
Title: williston-park-ny-9-2-00-buck-wins
Author: Chris "Wedge231" Wodicka
Date: Sep 3, 2000

Okay, my second tournament since Death Star II. I'm using the same MWYHL from last tournament. It has been like 4-4 in testing but I feel if I play smart it can do good. My dark is a Rops deck I made, just a revision of my old pre-DSII with like Mob Points and stuff. I get there like 40 minutes before the scheduled start and I talk top some of the people there like Bucksun Lee and Brad Vogel. Well seems that we're not sanctioned right now and not too much competetion there really. So some new kid who quit or something signs up and we have 8 so we are now sanctioned! I play a quick game with Brad, my MWYHL test 6 against his TIE's and he kills me. On to the games:

Game 1: My Rops Vs. Buck's (1608) There Is Good In Him
Hmmm, revenge time. Back a few months ago Buck beat me by 12 and at the time he had a rating somewhere around 1350. He starts Insurrection, Staging Areas, and I think Menace Fades. I start Mobilization Points, Decree, and Arrest Order. I pull Rendili, swamp, and Executor: Docking Bay and put some guy there. His turn he drains and draws I think. I deploy Hoth: Ice Plains and I get a flip going I think. He drops Webb and Nien Nunb to Ice Plains. I ignore that for now and set up Emperor and Overseeing It Personally. He drops EPP Han, DS II Wedge, and ECC Chewie on my team of Imperials at the spaceport docking bay. I lose my guys but EPP Han is left alone. EPP han goes to Endor Landing Platform with Luke. My turn I try to drop Blizzard 2 and Arnet on Webb and Nunb put they get barriered. I deploy Blizzard Scout 1 as backup for them. His turn he deploys EPP Obi, General Calrissean, and plays Mechanical Failure. I lose the site and 9. Tawws and Melas come down to Raltiir later on but they die to attrition and I keep control of the planet. Jedi Luke tranits over and Igar with Tempest 1 get rid of him and I get AAA and Search and Destroy out (EPP Han moved into Chripa's Hut). He's losing 6 to my drains on Raltiir, 2 to AAA, and 1 every draw phase to S&D. I win by 8.
FW 2(+8)
Highlights: Beating him everytime he came down to Raltiir
Lowlights: Blizzard 2 and Arnet getting beat up.

Game 2: My MWYHL Vs. ???'s Space deck?
I start Wise Advice, The Way of Things, and Your Insight. He starts Kessel..... I'm like, okay, should be easy. He says how he quit the game and just started playing but he has no DSII. I get Daughter in my starting hand and I don't own 2 so I spend like 10 turns getting Traffic Control while It Could Be Worsing his drain of 1 at Kessel. I finally start testing but he gets Bossk in Bus with Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin, and some other stuff to Dagobah. I get Red Leader and a Claw on his guys at Kessel and I setup at Lower Corridor with EPP Luke and EPP Obi. We chase each other around on Dagobah and I finally put down test 5 and set up a 7. I comlete it with a 7 but he has a Dune Walker, DS-61-2 in it, Ozzel, Boba Fett, Captain Piett, Darth Vader, and Grand Moff Tarkin at the same site. His turn he battles me and I have It Could Be Worse in hand with 14 force saved. He plays Dark Jedi Presence. This isn't going too well right now. Well his draws are low and I just lose 14 overflow. Next turn I complete test 6 and move away. My next turn I start to battle his guys with my 7 and I retrieve with On The Edges. We get down to him not being able to drain thanks to Battle Plan and me draining for 4 at Kessel and Lower Corridor. I win by 34 in what seemed to be a game that lasted for an hour.
FW 4(+42)
Highlights: I won by alot and had one card in my lost pile.
Lowlights: Let's see, I got DOS in my starting hand, this game was really boring and other than the several battles we had it was just draining and running around on Dagobah, and the game took too long!

Game 3: My Rops Vs. Brad Vogel's (1738) Endor/Farm
He starts Your Insight, Strike Planning, and like Squadron Assignments or something. I draw up and get some locations out and he drops General Calrissean and Gold Squadron 1 to Endor and moves them to Raltiir. I set up on Raltiir. Next turn He drops EPP Leia on Gold Squadron 1. He also drops the Bacta Tank and Savrip. My turn I get Zuckuss in Mist Hunter against his guys with Lateral Damage on him. He draws a 5 and he loses Leia to the tank. I flipped however. He gets out EPP Obi vs. my lone Ozzel and I Ghhhk but he flips me back. Gold Squadron 1 goes to Endor for Lateral Daage but Brad draws low so he doesn't cancel it. I get out another site to Raltiir, occupy the one where Obi is at and reflip. I also set up some guys in space. EPP Luke goes to Raltiir and they battle but I kill Luke and he reflips me again I think and he gets Green Squadron 3 with Tycho to Raltiir and Gold Squadron 1 with Lando and Wedge but I barrier Green 3. He battles and loses Wedge and some to Savrip. He tries to get rid of Lateral Damage again and misses. I reflip my objective again and battle him off my planet and set up S&D. He puts Orrimaarko down to his Farm and kills a Nudj to satisfy S&D. I get Chimaera and Evax to Kashyyyk to satisfy Battle Order which I deployed last turn. He kills Evax and loses to Savrip again. He finally gets rid of Lateral Damage after drawing 0's and 1's the other 4 times he tried to get rid of it. I drain him out however. I win by 15.
FW 6(+57)
Highlights: I won despite having my objective flipped back 4 times. I am now 1st in the tournament.
Lowlights: None

Game 4: My MWYHL Vs. Brad Vogel's (1738) Rops
He starts Oppressive, IAO, and Mob Points and I start my usual. I get Daughter in my opening hand again! I can tell this won't be pretty. I slow his drains with Wars Not Make One Great and Battle Plan. He gets guys to Rendili and isdraining at 3 Raltiir sites but I manage to Projection 2 of them. He also grabbed my It Could Be Worse. Then I lose some off the top to a drain and there goes my Swamp. Guess I won't be flipping anytime soon. I finally get Daughter down with Traffic Control after like 5 turns and start to test. He deploys S&D and AAA. I deploy EPP Obi but he gets Barriered. I also deploy Lando in Falcon to Rendili and move him to Raltiir. His turn, Tempest Scout 1 with an AT-ST pilot, Tempest Scout 2 with an AT-ST pilot, and Tempest 1 with Igar against my Obi. Obi and 19.... I was thinking of using On The Edge and pick 6 and draw low to kill Obi but I am dumb and said, "Hmmm, I'll retrieve and pick a 5 since that's a 6 on top." I hate being an an idiot. I proceed to lose by 22.
FW 6(+35)
Highlights: I Circled Obi and captured Han just like last game. I drew some mean destiny thanks to my awesome tracking skills, j/k. Big props to my opponent for not playing any Klatoonians
Lowlights: None

So the tournament finishes with me in 4th. Here's top 4:
1. Buck Sunlee 6(+61)
2. Brad Vogel 6(+51)
3. Chris Liotta 6(+??)
4. Chris Wo@#$%a (me) 6(+35)

I should have let Brad win by me so Buck wouldn't have to come 1st but I didn't know. Prize support wasn't good, Buck got Sim Aloo, Brad got Home One: War Room, Chris got something but I forgot, and I got Cracken. My other cards I got were Twiliht Is Upon Me and Emperor's Sword but I gave Emperor's Sword to some kid who's name I didn't catch. After that me and Brad discussed a cool DBO idea but I think it's too crazy too work.

Dan Sotelo: For being the TD
Brad: Thanks for the Bo Shuda since I don't have one
Everyone else for coming although not too many people came

Me: I drew Daughter in my starting hand both games! Could've been alot closer in game 4. Also if I played better/worse in game 4 Buck wouldn't have had to win another tournament!

- Chris W. aka Wedge231, White Dingo Commander