
Title: williston-park-ny-8-19-00-buck-wins
Author: Chris "Wedge231" Wodicka
Date: Aug 19, 2000

Well, to start off this tournament report I'll tell you that I haven't kept up with SWCCG until like a week ago. This was because in mid-June my computer crashed so I couldn't really see the new D*II previews and on July 15th I went to New Zealand/Australia for 3 weeks. When I returned I got my new computer hooked up to the internet and started looking at card images to figure out what was going on in the game. My rating at this time is 1669 after 72 games.

Now, I decide that after missing the tournament last week that I am ready to return to the playing scene. I made a MWYHL deck and I made a Court with Feeding deck. Now I get to the store, Grasshoppers Comics, and I buy my first Death Star II cards - a booster box. I pull a Lord Vader, Wedge, Executor, Home One, Gold Squadron 1, Emperor Palpatine, and a Luke's Saber. I look around and see that there aren't too many of the regular players like it was before I left. The only people I knew there were probably Ben Daria and Bucksun Lee. Then after trading for some cards I needed, Bill Hauser and Derek Halpern walk in but they're not in the tournament. Bill had brought some cards I needed but already got them in my box. Derek offered for me to use his dark deck, an undefeated Bring Him Before Me deck. I say "sure" and start to look through the deck. He explains to the general strategy of the deck and I still have no idea what to do. We start and there is 10 players, seven of which are newbies (I think, I never saw them before).

Game 1: My MWYHL Vs. Steve M's Endor Ops w/TIE Interceptors
Hmmmmmm, never seen him or his friends before, I assume they're all newbies or something. He starts with Secret Plans, You Cannot Hide Forever, and I think Arrest Order. I start with Your Insight Serves You Well, Wise Advice, and The Way of Things. Alright he loses You Cannot Hide Forever to get Perimeter Patrol and that is set up with Ephant Mon. Basically we just set up and I It Could Be Worse his drains. He get a drain of 3 at Endor (Presence of the Force) and drains at Sullust and Kessel. He's using that new Imperial who pulls battleground systems out. Well I test to 5 and retrieve my 10 and have a 7 on the test. I try and fight with the Super Falcon but he has too many TIE's and he is spread out on Endor at 3 different sites. I Projection of a Skywalker one site but his drains are eating away at me. He plays Short Range Fighters to get back 8. He has a drain of 8 and I'm not making him lose anything. In the end I lose by 14.
FL 0(-14)
Highlights: Testing pretty fast and getting a 7 on the last test
Lowlights: Alot, let's see:
1. My space force is way too small
2. Perimeter Patrol is really broken, I had Melas in space and Tawss was in my force pile or something
3. I'm a retarded moron since I didn't realize that if I had Test 6 out I would have won :(

Game 2: Me and Derek's deck Vs. Steve W's Profit
Time to use Derek's deck but I have no idea what to do. I start Mob Points, Crush the Rebellion, and Imperial Arrest Order. He starts Insurrection, Do, or Do Not, and something else. We both draw up for first 4 turns or so. I have Emperor at Throne Room with Emperor's Power and Janus at Death Star II docking bay along with Zuckuss at Endor system. He frees Han with Ben and Saber, Master Luke, and some Klatooinian Revolutionary guys. I drop Lord Vader and Saber. Circle on Obi and take Luke. Down comes Cabbel, DS-61-2, and IG-88 with gun. I capture Han and lose Cabbel. Next turn I Rise My Friend Vader and Luke to the Death Star II and he's chasing DS-61-2 with like 5 Klatoonian Revolutionary guys and he has Order to Engage out. I eventually let him kill DS-61-2 and I lose like 5 or 6 force to that. I get Devastator to Rendili for another drain. I have Tarkin and Janus at Tatooine docking bay and Mara with IG-88 at Mos Eisiely. I then move them all together at Mos Eisiely. He has 6 Klatoonian guys and Chewie of Kashyyyk there. I You Are Beaten Chewie and get a 5 and a 6 for destiny and then that's pretty much game after the drain at Endor. I win by 12.
FW 2(-2)
Highlights: I Circled Obi, took out 4 Klatooinian guys in one battle, and I won with someone else's deck.
Lowlights: I played the deck completely wrong, I only beat Luke twice in duels out of like five times, and I had 6 Klatoonians chasing me around Tatooine.

Game 3: My MWYHL Vs. James' SYCFA
I start my usual to his Decree, Secret Plans, and some other new effect. I start testing and he sets up at Sullust with star destroyers. I deploy Red Leader in Red 1 and claw him. I also insert Anger, Fear, Aggression. Well he cancels Landing Claw with some Imperial guy and I go to Dagobah with Red Leader. All his drains are getting It could Be Worsed and Anger, Fear, Aggression pops twice. I get Wars Not Make One Great out and he has to pay and stuff. I test to 5 with a seven on it. I retrieve my 10. I get Captain Han with Melas against his two star destroyers. I clear the syystem out with my 7's. Then Red Leader come's back to visit. I deploy test 6 and deploy Daughter to some Death Star site. Vader, Tarkin, and Veers come down but he needs 2 to battle. Next turn I complete test 6 and I battle his fleet again. He plays Imperial Command so I can't draw my 3 destinies. For the rest of the game I run back and forth between Sullust and Yavin with him chasing me and I'm It Could Be Worsing all his drains. He just draws up as we are getting low on time. I win by 34.
FW 4(+32)
Highlights: Playing my deck to almost perfection
Lowlights: Nothing much

Game 4: Me and Derek's deck Vs. Peter's Profit
I start Mob Points, IAO, and Crush to his Goo Nee Tay. I have Mara at the Audience Chamber. I get Mara and her saber draining at Jabba's Palace and Zuckuss in Mist Hunter at Rendili. He frees Han with Obi and Saber, Master Luke, General Calrissian, and Nien Numb. I drop Vader and Circle Obi and capture Luke. They zip over to the Death Star next turn and I have Tarkin and IG-88 at Audience Chamber. Battle and I capture Han and kill off someone, Wedge... He runs around with Lando and Nien and he has Narrow Escape and stuff. I have some 2/2 guy and Tarkin at the Audience Chamber with Boussh undercover. I also have Janus at the Cantina and Mara and IG-88 at the Tatooine docking bay with Lando and Numb. I battle and I slash him up and draw a 5 and a 6 so he loses alot of overflow, like 20. He stacks a card. Numb goes to the tank and next turn comes back at Audience Chamber and Boussh breaks cover. Battle again but I draw a 5 and a 6. I clear the site and he stacks a card. Then I drain him out and duel Luke to win by 13.
FW 6(+45)
Highlights: I Circled Obi and captured Han just like last game. I drew some mean destiny thanks to my awesome tracking skills, j/k. Big props to my opponent for not playing any Klatoonians
Lowlights: None

So I manage to do half-way decent with Derek's deck and his deck is awesome. My light was solid but if I wasn't retarded I might've done better. My rating is probably going to stay the same. Here's the top 3:
1. Bucksun Lee (How did this happen, Buck is getting much better)
2. Chris Wo@#$%a (That's me and please don't censor my last name again)
3. Ben Daria

So Buck wins and gets a Jedi Luke. I get Captain Han, Home One War Room, and Tala 2.

Dan Sotelo: For being the TD
Derek Halpern: For letting me use his deck.
Bucksun Lee: For winning the tournament.

Me: I didn't read Test 6 and it could've won me the game
James: Klatoonians are evil don't use them

So if I go to next week's tournament I'm gonna try really hard. There's a BB Darth Vader in prize support. Now that I have some D*2 I can make some decks.

- Chris W. aka Wedge231, White Dingo Commander