
Title: sherwood-arkanas-8-25-00
Author: Jared "Romas" Beavers
Date: Aug 26, 2000


Going into today, I thought my number was up. As it turns out, I did slightly worse than my last tournament (this was my 2nd Constructed Deck tournament). Anyway, enough of my rambling... on to the good stuff...


Game 1: My MWYHL vs. Presston's TIEs

I'd played his deck before, and is nothing short of a machine. He starts Wak, as usual, saves and then passes. I start my junk, save and pass also. Next turn, he drops Sullust and I think Endor. I start Leia testing, but it really does absolutely nothing. He's running Interceptors, Destroyers, and Dreadnaughts; and he also has a nice helping of all power to weapons and supporting cards in there too. So, while I try to test Leia, he drops and drains. I try once to stop him. I drop mini-Falcon (Gen Lando and Nien) to Endor, battle him. He drops All Power to Weapons: Sense: Alter: Sense. Then he drops another, and another. Stupid me, I forgot that All power to Weapons is not CUMULATIVE, and I lose the Crew. He drops PotF on sullust and Endor, and continues to drain me out.

FL: 0(-27)

Game 2: My RallOps vs. ???'s Scrap Deck

I felt really bad about 3 turns into this game. This kid was obviously new to the game. While I may be new to tournament play, Decktech has kept me up to speed so I have a slight competitive edge. He drops Tatooine for a SL, and I drop Rallops, MobPoints, and friends. I start dropping sites to Ralltiir, and drops various Cloud City/Tatooine/Other sites to get a drain going. First mistake of the game: He drops a Rebel Guard, alone, to Ralltiir. Ouch. Down comes Lord Vader and old skool saber to visit the guard. That one hurt. Next mistake: dropping a Shivistian (sp?), alone, to a Cloud City BG. Down comes Mara and a buddy, there goes the game. I felt really bad about this game. I reminded him to force drain and such, but it still didn't make me feel any better about tearing this game up. So, I gave him all of my prize stuff (Wooohooo! 2 packs of Cloud City!), just to ease my mind.

FW: 2(+30) Cumulative: 2(-3)

Game 3: LS vs. Dallas' CC Trooper Drain Deck

When starting locations came out, I automatically thought to myself "Dark Deal"... but to my surprise, I never saw one the whole game. He drops CC drain sites, I drop testing stuff. He gets a drain of one, then some friends come to visit. EPP Han, EPP Obi, General Callrissian, and Nien come down on a group of about 4 troopers. Battle. Again, I must chide myself for being a total idiot, I forgot the cumulative rule. Trooper assault, and another, and another: SENSE one of them, Yay! He clears site, I lose Obi (only to be replaced next turn). His turn, he drops Emperor and Vader at site next to me, I just keep trying to test on up to 6. Down come a BUNCH of troopers, and I'm afraid, so I run. I get to running all over cloud city. Meanwhile, DiPO and a few obidians are holding the Cloud Sector, B:CC, and Bespin. I complete the tests, my strike force is now invincible with the Artoo in Red 5 sitting on Test 5 (conviently tracked). Unfortunately, too little too late. He drains me out and I place the last card in my reserve pile on the lost: On the Edge... ouch.

FL: 0(-17) Cumulative: 2(-20)

Game 4: DS vs. Jeremy???'s Hidden Base

I saw this match up, I slapped myself in the head. I had just taken Security Precautions out of my deck the night before to add in CHYBC. Hmmmm... He gets a VERY odd hand... 6 systems, 2 MonCals. I set up on Ralltiir, go to work draining and I pop out Search and Destroy. He drops Boussh (which he thinks will satisfy SaD, wrong), and covers a minor drain. Meanwhile, he files out Defiance with a Heavy Turbolaser and the Calamari who adds to weapon destinies. I drop Onyx 1 w/ Mara Piloting and ZiMH. We start chasing each other around, and he has a nice little drain set up on Kessel, otherwise: nothing. We swap drains and aren't battling. Then he drops EPP Obi and Farmboy to an unoccupied Ralltiir site, and breaks Boushh's cover there. I drop Tempest Scout 1 to Lord Vader's site, and drop Dr. Evazan to the forest (where his crew is set up). Initiate battle, react Vader over. Vader tries to hack Obi, misses. Obi tries to hack Evazan, misses. My destiny is nice, all I lose is TS1, he loses Boushh. Next turn, he battles (WTF?) and I slash Obi and Operate (but Evazan gets hit, darn). My awesome power to piddly Luke. It's a drain race til the end of the game, but I pull it off.

FW: 2(+7) Cumulative: 4(-13)

Game 5: LS vs. Jeremy???'s (yeah, pairings sucked) Court

I get the training rolling, he just starts using the BH's to their best ability. I stupidly drop EPP Obi and Orrimarrko to Mara's site (she had some back up). I pull off a victory, but Mara stays. Next turn, he drops Evazan and chases me. Meanwhile, I train Leia (after 2 unsuccessful tests...grrrr). He captures Orri and Obi, feeds Orri to the Sarlacc. I finish testing, pick up Leia, and prepare for a beatdown. He almost gets Obi to the sarlacc before I track Artoo in Red 5 for test 5, but he doesn't make it. I slash the Sarlacc... wow. He tries a beatdown since Obi is released. I repond w/ Daughter, and Put EPP Luke w/ Proficiency at a Tatooine site. Hack and slash, he ends up hitting DOS. Too bad, I'm holding a couple On the Edges... retrieve, retrieve. End the game w/ a drain race, I win, clutching 15 cards in my hand and traffic control on the table... How Stupid Can I Get Today???

FW: 2(+20) Cumulative: 6(+7)

Final Match: DS vs. Dallas' Profit

I get set up and everything is peachy. I start w/ Mara and Doc in the AC, he drops a Mains squad (Ben, Chewbacca, and a couple other no names). I run, he frees Han. Things go fine until he pops scramble out on the table w/ Mara Jade and the Doc sitting in the AC. So, I give in and let him try a beatdown, killing Han in the process. I move my Ralltiir squad up to Devastator, cancelling Scramble, and next turn return them to their comfort zones. He drops proficieny and some sabers to the AC; I drop Igar, Tempest 1, Ozzel, and DS-61-2 to JP. He drains for 5, I drain for 4, and he retrieves one each turn using reflection on Boushh... that really stunk. Anyway, it was a fun tournament, and I'll be attending more. Thanks for the read.

To Andy for hosting the tournament (you're the Man)
To all my opponents for the great games.
To Decktech for allowing me to keep an edge (however dull)
To Papa John's for the Pizza
And to Decipher for making such a wonderful game.

To me for not reading all the rules.
To Jeremy for dragging out the games (intentional or not).
And once again, to Papa John's for the indigestion.