
Title: geneva-illinois-9-2-00
Author: Butt "ltkettch" Munch
Date: Sep 4, 2000

Hi everyone, it's been a long time since I've posted a tournament report so, here we go...

The decks:

I'm a complete loser, I don't build my own decks. If it wasn't for decktech I wouldn't have a clue what to play. My LS today was a near exact copy of the BramhaBulls throne room v2, and the DS was Stimmed Jims scum version 2. I saw Jims deck in action at gencon and he was at the top table for almost the entire weekend so I figured it must be very good. And I never played throne room mains before today, and I must say I'm surprised its not a more popular deck.

The Pre-Tourny:

I had to work this morning from 6 to 11, and the tournament started at 12 almost an hours drive away. So after work I jump in my car and drive like a bat out of hell to try to make it on time. Inspite of holiday traffic, the Illinois tollway system, and a very disagreeable chicken sandwich from Wendy's I made it to Beyond Reality just in time.

The Tourny:

Mike Malake is the TD today and he has a very respectable crowd of 15 players getting ready to test their decks against eachother. Much to my surprise, Paul Motz (currently a very busy college student), somehow found the time to make it to this particular tournament.

Game 1:

The DS court deck -vs- Matt ididntgetyourlastname's RST

This was a pretty good game. Just about everything went right for me which usually never happens. First turn he deploys madine with strike planning and pulls out chewie and wuta. I get a steady drain setup at jabba's palace and throw bubo out try and eat madine. SUCCESS!!! This kind of set him back a few turns and gave me time to get my bounty hunters, scum, and ships setup just the way i want them. In the final battle, I captured gen. solo with ig-88, hit chewie with 4-lom, hit chewie with mara, operate, and beat the crap out of wuta, and finally capture wuta. He made a last ditch effort to try and blow the bunker, but drew poor destiny and missed.

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Highs: Winning with a court deck that I only played with twice on thursday and did very bad with.

Lows: Nothing really.

Game 2:

LS TRM -vs- Ed Hughes ROPS

This is the first time I've ever play throne room mains, EVER! I was really surprised just how well I was able to do agains ROPS which had previously given me a huge problem. Anyway, I got the nudj's going right away, used squadron assignments to get capt han and the falcon out and then to raltiir. Got leia with gun on the ground at raltiir and pretty much screwed with his ability to flip for the whole game. I made one mistake that Ed could've really made me pay for. He had just killed leia with an at-st beatdown, and left arden open for a beatdown. I pull out frozen assets with the signal, and then deploy jedi luke to arden's site. Ooops!!! he barriers luke and i have no sense, and i didn't deploy the frozen like an idiot! This dragged the game out for a long while, and we flipped raltiir back and forth so many times I can't remember.

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Highs: Winning with a new deck that I've never played with before.

Lows: Not really knowing the deck well enough to use it to it's full potential.

Game 3:

DS -vs- Paul Motz MWYHL test to 5

I wasn't really sure what to do about this. Paul is an excellent player and I know I can't afford any mistakes in this game. So for the first couple of turns, I just setup at jabba's palace and drain for a few. He screws my drains with some projections and test 1, and tries to play AFA. I cancel 2 with Projective Telepathy, but one gets through anyway. I also monnok lost and get 2 on the edge. After he gets test 3 the game gets a little interesting. He deploys a few guys to cc and continues testing. I draw for another turn and start saving force for a beatdown. One more turn and I deploy a bunch of bounty hunters, dr. e, and vader to cc for a battle. Unfortunately i'm drawing decent destiny's which is allowing him to retrieve force and deploy mains with tauntan bones. The battle ends and he's still got to lose a lot so he houjix's, ouch. Now ive got luke, obi, and Han loose on tatooine with all my bounty hunters stuck on cc with no chance of rescue. The game goes downhill from there, I try to keep it close but there's not much I can do.

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Highs: Um, not much, I monnoked 2 ote.
Lows: Being suckered into cc, and not realizing the full potential of the tauntan bones.

Game 4:

LS -vs- Alex Hemly's HDATJ

Whoa, HDATJ. It's been a while since i've played against this, and it shows. Not much to report in the beginning, I pretty much kept luke away from vader for fear of epic duel. But he gets killed twice when alex draws visage for weapon and battle destiny!!! In the mid game it's a drain race, no battles, no interaction. In the end game, luke finally makes it back to the table, and we both start losing to visage.

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Highs: Nothing really.

Lows: I got a lousy draw, lousy destiny's, and I ended up winning a game I could've lost, because I didn't know the deck well enough.

Game 5:

DS -vs- Peter Behr's TRM

This game blew major monkey balls. I'm really really dumb. That’s all there is to it. I played Peter the last time I went to Geneva and I know he frequents decktech at least as often as I do. So when I see his throne room start I figure he’s using the same ls deck I am. Well, it wasn’t the same deck, but it was pretty damn close. The game started out okay, he got his nudjs going on yavin and I put jabba at the audience chamber. A few turns later I put out coruscant for activation and slap bubo down on yavin to eat the nudj’s. That was about the highlight of the game for me. Peter immediately takes over coruscant with tantive and wedge in his ship, while setting up a few mains on tatooine. After that I couldn’t draw anything, especially bounty hunters, which really cost me. After the first couple of drains, I had already lost 2 of my starships right off the top of my reserve deck, am I an idiot or what??? I won 1 battle on tatooine against obi and orrimaarko, but no bounty hunters and I couldn’t capture either of them with all wrapped up, those 2 would come back to haunt me in the end game. Although I wasn’t losing much to his drains, I still tried to slow him down with battle order since there was no battleground system on the table. But then I had a major brain fart and deployed kashyyyk (japanese). I guess I’ll never learn. Peter jumps on this system too with captain han in the falcon. Well, I couldn’t just let him own my japanese kashyyyk, so I send my last ss, zuckuss to teach the captain a lesson. I initiate battle and he reacts with the spiral. WAKE UP AL, YOU HAVE A BARRIER IN YOUR HAND!!!! Yes, it’s true I have an imperial barrier in my hand for just such an occasion and I fail to play it. I just move right on to drawing destiny, and making him lose the spiral. Whoop-de-doo! We battle almost every turn at kashyyyk for the rest of the game. He didn’t have more than 6 ability until the last turn. I finally got scum and villany going and that helped me hang in there. Unfortunately I couldn’t find the Alter and Bacta Tank was saving his ass at kashyyyk. I just plain sucked it up this game. But I’ll give Peter credit he played very smart and didn’t take any chances if he didn’t have to. Good job Peter.

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Highs: Bubo ate 2 nudj’s.

Lows: The whole game was 1 nonstop downer for me. Everything just fell apart and I couldn’t draw anything I needed. Oh well, guess I should playtest a deck a little before playing it in a tournament.

Game 6:

LS –vs- Bart Robinson CCT

I shuffled, really I did. Not much to say in this game. I just happened to draw all my twix sites in my opening hand. See I do get lucky sometimes. Evil activation and I got all my mains out lightning fast. Not much he could do about it. There were a few battles, I was drawing great destiny’s and losing very little. This game was over pretty fast.

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Highs: Drawing all my twix sites in my opening hand.

Lows: Nothing really, I started playing sloppy at the end and lost a few battles for being overconfident.

Yeah well I went 4 & 2 playing two brand new decks for me. I like both decks a lot and recommend that everyone try them at least once. Paul “vollerian” Motz finished first going undefeated the whole day. Alex Hemly got second, and I took third.

Props & Slops:


-to Mike Malake for running another great tourny with fun contests and great prizes.
-to Paul Motz and Alex Hemly for doing so well in the tournament.
-to Stimmed Jim and ThaBraHmaBul for being 2 great deck builders.
-to Beyond Reality for hosting the tournament and offering 50cent drinks with free refills to all the sw players.


-to weekend gas prices, holiday traffic, and the illinois tollway; sometimes I wonder where road rage comes from.
-to wendy’s, that new chicken mozzerrella sandwich is just plain bad.
-to steve crazy hermit kuperman, just because
-and one big wet slop to myself for being a lousy player. I just plain sucked in that 5th game.