
Title: clarks-summit-pa-10-1-00-part-ii-of-ii
Author: Ted "Rogue15" Panczyszyn
Date: Oct 2, 2000

This is the long awaited part two to my weekend trip. I hearby make the following disclaimer that I will no longer interpret other peoples actions outside of the game on the grounds they might not be mature enough to discuss it properly.


10/1/00, 7:15AM, Caledonia, NY... <YAWN> After watching videos until 1AM I finally get some sleep. I gather my stuff and say goodbye and thanks to TJ’s mom. I stop by the Mobil Mart for some coffee and head to Clarks Summit, PA on my way home. The coolest part about this trip was setting my cruise control at 74 mph right after the exit ramp and keeping it on for over 60 miles. I only had to brake once because the guy ahead of me slowed suddenly in the passing lane when a NYS trooper had someone else pulled over..wimp. I stop to refill my soda in Binghamton and I get to the store at 11:30AM to find Scott Lingrell there wondering what decks to play. I tell him about my successes and sillies from the ROchester tourney. Joe Gagliardi shows up so we talk tech for a while. Pat Ziagos and the owner show up sometime after 12:15Pm (12:00 start). We enter, fill out command cards and the pairing begin.

Chapter 2

My Decks I contemplate using Monkey Ties, but I really like Big Pete’s Revenge, so I go with that for DS. I thought about playing EBO, but this town is notorious for using Imperial Propaganda, so I go with Dagoboring again. No changes were made to these decks from yesterday.

Game 1 -BYE-

Dammit, I drive 4 hours for a bye? 2(0)

Game 2 LS v. Ed Korpovich’s SYCFA/Big Blue deck

I think this is Ed’s first tourney. He has quite the pile of locations, characters, and blue cards. I take 5 turns to pass test 3. He has a lot of space, but few matching pilot combinations despite using that effect. He does not have a CPI because he doesn’t own one, but it would have been worth making it work so that he can get the force drain bonuses with all of the ships he has. He has a lot of walkers/scouts so I encourage him many times to throw them on his ships for forfeit. I decide to go to space with Lando in Falcon and Tantive IV to the Death Star. He brings Flagship Exec and Piett and the Visage with cannons to there. He initiates, misses with the cannons but pops the tantive with the superlaser..that was really cool, but I keep using hiding in the garbage to get my RS ships out to fight him. We take our time going between Alderaan, DS, and Endor locations. I deploy Jedi Luke unmolested to the Endor DB with his stick to drain for 2 the rest of the game. We exchange a few battles and I eventually clean out his forces to win by 13. Afterwards I look at his deck and suggest that he use all planet sites from one planet, like Endor, rather than have random sites. I also score up 2 CPI’s for him that I gave to him after the tourney. 4(13)

Props: Dagoboring cranks out fast

Slops: Playing a newer player because he looked discouraged after a while

Game 3 DS v. Jude Mandarano’s EBO X-Wing Swarm

As much as I played with EBO, I should have known to sneak Imperial Decree in there. Despite many Decktechers and others telling me to do so, I don’t and it comes back to haunt me. I decide to start with my 2 endor locations rather than my Hoth locations for this game. I saw him play the game before and it seemed like a better strategy. I get Mara and Ozzel to the Dark Forest. After a few turns Bousch goes there too. He gets EBO out after 5 turns or so and he only has Hoth out. I put DS out earlier so he goes there with some x-wings. I Twilek for CHYBC and deploy it my next turn I also get out Ice Plains and Wampa Cave and begin to deploy/elis characters to Hoth. His next turn he deploys 2 more planets and I get popped for drains of 12 and 15 before I finally get out 3rd marker and finish moving folks around to cancel EBO. Next turn I drain for 8, but he finishes me off with a last drain of 7. Totally non-interactive because I never get out any BH ships. Fl by 7. 4(+6)

Props: Jude played his deck well. He earned mondo ratings off of me!!! Cancelling EBO with brute force.

Slops: No Imperial Decree...that was ALL my fault.

Game 4 LS v. Frank Walsh’s Scum deck

We take our time setting up our stuff. He gets all kinds of aliens out at the Audience Chamber and Tat: JP, but he doesnt occupy 3 battlegrounds to suspend Honor. I have Projection of a Skywalker at the AC and JP. He deploys KititKeedkat and Niajo DooDads to the Cantina. (I have test 3 completed at this time) I deploy Jedi Luke to the Cantina and smack them around and he no longer has 3 battlegrounds (Scott reminds me later that he shouldn’t have drawn destiny, but it didn’t matter much with the Hut text and -1 to the destiny). I move over to beat up Dengar at JP, but he deploys EPP Fett and MAra Jade with Saber. We swing, we hit each other, we clear out the site again. He redeploys Mara to the Cantina to drain away. He’s hitting me for some good drains and I had already lost Kessel so I no longer have an offense available to me. AFA hit him about 3-4 times and he lost about 8 cards to Visored Vision, but that was hit. He even cancelled AFA with a Projected Telepathy, which was kinda cool. He Reactor Terminals his hand back to win by 27. 4(-21)

Props: Playing a good player and doing half decent..the Jedi battles.. cancelling search and destroy by killing his troops..

Slops: me forgetting about test 2. losing by alot

Game 5 v. Chad Samuel’s Rescue the Princess Deck

This was interesting... We set our stuff up and I deploy my forces to the Death Star sites to slow down his rescue. He pulls BOB out with EBG and begins to move him to the detention block corridor. He frees her, plays scramble and EPP obi and then beats up Ozzel, Tarkin, and Mara Jade (no destiny there) I move vader over once and beat up leia and some other character and then next turn I move and Circle Obi and play Main Course with Wedge and Leesub. I draw Palpitine as my destiny, effectively making his power 0. Wedge is hit and lost as Leia was in the tank. He then redeploys her and moves her over to the War Room, flipping his objective. I move VAder and some other beef over to Yavin. He deploys Orrimarko and another character, moves Leia for backup, and we duke it out at the Y4 docking bay. I "You are Beaten" Orrimarko, kill everyone else, then chase Orrimarko down until he’s dead too. From about halfway through the game my BH ships are unmolested at Endor and Kashyyyk. He brings out Home One and I jockey them around so that Bossk and Dengar are together and BobaFett and Zuckuss are together. Either way I will outpower him and he will do little damage to me. He decides to go for it against Bossk and Dengar, which ends up cleaning out the system. I drain him out to win by 10. 6(-11)

Props: A hard-fought game. Altering Scramble after the first battle

Slops: Not altering Scramble before the battle (no alter in hand)

Game 6 v. Chad Samuels’ Tatooine Hidden Weapons deck

He plays Tatooine system and JP. His goal is to set up Tatooine Occupation and keep me away using Jodo Kast, Mandalorian Armor, and Boba Fett. I hiding in the garbage to get out my Proj of Skywalkers to block drains at AC and JP. He deploys POTF on the Dungeon. After I pass all my tests, I go get Jedi Luke and go beat up his posse at his only drain location, but then he deploys Jodo and plays hidden weapons, drawing a 6 (immediately lost). I thought about reducing it, but he had a lot of power there and I might have taken a lot of damage too. I decide to stock up at Kessel and out-drain him in space. A few AFA’s hit him too, as does visored vision. He kept saving force to retrieve hidden weapons from his lost pile, which was kinda cool too. This game takes a long time, but my drains and interrupts get the best of him. FW by 10. 8(-1)

Props: Another hard-fought game that could have gone either way.

Slops: None!!!

Well, While I’m duking it out in the middle of the pack, Joe Gagliardi wins, going 6-0. Frank is second with 4-2 and I was third with 3-2 with a bye. Scott Lingrell went 2-3 plus a bye. He was having a good time, though. I gave the CPI’s to Ed and made my farewells to all. Scott and I stop at Wendy’s for dinner, talk up Ramapo III, and get gas and head our separate ways. My goal was to go 7-5 this weekend. I went 6-3 which is statistically better, but I would like to have played those games too...

Weekend Shout-Outs:

1. Boss for letting me leave early on Friday
2. Light traffic both ways
3. Daimler Chrysler for making a kick-@$$ car!!
4. TD in Rochester showing up despite major family issues
5. TJ’s family for letting me stay over
6. Cop following me at 74 mph then leaving me alone
7. Chris Janiak for helping TJ playtest
8. Going 6-3 and losing ratings points overall..only I could do that and be happy!! (It’s not always about the rating, Chris!!)

Thanks for reading!!

Ted P.
Rogue 15