
Title: sioux-falls-sd-8-13-00
Author: Tyler "rugman11" Williams
Date: Aug 14, 2000

Well it started like any other Sunday except that I couldn't get up for church. So after sleeping 'til 11 i showered had lunch and went to a friend's house before we went to the tourney. We were both kind of worried because we desparately needed cards for our decks. He needed a Chief Chirpa's Hut for his TIGIH deck and I wanted to have a pair of Captain Han's, another Falcon, an On the Edge, and Sienar Fleet Systems and Short Range Fighters for the dark deck. While the cards weren't absolutely necessary they were greatly wanted. Anyway, our other two neighbors arrived and we left. The tourney was set to start at 1 but as we pulled up about 12:45 the director wasn't there and pretty much everyone else was. We started trading and I got everything I needed (thankfully) and TJ got his Chief Chirpa's Hut which also allowed me to use his Artoo in Red 5. Well about 1:30, Grant, our local director, showed up and things got going. We had 16 people, an above-average turnout.

This was the first local tourney since DS2 and the second since Third Ant. so I was wondered what decks I would see. I played a modification on the EBO/Baragwin idea, and RalOps with MobPoints and a bunch of 3-3 characters. We paired off and got started.

Game 1-LS vs. Scott?? Wrotenbury's Endor Tempest Scouts

I was kind of confused when he started with Endor: Bunker, Twi'lek and Perimeter Patrol but I figured he knew what he was doing. I started the usual with Hoth: MPG and the North Ridge and A New Secret Base. He got two quick TScouts to the North Ridge which was kind of annoying but I got EBO out with a Baragwin, Wedge, and Captain Han. He got some Endor sites and TScouts down and I just let him do my thing while losing and retrieving weapons. On turn three the Tantive payed a visit to Kiffex and didn't leave for the rest of the game. He tried coming down with a Victory class forgetting that EBO adds 3 to power so he lost two including Rendili so no retrieval for him. The next turn GLiG1 came down and put the Vic away plus a few force. The constant drain of four was hurting him while Wedge and Han went over to the TScouts at the MPG. One battle took out one scout then he brought Tarkin and Dyer to the NR and moved only Tarkin over to the Scout. At that time Obi-wan and Kal'falnl decided to see Mr. Dyer. A swing and a 5 later Dyer took a seat plus 3. Wedge and Han took care of GMT but both were hit by the AT-ST cannon. OBi and Kal came over and took care of the last TScout. Meanwhile in space RLiR1 was running Kashyyyk and went to Kessel when 2 Vic's came unfortunately he didn't have enough to battle and I ran away. The Vic's chasing RLiR1 all over while GLiG1 went between Kashyyyk and Kessel and the drain of four at Kiffex finally did him in.

FW +35 2(+35)

Highs: Tantive at Kiffex for the whole game and my deck working exactly as it was supposed to.

Lows: Beating a scrub.

Game 2-DS vs. Tj Olson's TIGIH

This was the matchup I feared the most. My light can sometimes take TJ but my dark just dies. I don't remember much about this game except for him gettin 2 eloms to the SP:DB on the first turn and him chasing me around Ralltiir while I couldn't flip. On the last turn Igar was holding Luke and Vader came and took him although I only had one force left. He needed a three to turn him, drew a 2 and then force drained me out. It was ugly.

FL -24 2(+11)

Highs: Uh.....

Lows: Getting thrashed by eloms and rebel guards.

Game 3-LS vs. ????'s Endor Ops

Another Endor deck. yayy. He started Prepared Defenses with some crap and You Cannot Hide Forever which he promptly threw to get Perimeter Patrol. He pissed me off with Igar in Tempest 1 at the forest clearing on turn two but I came back with a duo of my own. As usual EBO was out turn 2. And Captain Han, Chewie and the Falcon went to Kiffex never to return. He was draining pretty well but not enought to stop mine. I had the retrieval machine going and he couldn't do anything. I took control of Endor with RLiR1 and GLiG1 and he never flipped a few turns later the drains of 7 and 8 killed him and I got revenge.

FW +25 4(+36)

Highs: Han, Chewie, Falcon, Kiffex turn 3

Lows: Beating another scrub.

Well I'm out of the running for first but could still pull a decent finish.

Game 4-DS vs. Scott Atkins' Tatooine mains

I'll be honest, this guy scares me. He usually beats me and he dealt me my first tourney loss by about 40. Granted that was a year ago but I felt the need for revenge. I started the usual he came with the Audience Chamber, Insurrection, YISYW, and something else. He let me flip and set up at the Forest with Piett and a DJ Lightsaber dealing minimal damage at the Executor: DB. Then he went to the Tat: DB with Ben+saber, Luke S.+saber, Han w/HBP, and two scrub pilots. He comes to Ralltiir and starts running around. He likes his drains but I just plop U3PO and run away. The game gets kinda boring from here. Basically, he chases Vader, Baron, Blizzard 2 and Igar around Raltiir while the Devastator, and two Tie Interceptors sit at Carida with a PotF and Needa, DS-61-2,and Tagge drain at the swamp and Piett's at the Exec: DB. He finally decides to come after the ships with RLiR1, a Red Squad X-wing, a Corvette and a H'nemthe. The two int. take a seat as does the RS X-wing. I bring the Exec. and Moff Jerjy to clear the site while Jerjy is lost. So the Devastator and the Executor hold the system for the rest of the game. After he's chased me for a while he puts Zev at the Cantina and a B'omarr Monk at Mos Eisley. I eat his drains of one and one, get out Battle Order and drain him out.

FW +18 6(+54)

Highs: Beating a good player with my basic strategy

Lows: Watching my guys run around in fear of his squad.

So we tally the scores and the winner's board looks something like this.

1st TJ Olson 8(+100 something)
2nd Adam Nemmers
3rd Tyler Williams (me)
4th Dominic Nemmers
5th Scott Atkins

We all found it kind of humorous that the top four all live within about 75 yards of each other and we opened our packs. I got a Strike Planning and Yavin 4: Massassi Base Headquarters. TJ got the best of the bunch pulling a Home 1. We did some more trading and took off. Altogether a good tournament.

Grant for hosting yet another tourney.
TJ for dominating, again.
My light deck for being everything I hoped it would be.
Dom's crappy dark deck which really isn't that crappy.
Dragon's Den for letting us play.

My dark deck 'cause I hate it.
Grant for being late (we forgive you) :).
TJ's light deck 'cause it's too good.

Thanks all for reading.

Tyler Williams
a.k.a rugman11