
Title: mellinieum-games-9-30-00
Author: Jake "NeDraco" Rich
Date: Sep 30, 2000

Well lets make this intro short and sweet. It was supposed to be a big tourny where 1st place gets a set of premiere but since there was a Deadlands tourny going on at the same time and alot of the regular SW players play that too, so we only got 14 people so no set of premiere but owell I still want to have some fun. I am playing my trusty Rops deck which is 30-3 in tournament play and my TIGIH which is 20-2, kinda cool how they match up like that huh. Now on to the games.

Game 1:
DS vs. Theron Mergotts (1629) Asteroid Sanctuary deck

Well at first I was kinda confused when he started with Anoat and Prepared Defenses but as the game went on for a couple turns I started to see what he was getting at. I flipped on my second turn and started draining as fast as I could but I could not find my damn Overseeing It Personally for my Emperor. I looked for like 5 turns trying to find it but It finally surfaced. Meanwhile he had set up a Sanctuary at Anoat which was hurting me a little but my drains were still hitting him for more and then I deployed Search and Destroy to increase the damage I was inflicting on him. Man I had to get rid of that stupid Sanctuary and all he had guarding it was a lone A-wing and the only ship I had was a Bossk in bus so I deploy it but he barriers it so he just sits there on his turn and I lose damage to Sanctuary. On my turn he plays Lost Relay on Bossk in Bus and Blows it up with the Asteroid destiny. This was a stupid mistake on my part cause I realized after the game that he couldn’t play it on the Bus because it is captial starship and Lost Relay only targets starfighters so stupid me I ended up loseing 5 for the Lost Relay. I and he kept playing It Could Be Worse to block some of my drains but silly him I had a Its Worse in my and I had 14 force saved for it and sure enough he plays it to cancel a drain and BLAM I hit him with a 14 point Its Worse. After that he never play another It Could Be Worse and the game become a big drain race. I finally got my damned Overseeing It Personally and was hitting him for 7 a turn plus Search and Destroy. He was hitting me for 10 a turn. But it was so close he had 1 damn card left in his deck which Seach and Destroy would have taken care of but no I had to make tha stupid mistake which cost me the game. FL-1

Highs: None
Lows:Making a very newbie mistake, not getting Overseeing It Personally until it was to late , the list goes on...

Game 2:
LS vs Matt Goughs (1631) Rops Trooper Deck

Hmmm... this should be and instering matchup the last time I played a Rops deck I won but it was a very close game. My hand kicked ass, I ended up getting 2 Eloms, EPP Han, and a bunch of cool red cards. So on his first turn he deploys Admiral Piett and 3 Storm Troopers to the Forest. On my turn I drain pull a DB with Insurection but I can only find a <> DB and Singal for Barganing Table. Then I draw and get First Strike ECC Lando and another Elom. On his turn he drains for 1 which I block with the Table and he draws to replentish his hand size. On my turn I drain and save foce so I can beat him down. Paticence pays off, he deploys General Tagge to the DB and Trooper Davin Felth and a Stormtrooper Cadet to the swamp, Flips and moves Tagge over to Felths site. Time for beatdown I play EPP Han, ECC Lando, 2 Eloms, Aim High, and First Strike and I battle. He can’t play Trooper Assult because he has none saved for the First Strike. So I shoot Tagge down But miss Felth because of An Entire Legion Of My Best Troops which make them have armour =4 I play Slight Weapons Malfunction to get another destiny and I draw a 5 and 2 and he draws a 1, so I lose an Elom and he loses every thing plus some and I get a card for Conflict. And then I transit Luke to the DB and flip his Obj. After that he captures Luke with Vader and tries to fight me off but gets low draws. giving me two more cards on Conflict. But I am a dumbass and have no 6’s but @#$% loads of 5’s and one 7 so I need one more card. It come down to one battle. My EPP Han, EPP Leia, ECC Lando, ECC Chewie, Wedge, and 4x Eloms versus his Vader, Tarkin 5x Stormtroopers,and ECC 4-LOM. I battle I shoot Tarkin and 4-LOM and he blanks Leias text. I get 2 destinies to his one. I draw a 3 and a 3 he draws a 5 plus he played a Trooper assult. So I had 45 power to his 32 power so I win and get a 4th card on conflict and lose some crap to satisfy attrition. I go for the convert and draw a 5 Vader has joined his son and I win the game by 18.

Highs: tons of interaction, me converting Vader
Lows: none

Game 3:
DS vs Charles Clarksons(1872) Tatooine thing deck( I don’t know what the hell it was)

Well Charles is spitting out doom and gloom about how I am going to beat him cause he hasn’t beaten me yet but I don’t really know what his deck is so I don’t know how this game is going to work out. He starts out with Obis Hut, Prepared Defenses, Insurection, Staging Areas, and Your Insight Serves You Well so on my first urn I do what I have always done and pulled Wakameeilu(sp?),Forest, <> DB, and played DS2: DB out of my hand. and I draw. My hand kicks @#$% Ive got Lord Vader, Emperor, Biker Scout, Bike, and some red. On his first turn he plays Ben at his hut and pulls Tat: DB and moves Ben over. My turn I play a Biker Scout with Bike to the Forest, Emperor to the DB, and another Biker Scout to the Desert which I had drawn and I flip my Obj. I his turn he give Obi his stick and transits over and draws. On my turn I drain and play Lord Vader with his stick and battle. I hit Obi and Obi hits the Emperor( dammit so much for Overseeing It Personally) and I draw a 3 and he gets a 3 so he loses obi and some while I lose the Emperor. I draw and It’s his turn. He plays another Obi and moves to the Tat: DB and stays there for the next few turns only playing a EPP Han and Leia to Obis site and he cant drain beacuse of my Obj so I just drain him and get a god hand with First Strike, The Circle Is Now Complete, Tarkin, ECC 4-LOM, ECC Iggy, plus some other goodies. So finally Charles grows some balls and transits to the DB not knowing whats in store for him. On my turn I deploy First Strike, Tarkin, ECC 4-LOM, and ECC Iggy. I battle. He pays the 1 force that he has left to play Weapon Levitation on Vader. so I Circle Obi placing him out of play, capture Han with Iggy and blank Leias text but he shoots Tarkin and I draw a 3 and 4 and he gets a 1 so hes got to lose Leia and around 16 force and that is pretty much game all I do is sit and drain and he draws up. FW+26

Highs:Circling Obi Capturing Han, and Reducing Leia to a Bloody smear
Lows: He killed the Emperor! You Bastard!

Game 4:
LS vs Reid Smiths(1759) BHBM

Okay at this point in the game Reid is the only undefeated player in this tournament so I know that this game is going to be tough but my LS deck is also undefeated against BHBM so I know it can go either way. So I get a pretty good hand, EPP Han, ECC Lando, 2x Eloms and some red and blue. First turn he plays Janus and the Endor:DB to screw my force gen. but I also get 1 off of Rendilli. So one my turn I give Luke to Janus and Draw. On his turn he drains and pulls the Emperor and puts him at the DS2: DB and then loses 3 from both of our objectives. On my turn I draw some more and wait for him to make a move I can really play off of. On his turn he play Marri Onith to the DS2:DB and moves Januse to the Home One:DB and says go but he didn’t lose any from the Objs and I didn’t notice until it was to late. So I gotta get some of my men out of my hand so Onith dosen’t have sex with them. so I play Endor: Backdoor and put EPP Obi there and say go. He uses Onith and gets EPP Han and ECC Lando.(nuts) and then he deploys Captain Sarkili to Chirpas Hut and says go once again he dosen’t lose to the Objs and I dont catch it so I know that he not going to unless I become a @#$%in rules lawyer and tell him to every turn(which I do). So I am pissed and forget to drain(Doh!) but I do deploy a Elom to Chirpas Hut and battle getting a card for Confict and making him lose 2 force and the I move the Elom to Obi. then he drains and I make him lose for the Objs which I do from here on out so Im not going to mention it every other line so I can save you Eyeballs from burning out. I try any battle Sarkili again with another Elom but he play I’d Rather Kiss A Wookie. Once again he darins but this time he plays Jabba The Hutt and 4-Lom to Endor: Backdoor and battles he blanks Obis text and I draw a 3 for destiny and he gets a big 0 so I win, getting a card for Conflict and he loses 4-LOM and jabba moves to Chirpas Hut. He has also Monnoked me 2 for 2 Eloms and reduced my hand size to 8 a couple of times but never gets anything else with Onith. So on my turn I play the Elom and back it up with another Elom and Twass Khaa and battle and I predict that I will win, he draws a 1 and I get a 5 so I get a card for Conflict and he loses evey thing and I lose an Elom. On his turn he deploys Vader and gets Luke and the transits to the DS2:DB at this point we are both kinda low on force but Im in the lead. he knows that he has no chance of winning unless he can kill the drain at the Backdoor so Vader and Janus transit to Endor. On my turn Twass and the Elom move and I drain. His turn Vader and Janus move over. My turn( that was boring wasn’t it?) I battle, I predict that I will win and then I steal Vaders Lightsaber with Weapon Levitation and cut Janus in half. For destinies I get a 4 and he gets a 6 but I win the battle so card for Conflict and I lose 2 Eloms and he loses everything. On his turn he move the Emperor and Onith over to the Endor: DB and draws. My turn I drain and give Luke to the Emperor. On his turn he drains and I lose it from my hand, at this point I can just lose @#$% out of my hand and kill him in two turns and he knows it so he draws up. FW+14

Highs: still undefeated against BHBM I owned the whole game with him not winning a single battle and Reid you shouldnt be so @#$%y( you know what Im talking about:)
Lows: No males except Obi ever hit the table do you know how much tha sucked?

So in the end I get 1st and 4 packs of DS@ and 4 packs of CC nothing real special came out of them but not all in all bad for 5 bucks. And if the ratings calculator worked correctly my rating should be around 1823. And if any of you guys want to use the calculator its at
Thanks for reading
