiny, and it was a 6, and ne draws another site. I win that battle, and Obi actually never left the table. I reenforce Obi with Major Panno, who is a pimp, and move Jedi Luke across with teh docking bays. He never flipped his objective and he even wanted me to turn Vader. Vader finally took Luke and then started running across Rallitir, but I drained him out. It was a really fun game.
Full Win - 4(+41)

Game #3 LS vs. Ben Wehunt's TDIGWATT TIES and stuff.
When I saw this deck type on Decktech, I figured that it would be a pretty popular deck. I started with my regular stuff, getting the first tunr drain of 1 in. He drops one of the Death Star Maffia guys in his ship at Cloud City, so I drop Gen Calrissian in his Pimp Gold ride with Gen Madine for forfeit and battled. He loses his pilot, I lose Madine, with Punch it in hand. next turn he drops Baron Fel and Saber 1, with a TIE Cannon or something. He initiates, I play punch it, I lose Lando, he loses everything there and a couple. I move Luke to Cloud City and start draining for 2 at the Docking Bay, then DLOTS drops in to see his kid, and I flip my objective. Here is where I @#$%ed up. I kept forgeting all through the day to take a card from my opponent for every battle I won. Had I done that, I would have had 4 cards stacked under I feel the conflict. I would have turned Vader and won the game. We battle back and forth, me getting Obi Wan to run away from his Tarkin + Vader w/stick + Dr. E group and him draining me for 2 at Bespin with Chiraneau. I get Orimarrko , Chewie of Kashyyk and Col. Midge to the backdoor draining for 3, but it wans't enough. I lost by 5 Force, which was ok, because I only forgot what a card did, not anything else.
Full Loss - 4(+36)

Game #4 DS vs. Stephen Nobles LS Astroids
He said that he had not played in almost a year, so he would be rusty. I got a Dreadnaught and Fett in Slave 1 to Sullust turn 2 and just eyeballed the two Red Squadron X-Wings sitting at Yavin IV with Haven. next turn I dropped Vader, Tarkin in Devastator and battled. I drew a site, but he drew a 3, I canceled, then he drew a site. He lost an X-Wing. We battlled back and forth at Yavin, him always drawing sites when I would cancel his first number. I finished with Vader/Tarkin in the Devestator, Chiraneau in the Chimera and DS-61-2 in the Flagship Executor, all at Yavin IV. I battled, and he gave up the game. Activating 15 Force turn 2 is pretty damn good.
Full Win - 6(68)

Game #5 DS vs. Andrew Emmont LS Blow The Bunker Deck
I activated 15 Force again turn two, and started getting my Star Destroyer out against him at Endor. He had regular Wedge in DSII Red 1, with Cracken in Tala 1 and Blun t in Tala 2. I had Chiraneau in Chimear, Bossk in the Bus, Zuckess in Mist Hunter, the Avenger with Captain Godherdt and Colonel Jendon. I won that battle, clearing the system, and 10 more Force from him. Next turn I then dropped EPP Fett and some random pilots against Gen Solo, Endor Chewie, and Wuta. I shot Solo, and drew 2 1s. He lsot Wuta and Solo. Jedi Luke came down and proceeded to smack imperials around. He deployed the Bunker and moved his guys inside, and I followed with Igar, EPP Fett, and deployed mara Jade for the attack. Hew drew a 4 and a 5 for destiny, clearing out Fett and Igar, and Mara ran like a @#$%. He blew up the bunker, but Chewie and Luke died with it, as did Mara who was camped on the Landing platform. I later deployed Lord Vader at the Rebel Landing site, and drained him out with a drain of 2 at Endor, Chiraneau is a Pimp and a half, and a drain of 2 at the Rebel Landing site.
Full Win - 8(+82)

Game #6 LS vs. Andrew Emmont SYCFA Space deck.
he played the same type of DS deck I had, so I knew what it was capable of, but he had his own things in it. Turn 3 I was activating 18 Force, and I was able to drain him for 5 for 4 turns. I was lucky that a beat down on the Gold falcon with Lando, Nein Numb and Home 1 didn't go as badly as it couldafter he Lat Damaged the Home 1. I left Gen Solo and Chewie of Kashyyk alone at the Back Door draining for 2, with Life Debt in hand. He had the Emperor on the Death Star and deployed Mara Jade and her saber at the Back Door, to beaton Solo and Wookie. I played Life Debt and drew a 6, a 1 and a 6. when everything was counted up, I had 23 and he had 6, after drawing a site. that made the game closer, and I drained him out.
Full Win - 10(+92)

I finished at 5-1 and took second place, behind Girard who played EBO and the Allen/Parsens Project. I was happy with my performace and looking forward to the next tournament that I will be able to play in. Thanks for reading.