
Title: glenside-pa-8-27-00
Author: Rich "JekPorkins" Baliban
Date: Aug 27, 2000

This basically wraps up my few days leading up to this Sunday's tourney.

Friday: I basically have to work all day, so I have no time to build decks, or think of anything...a few ideas pop into my head like ROps and Ties for dark, and TIGIH or EBO for light. On top of that, I have no ride there, and basically I'm screwed so far.

Saturday: I work all day, too, but I also stay up till 1 in the morning trying to get decks together. I decide to go with ROps and EBO. Although I really didn't want to play EBO, I really didn't have much of a choice, considering I was crunched for time, and the tourney was the next day. Plus, I still don't have a ride.

Sunday: I am scrambling to try to find a ride, and after a half hour of begging, I talk my dad into taking 1 way, while my friend, Andrew, will get his mom to take the other way. So I have decks and a ride, so Andrew and I set out for Glenside at around 11:00, and get there at 11:45. The tourney starts at 12, so we sit around for a while and wait for the pairings...

Anyway, on to the tourney...

25 people show up (a little higher than usual) with mostly old faces, although a few I haven't seen in a while. So, I listen to Ted for the pairings hoping that my first game won't be too rough...

Game 1. My Dark VS. Seth ?? (1500) QMC
Since Seth was new to the game, I basically dominated this whole game. I flipped 2nd turn, and dropped Overseeing It Personally on Ralltir. I was draining for 8 a turn, while he was draining for 0. The game ended in about 10 minutes, since he basically wasn't sure of what he was doing, and he didnt get a chance to deploy 1 character the whole game. Full Win +29
2 (+29)

The Good: I won by alot, so that will help a little with differencial in the tourney.
The Bad: Beating a newbie, and plus, with such a high diff. coming out of the first game, I will most likely play a good player.

Game 2. My Light VS. Chris Praskac's (2057) SYCFA Scum
First turn he deployed jabbas palace and AC, and set up jabba and Galid at the AC. I set up EBO, and projection both of his sites. Eventually, I got my ships in space, and he got his stuff on the ground. Anytime I attacked on the ground, he would barrier, and retrieve 3. Not good. So, I stuck to the air. However, he attacked me with 2 Bounty Hunter Ships at 2 different locations, battled, retrieved 6, and ghhhked the ships away. I would drain him for 7 a turn, but he would get it back with scum. Finally, when he deployed Search and Destroy on the table, the lock was in place and I couldn't keep up with it. Full Loss -29
2 (0)

The Good: I lost to Chris, so I didn't feel too bad. That Diff. from last game really helped me.
The Bad: Chalk up another loss for EBO. I so hate this deck. If u read this, NEVER PLAY IT!

Game 3. My Dark VS. Nathan Brown's (1654) HB, Guys in Ships
First turn, he pulls Ralltir with the Obj. and deploys there. Damnit! I was ready for a 2nd turn flip, too. Oh well. I draw a few cards and pull Fett in Slave 1... It'll do. My next turn, I deploy to the 3 sites, drop Fett, flip, Battle. Wow. I draw a 5 and I add 3, so I have 15, but he just loses Luke to the tank. At least My obj is flipped. The game went kinda slow with me draining for 3 until he deployed clouds to Ralltir and flipped it back. Damn. However, since he stayed at Ralltir or the Clouds the whole time, he only canceled 1 of my drains, so when I dropped Search and Overseeing It Personally, the game was mine. Full Win +18
4 (+18)

The Good: Winning again with The ROps deck.
The Bad: Nathan converting Ralltir 1st turn

Game 4. My light VS. ??? (15??) BHBM beats
I totally dominated this game as he devoted all of him force to try to cancel EBO. I drained for 8 in space, the deployed EPP luke from lost every turn to make him lose characters. There really isn't much to say, as nothing much went on during this game, except for drains. Full Win +27
6 (+45)

The Good: He didnt drain me once
The Bad: Luke Not being able to chop Tarkin and drawing a 0 for BD....ouch.

Game 5. My Dark VS. Andy Talaga's (1854) Endor Mains
This game went on FOREVER. He revolutioned 2 of my sites, projectioned the other 2, so my max drain was one. He altered and senced everything I had on the table. (I had Opp. Enforcement on the table...I am just realizing that now and am beating myself pretty bad). He deployed to my sites and My obj was flipped for 2 turns total, as we just battled the whole game, and nothing more really happened. We timed out and he had 3 more cards than me so he wins the game. Timed Loss -13
6 (+32)

The Good: ROps held strong even when I got horrible draws.
The Bad: I didn't read my cards which cost me plently of rating points. DAMNIT!

Game 6. My Light VS. Andy Talaga's (1854) ISB
This game was over when on my 2nd turn I lost Lt. Blount from a force drain. he made my drains to a total of 1 where he drained for 2. A slow game, but he prevailed in the end. Full Loss -29
The Good: Umm...Nothing
The Bad: I can't believe I didn't read my cards...I am so pissed. Oh, and losing Blount to a drain...that sucked, too.

In the end I went 3-3 with a +3 Diff. Almost in the middle. My rating should go up 5 points to 1750, but it should be higher. Oh well, next tourney I will kick major ass...hopefully.

Chris Praskac won going 6-0 with a +1 hundred something Diff. I came in 10th or something cause I'm stupid. Oh well.

Ted for running a good tourney.
Andrew for doing better that I did.
The Italian guy at the Pizza place.
Podolak for letting me borrow Twass

Me for not reading my cards.

Talk to ya lata!