
Title: san-diego-california-8-5-00
Author: Tyler ""_WRAITH_"" Alexander
Date: Aug 5, 2000

The tournament starts at 2:00 and my mom gets off work at 1:15, my sister is going to some damn party and my dad got his license suspended, and i am not old enough to drive. I usually like to get to the tournament about 2 hrs early to sea what people are playing and buy a few packs, but thats not going to happen. I get there at about 2:10, by 10 of the 11 last packs of Death Star 2, and Rich lets me play the person that was gonna have the by.

My dark is court of the vile gangster nonflipping, with only one system, carida. I start no bargain, You cannot hide forever, and mobilization points. I decided to abandon rops when i saw some of the decks on the internet and found out how badly TIGIH/ICSH messes with it.

My light is There is good in him/i can save him that starts with mobilization points insurrection, and your insight serves you well.

Game 1

My dark versus ????'s MWYHL test to 6

Alright this game went really slow. On my first turn i set my hand face down and opened the third pack i bought while he was still setting up and pulled a jedi luke. Then i searched for a docking bay with the objective without activating. Then i searched for an alien and realized i couldn't deploy him because i never activated then i just let him go without seaching for carida with mobilization points. (people aren't nice over here, they dont let you take stuff back). It made up for it though when he but the swamp on the other side of dagobah though, or something like that so it took him another turn to complete the jedi tests. He only managed to get a 4 for the destiny on test 5 though. The battles finally started. He came down with DOS and dueled my lone vader and won with a destiny of 7. next turn some scrubs come down to help vader out. I mis DOS by 1 drawing a 3 and a 4 with You cannot hide forever. The destinies from dos pretty much cleared the site. He then dropped obi with saber and killed Blizzard 2 with Galid aboard. And forfeited Obi. Things werent looking good, i only controlled 1 site and one system. Then he plays on the edge using the four to retrieve 3 force. I he has any more of these i am gonna lose, but he didn't. We then both count our card he has 17 and i have 20. Next turn he drains for 2 and uses 2 to search for ICBW and cancels one of my drains. Danget, this is not good at this rate he is gonna win. I then split my one group of guys in half moving some from the docking bay to the pit of carkoon. He drops TK so he is still out draining me 2 to 1. I then drop vader and presence at carida move a 2-2 pilot over to the audience chamber were vader and dos are and let him go. He searches and gets anis saber so he can kill both of them. Dos kills both of them but now i canceled a drain and got rid of ICBW for a turn. I drain for three and after a turn or 2 he cant drain and i win.

FW 2(+4)

Highs: HE only had 1 on the edge,
Lows: Every one asking if they could open the damn packs i bought.

Game 2

My LS vs Tylers Kuat drive yards deck

He puts out a bunch of systems and draws for the first 2 turns. He just leaves luke to drain on endor. I put down echo, home one, and tantoine docking bays and put leia and ben on tantoine. So now i am activating alot of force with staging areas and all the systems he put out. He gets 2 stardestroyers out and a scrub pilot at kessel with a presence of the force. Next turn i deploy home one and 2 A-w-ings and a B-wing and an elom aboard home one and initiate battle. I win and forfeit the elom. And he forfeits The pilot. After about 6 more battles i have 2 more bwings and goldleader there and because of major panno and delevars high forfeits i only lost 2 A-wings to attrition. He has about 15 or so life force left and 2 stardestroyers left. So he just drops vader to lukes site and luke crosses him to the lightside with a destiny + 15.

FW 2(+31)

Highs: Hahahahahaha, stardestroyers suck.
Lows: He never stood a chance.

Game 3

My light versus Jordan's Hunt Down

Jordan is one of the better players around here but he had no idea how to play against this deck. I built up a huge force at the endor docking bay and got honor of the jedi out while he deployed vader on the executor with presence of the forece. He then deployed one of the eperors friends to capture luke and then move him to chief chirpas hut. I didnt have obiwan so if he would have stayed at the same site as leia he would have been save since i wouldnt have been able to attack. I then droper Twas and chewbacca and beat on the person that captured luke i won and moved luke back to the fortified docking bay. He then deploys Dr.e, Dannik, and dengar with gun to try to place luke out of play, i It can wait dengar and barrier the other to and beat on them the next turn for a 21 force loss, basically winning the game.

FW 2(+24)
Highs: none really
Lows: Drawing a really big hand. Jordan playing really stupid, i was hoping for a good game.

Game 4

My Darkside vs ???? HB with x-wing guns

I remembered to activate this time. I got jabba vader and mara down draining for a total of four. Then he flipped his objective with only a x wing with cannons and home one at coruscant. I now have a drain of only 2 to his 3, dang. I Take a closer look at my giant hand again and see zuckus and ig-88 in ships, death squadron destroyer, overload and lateral damage. Lateral damage home one, overload the cannons and beat on them... That basically ended the game. He got some more people down and drained but i just lost cards from my hand so it didnt effect my differential.

FW 2(+26)
Highs:The first game were i wasnt the last person done.
Lows: I cant think of any thing to say, so i just not gonna do highs and lows again.

I end up getting first and jordan got 2nd. For winning the tournament i only got 4 dollars but i dont really care, I pulled a jedi luke. At the end of the tournament i played a game against Rich, one of the people that work at the store, and he beat me with a huntdown while i had honor out all game. Oh-well he is good and it was only by four anyway.