
Title: the-allen-parsons-project-tempeaz-7-30
Author: Michael "Dvader" Girard
Date: Jul 31, 2000

So I haven't written in awhile. I wanted to wait and see what DSII brought to the tournament scene. I went to Origins, did "alright", my buddy Joe Alread won so that was cool. We did some Older Code stuff and that was neat. I'll be going to Gencon, and yes Mark...I will have my "tech" outfit on yet again.

So I go to this tournament on Sunday, Scot Vales is the director and the scoring "for extra prize support" is a scenario type thingy. I didn't build these, but I still did well cause I brought good decks.

DS - The Allen Parsons Project - Thats right, it's my eeeevvviiilll plan *pinky smirk*. It starts Endor ops, pulls Moff Girard, DSII, and Perimeter Patrol. It sets up in three turns guarenteed, and less if you get sectors in your opening hand. The rest is just good beats.

LS - EBO - My old ebo/spy deck, with DSII stuff added (mainly wedge/ship). I use Ishi Tibs/Bothan Spys to set up ebo.

Game 1 "The Project" vs. Aaron McCormick's LS Tatooine stuff
He goes Lando via strike planning, show you lando to get the falcon. Great, so I stall with two ships at DSII for two turns. Then drop at the Tatooine system and remind him of the force loss he'll be taking. So he drops General Han on the falcon and moves to tatooine. At the tatooine system I have a dreadnought, ozzel, the emp's shield/sword. I initiate, I retreive one, you lose one. I draw two destinies. He's like why do you get two, I'm like, read the text on the second DSII sector The Capacitators. He's like damn, ok, I'll lost both characters. I lose on of the tie squads. Next couple turns is him drawing and me draining/TTO damage. then I drop vader/stick to a random tatooine site, Tempest one/Igar to a different one, and the Emperor to the Forest clearing on endor. Well, his jaw drops and tries to chase to no avail.
FW by +20something

Highs - That's Things Operational by Third turn
Lows - Early ships to DSII

Game 2 EBO vs. Andrew Emmott's SYCFA "Big Blue"
I set up by fourth turn, but the problem is he has battle plan and something special planned out and that is costing me a lot of force. He is guarding the death star docking bay with igar/tempest one. I get ballsy and throw an ishi tib w/two xwing back up to the north ridge. Phew, now I can drain. He has three/four ships out chasing my starfighters around. I pick and choose my battles. The turning point in the game is where we are both draining for a few and he has the executor, two mofos, the chimarea, and the dominator at Hoth. I have the liberty, three xwings, capt han/falcon, and gold leader in gold one. well I drop a lone bothan to the ds war room (he has no cards in hand). His turn we still sit at hoth (he is afraid of out of nowhere???) and he moves igar to the war room. This is my chance, I recirculate a destiny 5 and activate on my turn. I drop two bothans to tempest one, initiate, and draw the five, then move the lone one in front of igar to join their buddies. well now he doesn't have battle order fulfilled so he has to pay to drain. I eventually fight him and draw two destiny fives (I was tracking 7's but he wouldn't battle me) and dropped some of that tonage from hoth.
FW +8

Highs - Beating on Tempest one with two bothans
Lows - having to face bigger ships

Game 3 "The Project" vs. Ben Wehunt's Tatooine stuff
SEE GAME's the exact same thing.
FW +20something
Highs - The deck is a MACHINE!!!!
Lows - Stupid Calrissian and his stupid ship.

Game 4 EBO vs. Felipe's Court deck
First turn Boushh to the AC covered the drain and me having to have a character on tatooine. He just stacked musicians in the AC all game. I drained in space for a bunch.
FW +30something
Highs - Draining for 12 in space
Lows - not very interactive.

Game 5 "The Project" vs. Dan McGrath's Profit deck
Well Dan just moved here to Phoenix from Joe Alread's neck of the woods in the midwest. I reminded him that playing styles out here are different then he is used to, he said he heard about that somewhere. I start Mara in the AC (mental note, add miiyoom onith to deck). I set up third turn, back up mara with Vader/stick, tarkin, and ig-88. He tries to knock me out of the AC with some characters, but they get captured, shot, know the drill. This game saw me draining for a good amount in space with some good ships and TTOing at Sullest for two a turn. He played Honor of the Jedi, I ghawfed at it, considering I was occupying like four/five battlegrounds at the time. :-)
FW +20something
Highs - Playing someone new...and of course...THE MACHINE
Lows - beating someone new, I hope i didn't discourage him.

Game 6 EBO vs. Dan McGrath's Hunt Down Executor deck
I set up fourth turn and got a bothan/undercover to cancel visage. He drops the executor hoth with some mofos, I go and battle, make him lose some mofos and run away. Next turn I come back with Home one, Liberty, Wedge/ship, Gold leader in Gold one, and some xwings. We scrimmage, I lose the liberty to the used pile he loses some stuff. I go Capt.han/falcon, he goes crap. I clear away some more rubble. He can't run away, the parsec is too far. Turn after, I go BOOM!!!!!!! the executor goes, my bothan, five sites, and one emperor (at the docking bay for activation) go buh bye. I drain him out.
Highs - Blowing the crap out of Das Boot.
Lows - beating on Dan McGrath again.

well I got first, no one was ahead of me with their modified scenario points. So I took the tournament, not to many ratings points though.

Props -
Brian garrison - for coming in second
Jeremy Lamere - for being Jeremy Lamere
Mark Tuttle - for his dry midwestern humor
Chuck Kallenbach - for looking like he should play Gandalf in Lord of the Rings
Tom Lischke - to remind me that I am not the only one that looks like a big kid
Joe Alread - for understanding and forgiving me for being an ass two years ago
Scot Vales - for running the tournament
AZ Gamer - for the space
Greg Heisler - for the Icebox and the Icebox II - The Wicked in Wisconsin
Sniiiiddddeeerrrr - for L5R....and some random stuff
Scott Lingrell - boy was that samwich good.
Gabe Alonso - for teaching me not to be an ass
Kyle Heuer - for giving me a chance to be all I can be
Juz Pakes - for looking like Kid Rock
Preston Hunt - heh..just cause
Jen and Jen - for being GOOD FEMALE YJ players....yea I know, it's like a blue moon
Clayton Atkins - for the heads up
Gary Carmen - for the british humor and the speeder decks
Steven Lewis - for breaking stereotypes about being from Tennessee
Paul Todd Feldman - for a job well done
John Hawkins - a man after my own heart
Snuggles - for the docking bay text
Lando - cause I couldn't have retreived all that without ya
The Twiggs - cause their the twiggs :-)
My wife...Marnie - phew...almost blew that one
The Phoenix Grand Slam coming Nov 4-5 - trust me :-)

Slops -
Jon Vandermeer - where are ya buddy?
Juz Pakes - for the TIE squadron replacement ruling
Rules Committee - See Droid Merchant, Spaceport Speeders, Descent into the Dark, Corporal Drazin
Randomness - I hate losing to that
Clint Hays - For not breaking stereotypes about being from Tennessee
The Twiggs - cause their the twiggs :-
Ralitiir Ops - cause I hate playing DOTMs
ThroneRoom Mains - cause I could never get a good draw against them
Destiny Draws - cause mine are always low and my opponents are always high
Arizona Weather - no rain for five months, they start digging my pool, it freaking rains
My Athlete's Foot - I hate that stuff

Thats about all...Good night Folks

Michael Girard
Gold 120