
Title: boca-raton-fl-9-17-00
Author: Mike "Iceman" Fitzgerald
Date: Sep 17, 2000

Sorry this isn’t as good as my normal TReports but it seemed
to go by very fast.

# of Players : 8 ( Sanctioned )
TD : Richard Davis

Decks :
LS - Scout Craze w/ Good Objective. Lots of guys
DS - Anti-Profit.

Game 1 : My LS vs. Philip Vasquez’s BHBM (1500s)

I get my stuff set up right away and drain him with
Super Luke for a lot. I beat him up once at his Docking Bay
and stack 2 cards on my objective. He deploys Lots of TIEs
up to Mon Calamari but doesn’t have SFSystems or much. He
had like 3 Emperors and 3 Lord Vaders but didn’t really
matter. I win handily by 27. Record : 2 (+27)

High : Winning
Lows : nothing

Game 2 : My DS vs. Jeff Alexander’s Good Objective (1700s)

Hmm. I get my Tatooine stuff and draw like crazy.
I’ve got like a 20 card hand and he’s got lots of space stuff
so I’m drawing a lot to figure out what I’m gonna do. Vader
and Stick are holding Luke at his Endor Docking Bay and
Boelo is in the Chamber while I’m using Search and Destroy
to do my damage. Battle Order is slowing the game down which
is a bonus in my favor I think. He gets out Boussh and drops
a pilot down to fulfill Search and Destroy. I drop Mara and
Evazan and I chase him around for basically the rest of the
game. He deploys Kessel and move Home One over to Kessel
leaving two matching pilots to hold Tatooine. I deploy
IG-2000w/ IG and Fett in Ride and draw a 9 destiny to get
rid of Home One and retrieve/lose with First Strike. So now
I get free drains. Obi-Wan comes down to run around with
Boussh and finally they stand up and are force to fight so
I operate on Boussh ( I remembered the +1 from Oppressive
Enforcement for Executor and that was the difference ) use
4-LOM to cancel Ben’s immunity and Ben’s gone. Search and
Destroy and that’s pretty much game. Win by 12 I think.
Record : 4 ( +39 )

Highs : Winning when I had some mistakes , not losing a
Lows : Having to draw a gazillion.

Game 3 : My LS vs. David Irvine’s Scum deck (2000s)

I get setup again and hit him with Super Luke Drains.
I send Harc seff and people over to Jabba’s Palace to seal a
drain or two. Stack a card here and there and the drains were
what really killed him. Win by 18. 6 ( +57 )

Highs : I think this is the first time I’ve beaten David.
Lows : IG-88 captured EPP Leia , IG is annoying.

Game 4 : My DS v. Andrew Wise’s Profit Deck (1700s)

Well my Deck is Anti-Profit and his is Profit
so you probably figure out what is gonna happen. I get
everything running pretty smooth and its brutal for him.
I think the worst part was Choke Vader w/ Stick versus
Geezum and Crix Madine. I choke Geezum which is expected
but I go to hit Madine and he plays Dodge. For those that
don’t know Dodge subtracts 3 from every weapon destiny so
my total weapon destiny is -6 and Crix is value of 3 so
I need a 10 to hit him and I get it so he loses like Crix
and 8 and then later Vader crushes and Arcona for 6-7
more. I also had Occupation and Search and Destroy up,
Honor of the Jedi saved him lots of Force as did ICBWorse
but the damage was pooring in from everywhere. Win by 32.
Record : 8 ( +89 )

Highs : Win the tournament. First tournament after Dagobah
Regionals and I did okay.
Lows : Really destroying Wise.

I’m sorry this is such a small TReport but it just kinda
seems like a blur so I’ll go with some Tournament Observations.

Tournament Observations :
-Decktech seems to have a strong influence , little kids had
really good decks they just needed to learn how to play them.
-Dodge is insanely good.
-Profit needs force.
-Lots of characters is the way to go.

Mike Fitzgerald