
Title: augusta-ga-8-20-00-longest-tr-ever
Author: Paul "lbmyers1" Myers
Date: Aug 22, 2000

The Pre-Tourney garbage is gonna be A WHILE so skip forward if you want to. BY THE WAY, this TR is NOT for newbies, it will be very long with abbreviations(Those of you who finish are obviouslly true die-hard swccg fans)!!! Finally!!! Another local tourney at Book Exchange. I have been thinking for a while about what decks to play. So it all started a couple weeks before in Book Exchange when I go in to talk to Clay. I get the tourney schedule and he talks to me about dagobah regionals and how awesome Charlie's LS was. And I tell him I am gonna run a Profit/Elom deck @ the first tourney. He replies something like, "You might as well stick to the big guns." So I am thinking, eloms are the SH@# and you obviouslly don't know the power of the LS :) SO I am like "Whatever" and I leave to go home. I check the Almighty Deck Tech for decks a week before after GenCon decks go up. Steven Lewis's decks go up. The LS, I think, has to many different combo's so I take a look at the DS. And when I see the Tie Vanguards, I am like thinkin how he got 2nd place? So, I say to myself, WHAT AM I DOING??, WHO WON GENCON?, So i go look at Yannicks decks. I Despise training so I'll be digging my own ORIGINAL elom/Profit. But for DS, I am going COMPLETELY unoriginal and take Yannick's DS almost card for card except I take out a Dreadnaught for an I AM YOU DADDY(Father) and drop TS 6 for BLizzard Scout 1 since it's higher destiny and I got no TS6 anyway. SO I playtest a heck of a lot and my LS rettrieves 10 from profit and about 8 from chimes, so it is extremely strong. Bo Shuda and Tessek first turn. If they start Mara(WHAT ELSE WOULD THEY START?) then plop Order to Engage and laugh as they run from Tessek. Then drop Eloms all over Mara at JP which literally happens 9/10 games. :) So it rocks and Yannick's deck is strong as well. So the night before the tourney I am playtestin' with some retard named Brandon ;) and he plays a test deck against my BHBM and literally loses like in 6 turns cuz of S&D. He only got to Test 2 and I won by 30. I also played with James and my Eloms took it to ROps pretty good, but that's expected. And Art showed up playing the same @#$%in light deck as me? That's wierd, so we play and my LS Beats his SYCFA Ties and I never even dropped a Ship so at the end of the game I decide to take out GL in Gold 1 and RL in R1 and the landing claws to leave my deck BLUELESS. But I win all drain races against Tie decks so I'm fine. I go by AppleBees's to get my Chimi-Chonga which kicks the dump out of the legendary "Brownie", literally. So we head to the Tournament after pickin' up Gavin. And brandon had also made a corvette HB with inserts the night before but dropped it cuz he sucks ;0 Hi brandon. Anyways, We get there and the usual crowd of Chris, James, Tony, Brandon, Jeremy, and the Arca's are there, plus a couple more guys. No art? Hmm, he must be working. And no Dustin? Well, not like a care but we go back for a year. DS:2 releases and he says he wants 2 boxes @ $72 a piece as long as I tell him where I get them from... So I tell him since he gives me HIS WORD and leave for a week @ the beach. I get back and get the boxes. He calls me and is like "I don't want the boxes cuz your makin' profit and I'd rather Buy them from Clay for $3.50 a pack leaing me with 2 @#$%in Boxes of cards. GRRRRRRRRRRR, So I sell em' to Carmine and Broher and another, thanks guys! And Heard he goes to Book Exchange and buys 10 packs for $35 when I am trying to sell them to him 18 for that much...? Anyway, I later find out he has "Quit" the game so why spend $35 if your quitting? Oh well...that's REALLY annoying, yet Dustin acts like Clay makes NO PROFIT OFF ANYTHING. Well, I trade Janus for a ORS and we pair up. The arca broither are against each other, hehe. Gavin is against Tony, yikes, that shouls be close. And I am against James which is cool. James and I have faced off at least once per tourney and he is really good and is also a TD but I end up coming out on top every time somehow. So let's get to game 1. BTW, James and tony, I know you're both on Decktech so when you read this annoy my commnets cuz I am ignorant 15-year old ;) TIME FOR GAME ONE!!!!

Game 1 Yannick's DS BHBM vs. Jame's Barret's Steven Lewis's Speeders???

WTF IS THIS? Gencon FINALS REINACTMENT??? Well, I know his deck card for card and I know he is playing Lewis's because he starts DTF. So we start and I get the 1 card from my deck that I know will win it. CAPTAIN SARKLI!!! First turn, search my deck for the normal stuff, but don't drop Rendilli cuz I don't have the ships. Activate 4 and drop Sarkli and but don't want to drop Evax with him cuz I know all he has is Speeders and Boushh. But when the Emperor turns out to be in my Force Spile and spend my last 2 for Evax to the Hutt to start the All-TOO-Important Choke but lose 3 to my objective. His turn, he activates 2 and drops flaps and Home 1 DB from Reserve and passes. My turn I activate drain for 2 drop Emperor for 3 and draw into Lord Vader to stop the 3-Force loss which I wonder if it's worth the choke? So I lose 3 and pass. His turn he activates 3 force and doesn't go get Hoth:DB? And passes his turn. My turn I drain for 2 and Drop Lord Vader and draw and pass. His turn he actvaites and drops 4 speedes to Endor DB and Yarna to get a drain of 1 and +2 activation. So I Have alter and Grabber and monnok in hand so here it goes. I alter, he senses, I grab, Alter goes to Used Pile via oppresive E. So I activate and wonder how lucky I am he hasn't put down Boushh/HotJedi and drain for 2. His turn, he drops Hoth DB finally and Incom Corporation. Well, his Speeders have mucho Power now and I get a little risky on my next turn after he has activated flaps. I drop my <>DB to endor(Whoops, that's illegal), not noticed by either of us, so I play Mara and stick, Tarkin, and a Blizzard 2. His turn, he drops 2 speeders and initiates, now I'm getting a little sketchy, but We both battle at the db'S cuz I got S&D in hand and need to get it off. I win 3 battles and he wins 2. I initiate most of them except like 1 using his DTF. I drop rendilli and with emperor's power and barrier he is safe. I Finally drain him out even though he drops Boushh to the hutt. And olater breaks her cover for S&D. I win the drain race by 12. Great Game James!
Highs: Staying at the Hutt with Sarkli, and not getting beatdown by speeder/Xwing hits. A good game against a great player. ASP-707 puts catapult on top and he moves speeders to my site, I initiate and use DTF, and Sim Allo(Like a Champ) spends a force and lifts the catapult off the RDeck with massive muscles!!
Low's: Mara wonders off and get's the dump beat out off her by 2 speeders and she couldn't hack anything.
The Ugly: Having to play James first game, Cuz I know he hates playing me since I seem to(by Habit) remind him of cards too often. Sorry James :( It's a bad habit...
2 (+12)

Game 2 MY Elom insanity vs. Charles Hunter's Sabaac!

Well, I know he has no SAC so I start with Uh-OH, Wise Advice, and get risky and drop out Do, Or Do Not for Aim High since he starts TDIGIWATT AND CASINO??? HMM??? So, I am gonna try to make this a short game right now. So here's the summary. He starts Mara and EJP Dangar. And I drop Tessek and OTE and he loses 3 and moves out. I drop Massa and 4 Eloms, Massa draws and ELOM to save to eloms and Dengar jumps into his hand!! He Loses Mara plus 10. He drops Lando and DJAS PUHR to casino but no sabaac, that might have had to do with Aim High and him watching me signal for a grabber ;) So my turn I drop Mos Eisley with Ben and Bommar and 2 eloms. I flip and pay ten for Secret P and retreive 6. His turn he plays Sabaac I grab, and he wins but has 2 force left in his pile and his retrieval is cancelled. My turn, I drop the BIGGEST TECH YOU'LL EVER SEE IN YOUR LIFE. Mara is dead and CHYBC was lost to my first drain so here it is: I drop Trash Compactor and an Elom for a drain of 2. He remarks relaizing he can do absolutley nothing:"That's Cheesy" and I proceed to drain for 2 there the rest of the game and Laugh my freakin' head off. I win the drain race bye 31 and he only has a drain of 1 to my 7 and I have bargaining table. So in my control phase, I play Chimes and pay 7 force to retrieve the lonely Rendezvous Pt. in my lost pile. And drain him out for a win by 31.
Highs: Hmm, putting aim High in deck cuz I knew I'd play Sabaac/SFS at some point.
Low: Seeing his stack a 3rd sabaac and pay 3 force...Only to lose the hand, hehe, sucked for him.
The Ugly: Noone ever plays Aim High yet everyone plays SP. I know LS retrieval is everywhere but in my meta, SFS/Scum/Sabaac is everywhere.

Game 3 My DS BHBM vs. Random Jabroni Scrub Ishi Tib EBO whose first name i 'Think' started with a B, and the second letter was a R, and the third an A. But he will remain nameless. :) HAHA

So I drop Emperor to Endor DB for a drain of 1(Lord in Hand too). His turn he/she ;) does what EBO people do and drops Ishi Tib at a site and draws. My turn, Vader goes to <>DB at rendili dropped first turn, and I am activating masses and drawing like heck for my 6 ships. within the next couple of turns, I draw into 4 of them. His/Her turn, he Drops more Ebo Sites but puts Jedi Luke for 6 to <>DB on rendili and ader meets his son. And my turn I activate like 15, and drop Mara to Endor with Emperor and put give her her stick, and move Emp to DS:2 DB. His turn, he/she drops EBO with 2 guys, and Yavin 4. He has like 4 force left. And scrubbishly, puts GL in Gold 1 to Yavin 4, When I am Activating 17 a turn, and have 17-Card hand... My turn Z in Ship and Bossk IN Bus Commence beatdown of his ship, +8 overflow, +stack #1. His turn, he counters with covette, no barrier, Red Quad X-Wing for 1, no barrier, Corvette, Barrier NOW, and then he drop L in Falcon so I am not worried cuz he has 0 destiny to my 3 with emperor's power and the BUS. My turn, activate masses, drop 2 dreadnaught, and 3 2/2 scrubs to add 7 to pwer and initiate, he draws low with a low destiny deck...hmm. I draw 3 destiny and total 8 BD. He loses a Corvette and I lose a scrub and he stack card #2. I move Naughty with DS-61-2 to rendilli to make this quicker. He drops Hoth and plays Red Leader in R1 and Red Squad X-wing to rendilli. He has 2 force left, so he can't move away from my other fleet at Yavin, but he still has a corvette to forfeit, right? So he spends 1 of his 2 force to initiate. I play PROJECTIVE TELEPATHY like the champ that I am so save the Nought. I play Masterful M on his turn to track it and kill both his ships at rendilii. My turn, I drain again on the ground, Initiate first at Yavin, Draw 2 destinies(No use in Adding 1 cuz I'd have to lsoe a card and he'll lose his corvette either way) so He loses corvette and stacks card #3. I battle at rendilli, draw the tracked 6 and blow both ships away and decide to lose effect to make overflow and draw an alter. Well, he loses both ships but they cover, and some how wins by 1 power with EBO. So I just follow L IN FALCON and red-Squad X-Wing to hoth. And for all you geniuses out there, If i move my fleet with his every turn, he never drain and I slowly drain for 2 with mara and 1 with Lord. I win by 32 against whoever this Bra guy was?

Highs: Beating a newbie. :) I know you're laughing right now Brandon :)
Lows:read the ugly...
The Ugly: Having 2 Twileks and 1 S&D in my deck. Knowing before the game that if I get either 3, the game will be half as less time. Never even seeing them in my frickin deck.

Game 4(whoever wins takes the Tourney) MY LS eloms vs. Tony Zamberlan's HD W/Dueling

WTF? HD Dueling, the one deck I don't expect to see, I have to play against. I know my deck is weak to a Full-Blown dueler. Well, the last tournament Tony and I played same sdies all 4 games going undefeated and he won the tourney by 12 DIFF!!! So this time, I am gonna get a piece since we're both undefeated. Arg, so we put down starting stuff. My Do OR DO NOT and wise advice come out and he never plays his SAC ;) that's good. And he starts the 2 DB effects and a 3rd I can't remember. I will try to make this quick too. At the beginning, I am like: "So tony, Would you like 2 start 2 aliens plz, with a snicker" and he treats me like an idiot and says "Well, thanks for REMINDING ME, I forgot, but now that you've mentioned it" Sure e-frickin-Nough Mara comes ot the AC with the DR. his turn Executor DB and Prescott come out for free and He has double my activation, @#$%!!! He spends 2 to move Mara and Dr E to JP where they make love for a couple turns while Bargaining table hinders their plans. I drop Tessek and Bo Shuda and pass. He drop <>DB to Tatooine and EPP Vader there and moves endicott there. My turn, I drop mos eisley, draw and pass. His turn, he drops Tempest 1 and Igar to Mos eisley to prepare for HOTJEDI. My turn, it's time for Mara to get screwed by Massa Luke(not literally you sicko's!!). So I activate, and drop 3 Eloms and Master Luke, and no Imp Barrier comes either. So I initiate and need a 3 for Dr.E. I draw an elom again;) and he draws a 1 BD to my 5 BD. He loses Mara PLUS 9 which equals are lost piles, I have to lose 1 attrition, and Vader had moved to Mos Eisley, so I'm like... WTF? I ain't gettin Dueled out of this game so I lose Massa Luke and his wife Like a champ and he goes. He activates, Drops Blizzard 2 and Ozzel to my 3 Eloms at JP. He draws Like a 5 so I barely have to lose 2 eloms meanwhile I draw a frickin cantina. I am ticked. He moves over Tempest 1 and Igar from Mos Esiley leaving Vader and Endicott at Mos Eisley. I am hurtin' now and he has dropped CHYBC. So I gotta get 2 battlegrounds to free han and the AC isn't one b/c of Bo Shuda. So I Deploy an Elom infront of Vader, retrieve 10, and converge My other Eloms from JP to Mos Eisley KNOWING FULL WELL a beatdown will come, but in a drain race, the 10 matters more ;). So his turn comes and of all 2 cards in swccg, he drops an eloms worst nightmare, ECC Iggy/4LOM. Initiates, grabs one, Vader then Hacks, he draws a 0 and a 0...HAHA, and 4-LOM cancels a game text. SO I lose like 2 or 3 but I draw enough to uselessly kill Prescott. My turn, I come back with OTE and Civil Disorder, and 3 Eloms to JP. SO my 2 eloms at Mos Eisley are still there, but before they move to JP, a chimes retrieves me 5. And his turn, he doesn't deploy anything and initaites against at JP, I'm like, CIVIL DISORDER, he's like, I'M IN BATTLE PHASE, I'm like, It says place on Opponent's side of table FOR A REASON, he's like, IT'S YOUR CARD!!! So I am thinking, what a jerk, oh well, I don't need 2 force to beat him, I am just that Dam@ good. I drop a bothan spy and elom to cancel visahge since frickin HOTJEDI (Honor of the Jedi for the newbies still reading) and I need to cancel it, cuz if Luke ever comes out, he'll get Dueled within a turn since Vader is at the Middle of 3 sites. And my 3 ben-Frickin-Kenoib's? Never even drew him...:( So I have 4 Eloms at JP and a spy, He's got Blizzard 2 and ozzel and the 2 droids, against my 2 eloms/Bothan spy and at mos Eisley I have moved over 2 eloms against EPP vader. So I obviously decided to go with OTE since DTF/First Strike aren't out. I need the 2 BG's to get over CHYBC at the holotheatre. His turn, he has 4 force left now but has track masterful move/Omni Box many times. He drops Battle Order(Zin MH is at rendilli after he realizes I have no Blue) and loses 2 for Civil DisOrder. He initiates against my 2 eloms with EPP Vader, misses the Hack :), and draws a sniper(if he had drawn it, he could've snipered my "SAfe Han", so with Tanus Spijek at the AC, an eloms covers it and the smoke clears with me having an elom left. he initiates, at JP and shoots and elom sending it to my Used Pile, and draws medium. Anways, he moves the 2 droids to mos eisley. I have 1 card in hand and 6 in life force to his 4 in life force, no hand. I move Han to JP to join an Elom and do damage, and my elom moves to join Harc Seff at the <>DB and save 2 force. the sites sre in this order: AC(Tessek and Tanus), JP(Han and elom), Mos Eisley(2 droids and lizzard 2), <>DB(elom and harc. His turn he has 4 force, He spens spends 2 with broken concentration so I can only block 1 force from his drain at Mos Esiley, and I lose 1, and then block his drain at Rendilli with the Table. He loses the 2 in his used pile to CivilDisOrder and spends 2 to move the 2 droids, to JP. My turn, I have 6 cards in force pile,do 1 profit damage, and spend 3 to win it by 6 force. great game tony.

Highs: Maneuvering around CHYBC to retrieve 15. Laughing my head off when Mara gets knocked by her husband, having reminded him to start 2 aliens. Great game from great player!

Lows: Well, he deployed Reactor Terminal, never using it, while I lost my Traffic Control to cover a drain of one since I knew i Wouldn't need it. Stuff like that counts, trust me.
The Ugly: Like I mentioned, He out activated me and I still came back.

Well, great tourney run by Clay. And I ended up in first cuz I was the only undefeated. I won all my games against older people I might add. There is another tourney on Saturday which I hope to see some Decktech TR's besides mine, hint hint. See-Yall Saturday, and thanks for reading.

PROPS: To al the people that actually reaad all that... WOW
To my 4 opponents for great games!

Slops: To Art for not being there to destroy me! :)
To Me for winning both my only Tournaments when Art isn't there.
To Jim and Landon, Faazoli's or SW:CCG? They chose wrong ;)
And to person I played in Game 3, whoever that scrub was ;)