
Title: omaha-nebraska-7-29-00
Author: Nick "aeneas23" Reisch
Date: Aug 1, 2000

Warning: Really Long

OK, I was debating whether I wanted to write a tourney
report which is why I waited a few days before submitting.
I’ve been rebuffed at numerous regionals in the past and
always finish with a 4-2 record and in about 25-30th place.
This year, I was determined to do much better. I was going
to make new decks based on DSII objectives, but realized
that I didn’t know enough about the cards to make it
smooth and effective. So I tweaked my ralltiir ops deck
that I had been running for weeks and made some subtle
changes to my baragwin ebo deck that I’ve running almost
since 3rd Anthology was released (Trust me only stole the
Ishi Tib idea from decktech).

I was suppose to carpool from Lincoln with some other
guys, but they lost my phone number so they couldn’t reach
me. I drove down by myself and got there plenty early. I
needed to trade for a few cards. I got there and traded for
the cards I needed and then waited for a while because the
young jedi tournament run overtime. I looked around and
quickly saw that I was right to assume that all the big guns
would be in attendance. We started the first game over an
hour late so it was going to be a long day.

Game 1: My LS Vs Eric Gonzalez space fleet

This guy is a local player whose been playing Pokemon
instead of SW for a while. I start MPG and A New Secret
Base, he starts secret plans, Something Special Planned for
them and some other effect with DS Throne Room.

The first few turns consisted of us drawing up and
deploying locations, but he was playing scanning crews, so
my Leia’s and Capt Han’s were going away.. I deploy all
my hoth sites and start fishing for systems and next turn he
deploys a tie and pilot to Rendili. My turn, I deploy a
baragwin and draw getting Squadron Assignments. He
drains, I lose a weapon and retrieve. He deploys kiffex, a
SD, and Chrineau and another pilot to Kiffex. I deploy
squadron assignments, show Red 5 and get Luke, deploy to
Kiffex. He deploys another star destroyer and battles, I
hyper escape away to DSII. when I drain, he reacts with
Emperors Sword, I deploy more and battle, he loses ship +
some. This is what the rest of the game consisted of, he
would deploy and battle, I would draw insane destiny and
he would lose a ton, I would use baragwin’s to cover the
drains I couldn’t get to and drain him for the rest.

FW 33

highs- winning big
lows-instead of the easy first game making me calm, it
made me more nervous

Game 2: My DS Vs Kai Wilken’s There is good in

I start Mob points, Imperial Arrest Order, and Combat
Response. He starts Strike Planning, Your Insight Serves
You Well, and Staging Area’s

My starting hand is horrible, no imperial commands, no
ozzel or piett. I get a raltiir site, get exec docking bay and
deploy a at-st pilot and draw. He gets Madine and Gen
Solo, deploys Madine and a scout to Endor DB. I still have
nothing, deploy another docking bay and site, draw. He
drains me for 2 and deploys more scouts including Midge.

I still don’t have what I need so I deploy Tempest Scout 1
and AT-ST pilot and move to
Endor DB. I have two tramples and Tempest Scout 6 in my
hand so I figure I’m safe. He deploys another scout, then
Chewie (scout) and Gen Solo and Beezer (doh). I attempt
to trample Beezer so I can react. I draw a 1. I attempt to
trample Chewie to decrease his power, I draw a 0. He
battles and plays Life Debt. I lose like 7 off the top. I
should have flipped and just taken the drains. He’s now
draining me for a lot and I get ops flipped but too late. I
don’t have the characters. At one point I could have
deployed Vader/Tarkin to spaceport docking bay with a
tracked 6, but he seemed confident and I thought he had a
surprise. I deployed them to his bunker and he plays Blast
the Door Kid. That’s what he was relying on, but the
Spaceport docking bay isn’t interior. I would have
destroyed most of his force and been able block other
drains. It was not to be.

FL -17

highs-whittling it down to a 17 point win

Game 3: My DS Vs a Endor Local Uprising start

I start same, he starts staging areas, Your Insight, and
something else
I’m worried about my dark deck after my beating last round

I get a great opening hand, Imperial command for Piett, use
him to get Igar, and deploy Piett to Exec DB. I go get
Fondor with Mobilization Points (yeah, I know fondor isn’t
listed, I grabbed the wrong system that morning, but
nobody noticed, including me, until game 6). I know I can
flip second turn. Then he deploys three twix sites from
hand and deploys Lando and Gold Squad 1, I Imperial
Barrier. What a load of crap, any other start for him and I
would be golden. I draw up a turn to get some more
protection for the flip.
He moves Lando over and now has Neim Nub on board. I
deploy a starfighter and pilot, deploy to the other sites and
then transit from the docking bays and flip. The rest of the
game was hard fought because he kept deploy mains to
raltiir and flipping it back repeatedly, I would kick them
off, but it took a while.

FW 8
4 (+24)

lows-winning by so little

we take a lunch break now and I swear, some local guys
ask me if I’m going to drop out. I can’t believe it. I only
have 1 loss so I still have a small chance and dropping out
is for punks.

Game 4: My LS Vs Frank Morgan’s Ralltiir Ops

This is not the player I wanted to face, I needed to win the
rest and win big
He starts Imperial decree, Something Special Planned and
something else, I start same

I’ve played this deck before at the Worlds Wildcard last
year. He beat me then, but I know his game. He has
boatloads of systems to get tons of activation. We’re both
activating insane amounts by turn 4. I get EBO and
baragwins running. I get Falcon, Capt Han and Leia to
Ralltiir against his SD with pilots. He deploys Executor
and lots of pilots. and battles. I play out of nowhere so I
draw 4 destiny. I draw 15 total, not that great given my
average destiny. He loses three pilots, I lose everything to
attrition. He spreads out. I deploy Capt Han, Falcon, and
Leia again next turn to his SD with pilots. I battle, he
reacts with SD. I draw a 7, 5, 5. He loses everything but
an SD, I’m immune.
The rest of the game was him running away from me. He
flipped Ralltiir briefly, but I came down with Obi and Luke
and controlled ralltiir for the rest of the game.

FW 25
6 (+49)

highs-beating Frank Morgan and getting a good differential

Game 5: My LS Vs Tim Schartz ? Ralltiir Ops

He start’s same as Frank, I start same.

He had apparently never seen the baragwin thing before,
because he was really impressed by all those destiny 7s.
This game was very similar to my game with Frank. He’d
flip ralltiir, I’d flip it back. I’d battle him in space and he
would lose lots to attrition. at the end, I should have
retrieved before I battled, but I had only tracked my
destinies towards to bottom so I ended the game

FW 20
8 (+69)

highs-going 3-0 with my LS
lows-winning by less than I could have
Game 6: My DS Vs some guy’s Hidden Base (I should
remember his name, but I was so nervous by now that it
escapes me)

I start same, he starts HB and Haven. By this point, I was
at the fourth game from the top. I knew I needed to win big
if I had a prayer of getting in the final confrontation.
He deploys ships fast and moves to Endor for drain. I
deploy DB, some characters and try to get Fondor (this is
when I realize my mistake). so I draw the rest. He drains, I
take it. Next turn I flip. From here it was just a matter of
whittling down his forces. I had Search and Destroy going
and eventually trampled his spy Han and Leia. He got a
few drains in at kessel, but they didn’t hurt me that much. I
was really stressed out by the end.

FW 20
10 (+89)

I leave and start talking to the players above me when they
finish. It looks like I leapfrogged them all and we’re
waiting for the final game which times out. I know the
tourney director, but he won’t tell me the losers
differential. I had to wait through 78 placings before they
announced that the final confrontation would be between
me and Joshua Smith. I couldn’t believe it, I was so happy
to get here that I didn’t care whether I won or lost.

He chooses DS first because he was first place.

He starts Bring him Before me and some junk including
Mobilization Points and Battle Plan. I start same

He deploys the Emperor to Tat. DB first turn. I deploy
sites and a baragwin. he deploys Vader and stick to 4th
marker. Next turn I deploy Luke w/stick from reserve and
obi w/stick to Emperor. I battle trusting my high destiny. I
miss with the first saber, but hit with the second and draw a
five, he draws a 1. He loses 10 off the top including his
other emperor. That really was the game. He deployed
more on the ground and eventually captured Luke and
circled obi, but that just hurt him with the flip side of his
objective. I drained him in space and won.

FW 24

OK, all I have to do is lose by less than that.

I start same for DS, he starts HB, strike planning, and
something else.
He deploys fast to Rendezvous Point and moves to Endor.
I do my same mojo with db and characters and then draw.
He moves to raltiir with some ships after deploying his own
ralltiir. I deploy a starfighter and stuff to ralltiir and flip.
Then shuttle starfighter down. He deploys more in space. I
get search and destroy. Then I start coming to space with
my small fleet including Baron and his buds in the Onyx’s.
He deploys a cloud and flips raltiir back. I flip it back next
turn, but move my baron and another pilot in onyx to
clouds to do it. This was really the only mistake I made
this game, Wedge/ship had a xwing laser cannon and I
forgot that I was maneuver -2 in the clouds, He deploys
another starfighter and tries to eliminate the Baron...he
draws a 1. Yes, My baron has a gun and I quickly
eliminate wedge and then beat down on his remaining fleet.
At this point he tells the TD he only has 16 cards remaining
and no retrieval. He concedes. And I win the regional!

Finally, I get my chance at worlds!!!!!!