
Title: geneva-illinois-9-2-00
Author: Paul "Vollerian" Motz
Date: Sep 2, 2000

Beyond Reality
Geneva, Illinois
TD: Mike Malake


Well, I just got home from DePaul yesterday and I was tired as a dog. So I decided to go asleep, 11 hours later I woke up and decided to go make the trip to Geneva. What can I say, I am still tired. The speed limit was again exceeded in all capacities (See tournament report “Can’t Drive 55 by Scott Wyngarden for further anecdotes on this situation.) Well, I walked upstairs the place is packed! Standing Room Only, this is the type of tournaments that I like to be at. I have no idea what I am playing since I have not checked my decks in over 2 weeks. This will be an interesting day. The brand new iBook is up and cooking as the tourney report is coming realtime.


The decks have not changed in a while, they are still Turbo Train To 5 and BHBM beatdown and cross is have too


My Round One Opponent is Jeff Butt, he is playing non-objective beatdown deck. He starts Yavin 4: Massassi War Room with no starting interrupts. This would be interesting. First turn he drops General Dodonna at the War Room and says go. On my first turn I dropped Palply at DS2 DB so I have gonzo force activation. On my second turn I drop Mara and her Saber at the War Room and pick a fight. Mara’s Saber misses (oh the irony) but I draw two destiny thanks to The War Room Text (It’s tech!) After the dust has cleared, he owes me Dodanna and seven and then one for Insignificant Rebellion. On his second turn he drops Jek Porkins at Endor: DB alone and says go. My third turn begins, Lord Vader comes wandering down to Endor picks a fight and draws another crappy destiny, but causes the loss of Porkins and 6 more plus one to Rebellion (I think a good name for this card would be the idiot tax) The game is going well. Next turn he drops a Shistaven Wolfman and says go (he is alone at CC: DB.) Vader makes the trip to Cloud City, he doesn’t move. Next Turn, Vader takes him to the bank. The game is pretty much over at this point. 7 total loss each turn (4 to drain, 3 to Your Destiny) The game continues and that is that. Full Win by 40

High Points: Remembering how to play
Low Points: The game was not very competitive.


My second opponent is Stefan Behr. He is playing a massive Court deck, drain and beat down against my training deck. The game is pretty uninteresting for the first turns or so, I train like a beotch and he is getting the court set up. Then I get tired of losing force to COTVG so Obi-Wan and EPP Han come down to give Bossk with Gun and Bib a visit. The battle is massive and I come out giving him a big beating. The next turn more Bounty Hunters come down like a madman and he can’t initiate. I drop BoShek and Twas along with Tautaun Bones (TECH!) and I leave him alone, waiting for the attack) He can’t deploy anything more at this point so the battle is set (By this time Leia is upside down about to be done) The battle ensues, he shoots Han on his third attempt and Luke comes down thanks to the Bones. The battle is over and I come out on top with battle loss for him of 25. The game is over and I have retrieved everything with the Objective and On the Edge. Full Win by 36.

High Points: Playing a good game
Low Points: None


My next opponent is Decktech’s Own Al Schaefer (Butt ltketch). Well, he is playing COTVG against my Turbo Trainer. He starts out and we are totally uninteractive. This game continues on and we finally beat the snot out of each other on Cloud City. But after that, Leia finishes testing, I retrieve and during that battle Tautaun Bones deployed Luke and Obi to Tatooine. The games has turned in my favor. I have a five stacked on Test 5 so I can kill anything I want. We battle it out and I come out on top everytime. The game goes quick from there and he draws up.

Full Win by 19

High Points: Having a fun game with Al
Low Points: I got sloppy near the end.


My fourth opponent of the day is Peter Behr. He is playing Throne Room Mains against my BHBM. The game starts out with a bang with several quick battles and the Emperor almost getting smited on the third turn (Dang Spies) Anyways, Emperor’s Power again proves to be a life saver giving me two destiny in every battle. I win at five consecutive battles and I cause look to be missing at the <>Swamp thanks to Always Thinking With Your Stomach. The game goes quick and he continues to throw character after character at me. The game is cool and Peter is a great opponent. Full Win by 20

High Points: It was a fun fun game.
Low Points: None apparent.


Well, my next opponent (or as Ed Hughes termed Victim) is Bart Robinson. He is playing a Reberl Strike Team against my BHBM. The game the goes extremely quick and we battle here and there. He drops Luke to Vader and Vader a turn later Elis’s away. The turning point of the game was a battle over Endor with Zuckuss in MH with 2 Red Squadron X-Wings. I came out the Victor and then next turn he drains with 3 on Endor and I Always Thinking With Your Stomach and that turns to be the final play of the game as he runs off Endor to go engage Vader. The game is over from there. Full Win by 17.

High Points: Fun game
Low Points: None.


The last and final match of the day. My LS Trainer deck against Peter Behr’s ROPS. At this time I am in first place with a differential of 10 +132. No other player is undefeated going into this last game. Peter is playing ROPS, this will be an interesting matchup. The games goes quickly and we battle and go at in quite quickly as I train away. I quickly get the important tests through and I move down like a plague to Raltiir reflipping his objective and permantly keeping it flipped. He throws down and we battle like mad but I am able to keep the objective flipped. Vader meets Obi, Vader dies and so does everyone else Obi faces. The main reason I was able to win was I got a 6 stacked on the objective, it was cool. The game goes quickly and I drain him out. Full Win by 30.

High Points: Going That well versus ROPS
Low Points: None

Final Record 12 + 162

The tournament was well attended and it was a good time overall. Mike Malake is an excellent director and I love coming to these events. Props to him. Well, I am off to school again so it will be interesting to see when I get back in the tournament scene. Well, this is Paul Motz, from Beyond Reality, signing off.