
Title: williston-park-ny-9-9-00
Author: Chris "Wedge231" Wodicka
Date: Sep 9, 2000

Okay, the day before I decide to go and I am bringing MWYHL Mains and my Raltiir Ops deck. Okay, so I get to the place and there is only 3 people there. So I decide to hang out a bit and some little kid comes in and Matt Ehrhart and Bill Power sign up so we have 8. I get paired with Patrick.

Game 1: My Rops Vs. Patrick ???'s (????) EBO
Patrick is pretty new I think, have only seen him sine I got back form Australia so he starts EBO stuff with A New Secret Base to my Decree, Mobilization Points, and Imperial Arrest Order. I go and pull the Swamp, Rendili, and Ozzel to Executor Docking Bay. He pulls his sites and stuff and draws. I deploy Jungle and Spaceport Docking Bay and deploy some guys to flip. He set up guys at the Echo sites and deploy Yavin and Hoth and Dagobah over the next few turns. I am draining for 6 on Raltiir with Overseeing it Personally. He comes down with Han and some 2/2 pilot but he has to lose both to attrition. He can't drain due to the -1 and I am draining for 6 a turn. He finally gets out EBO at the end and sets up in space. I drop Zuckuss and Fett on him and battle his guys at Yavin. He loses some and I lose Zuckuss. He transit EPP Luke and Biggs from Echo Docking Bay to Raltiir but they get beat up too. I drain him out to win. I win by 41. Patrick tells me after he doesn't really try against Raltiir decks....
FW 2(+41)
Highlights: I won by alot
Lowlights: I felt bad making this a pretty boring game but he didn't have any guys out for awhile

Game 2: My MWYHL Vs. Matt Moss' (1442) Imperial Command Deck
I start Aim High, Wise Advice, and Insurrection to his Mobilization Points and two effects I don't remember. I deploy my two 1/0 docking bays, Rendezvous Point, and Yoda at his hut while he gets out Veers to docking control room to pull some docking bays. I drop Orrimaarko on Veers after he moves to the Death Star docking bay. I win and he loses his guy and 2 to Orrimaarko's text. I then transit to Home One DB. His turn, Mara and Motti come down but he draws low and I draw high so it's Mara with Orrimaarko. My turn, 4 Eloms and Tawss come down to battle. That's pretty much game there. I spread from that docking bay to the Tatooine Docking Bay and he CC Docking Bay. I get out the Carbonite Chamber and put EPP Luke there. Lord Vader pays him a visit and on my turn Boussh with cover broken, EPP Han, and an Elom take out Vader. He spread to some non-battleground's with his remaining forces but Honor of the Jedi takes care of that. I win by 31.
FW 4(+72)
Highlights: Winning and beating down Mara.
Lowlights: I feel bad for Matt since this isn't his deck and he really didn't know how to use it.

Game 3: My MWYHL Vs. Mike Mayrsohn's (1607) Big Blue
He starts some weird effectsthat I never saw before and he is using the Set Your Course for Alderaan objective. I start Battle Plan, Wise Advice, and Insurrection. I pull my docking bays and Yoda at his hut while he sets up a drain at Kiffex with a Presence of the Force. I go to his Death Star sites to drain. Lord Vader with Grand Moff Tarkin go down on Han and and Tawss and I lose Han while Tarkin goes down to my blaster shot. My turn 4 Eloms come down and it's Vader and 9. Mara with Saber goes to the Death Star docking bay and I try to get her but he barriers my Obi. I do manage to take her out with 2 overflow. He spreads in space to Sullust with a Presence of the Force and later that Adrimal guy on a Star Destroyer at Endor. I can't keep up. I put down some Eloms and play Nar Shaddaa but I lose by 12.
FW 4(+60)
Highlights: Eloms killing Lord Vader.
Lowlights: I was a little too hard on Mike with the rulings when he would search for a card with Death Star in the title and try to drain me afterwards. Sorry.....

Game 4: My Rops Vs. Bill Power's (1674) MWYHL
He starts Insurrecton, Wise Advice, and The Way of Things and I start Secret Plans, Mobilization Points, and Imperial Arrest Order. I set up as usual with a 2/2 guy at the Executor docking bay and then by turn 2 I flip with 2/2's everywhere. He has Daughter in his froce pile so he deploys General Han and Lando to the Endor docking bay. My turn and Igar and Tempest 1 take them out and I lose Igar. I get out Search and Destroy and spread to 4 Raltiir sites for drain. So he is testing and is losing 5 on my turn and 1 on his. He drops Jedi Luke and Madine on my Tempest 1 and he battles. I react with Tempest Scout 6. He plays Rebel Leadership and Smoke Screens so he has like 18 power to my 16. I lose both I think. He loses Madine and transits to Raltiir. He battles my Emperor next turn but a reacting Blizzard Scout 1 with an AT-ST pilot make him lose to attrition. My drains and Search and Destroy do him in. Win by 32....
FW 6(+92)
Highlights: I beat a testing deck
Lowlights: Again this game was really uninteractive and not very fun, sorry Bill

So the tournament finishes with me in 2nd. Here's the final scores:

1. Matt Ehrhart
2. Chris Wo@#$%a (me)
3. Mike Mayrsohn
4. Bill Power
5. Bill Hauser
6. Patrick
7. Matt Moss
8. Little new kid

I get General Lando in prize support. Ehrhart got a Jedi Luke. My rating should get over 1700 now.

Dan Sotelo: For being the TD
Everyone who played for actually making it sanctioned

Me: My Rops is probably the least fun deck to play against. I sit on Raltiir and drain you. You can't do much thanks to my -1 from the objective but when you come down to Raltiir, I smack you around. I am thinking of making a fun deck now. I don't know when I'll be playing again but hopefully soon.

- Chris W. aka Wedge231, White Dingo Commander