
Title: gb-9-2-00
Author: Mark "yodarth" Kloida
Date: Sep 5, 2000

The tourney was held at HobbyTown USA in Green Bay, Wisconsin. We had 17 people show so it was a good turnout. Before Death Star II we would only get 10-12.

Pre-tourney stuff:
My friend Matt went to Denny's to eat the Brownie Friday afternoon hoping that it could help his rating of (don't drink anything before reading the following four numbers) 1390. I'm about 60 miles away so that stinks. School still didn't start so I had all week to buy some more cards and playtest. For dark I was running the standard Rallops, modified from my 2/0 favorite type to the docking bay stuff. For light I decided to play something kinda similar to the speeders version of TIGIH but with a little more space cause last tourney like 1/2 the dark decks were all space. The tourney starts at 10:15 AM on Saturday instead of the usual 12 noon on Sunday time cause some people didn't want to come to Sunday ones or couldn't get rides cause they wanted to watch the Packer game which I find ok since otherwise traffic gets backed up a lot. I prefer to wake up around 11:00 on tourney Sundays but now I gotta wake up at 9, which really sucks. So I get there 1/2 hour sooner than usual cause the construction is finally done. I buy a Relfections pack and get a whopping Blizzard 1 foil and my Death Star II pack produces my 3rd Emperor. We start with 13, which really sucks, cause some people don't know how to come on time and arrive after we finish our first game. So a 5 game tourney (don't ask me why not 4 or 6) turns into a 4 for them. Let the games begin...

GAME 1: My Rallops vs. John R.'s (1500) MWYHL
He's one of the group of like 6 newbies that show up so I really dunno how good he is. He starts pulling stuff and setting up while I take control of Ralltiir. He's having problems with remembering when everything gets pulled so he has test #1 ready to go when I set up and flip with a drain of 12 coming next turn (4 sites, ETE on Spaceport City with an Imp Commander there, Vader and Mara's sticks, Palpy with Overseeing It Personally). Finally he completes test #1 on me so my drain stuff won't work. He puts I Feel The Conflict down so I watch Vader since I suspect Anakin Skywalker. I'm still draining for 4 a turn, and he's losing quite a bit of mains. Then he comes with Chewie of Kashyyyk and his saber (Bowcaster) and sites there against Mara. Then comes scrub beatdown as I drop like 4 2/2 guys and battle, swiping Chewie with Mara's stick and he hits Mara so I just gotta lose Mara and he loses Chewie and 12. He starts complaining about how he just threw the deck together last night and I drain him out before he can complete the 2nd test in his test to 6.

FW 2 (+26)

Highlights: Did everything I wanted to.
Lowlights: Mara getting hit.

GAME 2: My TIGIH vs. Ben's (didn't catch last name) (1500) Rendili Stardrive
He's also one of the newbie group. He starts with Rendili and like all of his group of 6 who plays RSD, KDY, and SFS for dark magically gets one of his 1 or 2 Rendili Stardrives into hand first turn (wtf?) and deploys it and a Vic Class for 4. I drian, drop a Rebel Snowspeeder at the Hoth Docking Bay and Incom, Signal for and drop S-Foils, move Luke, and draw. Out of the 5 there I get an X-Wing and 2 Organized Attacks, which will help me big time in space. He picks up and says go. I Organized Attack, losing Flaps to get 3 X-Wings and power up S-Foils, then drop 4 X-Wings and battle the lone Vic Class and Organized Attack used. I draw a 4 for destiny and my 32 power against his 6 makes him forfeit the Vic and lose 21, plus 1 for I Feel The Coinflict. He activates, picks up 2, and says go. I drain for 3, drop the Back Door and 2 speeders there since I doubt he's got any ground power, and draw a couple in case he actually challenged me in space. He drops Tyrant and a Tractor Beam to Rendili and battles. He thinks Tractor Beams are all cool but forgets he has to survive the battle to use it so hes dead and loses another 15 or so. My drains of 5 are pretty overwhelming since he lost so many from battles so he eventually croaks.

FW 4 (+54)

Highlights: Huge beatdown, knowing my space adjustments were more than enough.
Lowlights: Didn't even get to battle with speeders :(

So I'm in first by a mile and a half. This guy's new so I look at his deck and tell him whats good to take out (10 destiny 7's and 5 Deflector Shield Generators were a start)and tell him to add some cool stuff (Heavy Turbolasers are cool with RSD). Matt's at 0-2 so it appears the Brownie doesn't work for 1390 players, plus when he ordered he actually told the waitress 'two of these, please' which I doubt you actually say please to a Denny's waitress...

GAME 3: My Rallops vs. Brandon Blonch (sp?) (1442) RST
He's a newbie in like his third tourney. He only has good dark cards, like 30 light cards in all, so he borrows Derek, the tourney director's light decks. I start setting up with a God hand while he drops a whole crew to the Rebel Landing Site. I flip turn 4, while hes still going at the Rebel Landing site and not doing a thing about the objective. So I drop ZiMH and Bossk In Bus to Endor. He counters with Home One. He's a newbie and I'm doing good for once so I believe its still my responsibility to help him out but he doesn't listen to me when I tell him to pull General Calrissian with Strike Planning and Squassin for Gold Squadron 1 so otherwise he would have like had a decent space force. I kill him in that battle and Home One satisfies perfect battle damage. Next turn he finally pulls General Lando but drops him lone to the Back Door without doing anything. I could drop Vader and Tarkin, ending the game and helping differential with him not draining anyway so it'd not even do a thing, but I decide to go lightly and drop Lt. Commander Ardan, and arrition takes Lando. He doesn't find reason to counter Ardan with his 50 Landing Site power so I just drain him out next turn with a drian of like 14.

FW 6 (+82)

Highlights: Lt. Commander Ardan beating down Calrissian.
Lowlights: I could have increased differential but decided to be nice.

Well, Matt actually takes a game by 17, winning against Aaron Bucholtz, which will get me into a little tale. This kid's like 7 years old, has had his two front teeth missing for over a year now and has a brother who tells him that his Giran for a Zuckuss In Mist Hunter is a good trade while a Death Star II system for R2 in Red 5 and something else was awesome. This kid is known as Aaron to most at our tournies, but Matt and I prefer to call him 'I Trample Obawan' kid. You see, at our first tourney, his also, he played his brother in the last game. With his lone Blizzard 2 against every main in existance and more and him just sitting there while his brother completed Our Most Deperate Hour one after another and was whooping him he smiled, a winning little kid's smile, as if he had such a good trick up his sleeve that it was his ticket to worlds and played an interrupt and shouted 'I TRAMPLE OBAWAN!' So he draws a 1, oh well, and gets creamed.

GAME 4: My TIGIH vs. Rob B's (1643) Court
I was gonna get paired against Brandon again but he complains he doesnt wanna get clobbered again so I get paired against a better guy and the guy right behind me gets him (how fair can you be?). This guy took at least 20 minutes staring at his opening hand before activating...that's why he ties like all of his games and a tie is not what I need now so I need to speed on my turns. I finally get the turn, and decide to keep Luke and Chirpy's place instead of risking an early beating, though I doubt it to happen. I have X-Wings up the kazoo but no speeders in my openening hand so I land an X-Wing at the Hoth Bay to secure a little for Incom when I get it and drop Flaps. He deploys a few guys to the Pit Of Carkoon and I Signal for Honor and then draw all. Now I have beatodnw potential. I actiavate and instead of beating down forget to power up Flaps before dropping Incom so it really stinks and I can't take it back. So I save Force and he drops Dr. E and Dengar with Gun to the Landing Platform. Then come the speeders, like 7 of em I tell ya...and he trys interrupts and stuff but no Force for Draw Their Fire hurts and he loses by 16 plus 1 for Conflict. He takes 15 minutes to lose it all, what looked more like 6 than 16 and since I practically fell asleep I didn't remember to remind him about Conflict. So he drops more guys to the Landing Platform and moves in on Luke after deploying them and undeploying them 50 times. I drop the Cloud City Plaza and Kessel with 4 X-Wings at Kessel and 3 Speeders on CC. I move Luke away and he makes me lose 3 to OTE and after 5 minutes of telling him that it says HIS battle phase I just lose it cause I dont feel like tieing. So now he only occupies 1 battleground where Mosep has been killing me at the Canina all game so Honor reduces his Chirpas Hut drain to zippo and my 7 drain kills him off.

FW 8 (+91)

Highlights: Nice drains, good beatdown.
Lowlights: Losing to Order To Engage when I wasn't supposed to, not getting a beatdown before he moved into the Cantina.

Now the guy who's also 4-0 and me have to play a game. He thinks his Rallops is awesome so he wants to play his dark, and I like my TIGIH 10 times better so I want to play light, but Derek is mean and makes him play light (Profit, what kept me from winning last tourney) and I have to go with Rallops, which by the way everyone is now playing at our tournies so the counters will show up and I need to find a cool dark deck now.

GAME 5: My Rallops vs. Christian K's (1586) Profit
Well I get a crap hand really, yeah DVDLOTS, EPP Vader, and Mara are sweet, but no AT-STs and I would be searching for them half the game. He's played in some tough areas and decided he'd some up since ours was like the only tourney in Wisconsin. Well he frees Han with Tessek and some other scrub so i come with DVDLOTS but my choke fails. He wins the battle after I Know brings EPP Leia out. I lose DVDLOTS to cover it all. Next turn I drp EPP Vader and Han's hit. Then I draw and draw and draw and draw trying to find AT-STs while he draws and draws and draws for Han. Finally I start to set up and he drop the Home One Bay. I finally control Ralltiir and next turn have a flip. Then Godhert at the Executor Bay gets hit by Webb, EPP Han, EPP Leia, Jedi Luke, and 3 destiny draws. he transits over for like 3 (wtf?) and comes to Ralltiir right after I flip and the Arcona/OTE thing is killing me. So he moves in then transits some back to Tatooine. Eventually Order and others are killin me and I lose to Profit once again.

FL 8 (+63)

Highlights: Being able to snip at Han right away.
Lowlights: Crap hand, huge beatdown.

So I get 3rd, not that bad, and get 4 CC packs and an ANH. I pull Captain Han so I'm kinda happy. I get 7 foils I needed so that helps. Matt goes 1-4 at like -100 or something. Christian goes on to win. He's really a good player, even Matt Upstone who takes every tourney going 4-0 lost to him.

Derek for a great tourney.
Me for doing good.
TIGIH for being sweet.
I Trample Obawan kid for being I Trample Obawan kid.
Christian for taking it all.

Derek for pairing me with someone good even tough I should have gotten to play a newbie.
Profit for killing me all the time.
Matt for lowering an already pathetic rating.
I Trample Obawan kid for being I Trample Obawan kid.

Thanks for the read.