
Title: info-brokers-dcon-day-one-report
Author: Tim "Info Broker" Guzman
Date: Oct 10, 2000

Day 2’s Report I was going to put with this one, but it was just to I will do that
one later.

I did Copy and paste from Word So I hope every looks fine.

Pre Tourney Crap:

Preparing for Decipher Con, wasn’t as good as it was last year for me. For some reason
this year I didn’t have as much time to do everything I wanted to do like, try every deck
Idea, and stuff like that. Either way I was ready and I made time to practice with the local
hit squad. This report will be Day 1 at worlds, and how I did in that, and sometime in the
next few days, I will post my Day 2 report.

First the trip down was uneventful, I flew down on Delta with Avery Poliak, who plays
YJ, and is good at it, in fact he ended up a finalist in that, and I was meeting up with Chris
Hines, Mat Berta, and Patrick Hines, oh and Ted Hansen....oh and Brad Bedlion...I think
thats everyone who stayed with us. Anyway we got there on Wednesday with a few
meeting up a little later. We rested more that day than we did this whole trip, because for
some reason after Thursday, sleep was not an option. I did some final testing of the decks
I decided to go with and played. On the dark side I played BHBM...because it just kicks
@ss, and on the light side I played direct damage MWYHL, because that beats ties and
Raltiir which I thought I was going to see. Now on to the tournament. I would like to
warn you all that I did not take any notes at all. My mind was occupied, because getting
into the event took forever, and starting later than we were supposed to really screwed
things up, so my motivation to take notes, and all that went down, so I guess I am trying
to say, that the details to some of these games are going to suck, because I really
remember nothing from some of them. Although I know I had fun.

Last Open Day 1: Top 38 make it.....

Well it starts by everyone noticing how many good players were in this, I mean there was
a lot. I saw many top players. I still felt good, but everyone was little frustrated from the
late start. For me it kind of throws me off, but anyway forget that, and on to the games.

Game 1: My LS vs Steve Baroni’s BHBM deck. Rating 1837

I think this guys is from Albany, because he said both of his decks were made by Brian
Twigg, and how he and his bother helped him out and gave him some pointers and stuff.
Well it turns out that he plays very well and makes some really good decisions at time. At
one point he gets out the Responsibility of Command on Captain Han and Much Anger in
Him. That hurt alot, After I finally grabbed his Projective Telepathy, My Anger fear’s
starting hitting him, and then I was tracking an It Could Be worse, and finally to top it off,
Earlier in this game, I did beat up on some ships, with Super Falcon and I Know, which
gave me Legendary Starfighter, this was just eating away his deck, while I am just trying
to hold on. I was only losing force from Much anger in him, because I was preventing all
other force lose, and he was losing from Legendary, and his Objective, and late game
Anger fear’s. I drew my On the Edge toward the end...(YES)...and decided to fail the
attempt on Han just so I can get rid of Much Anger in Him. and then that did him in.
Somehow I turn his control of the game around and won.
Full Win by 3
Total: 2(+3)

Highlights: I guess killing my own Han to win the game.
Lowlights: Getting smack around in the beginning of the game.

Game 2: My Dark Side vs Steve Baroni’s Hidden Base no Flip

Well with 170 people here I have to play the same person again, can you believe that? I
wasn’t worried because I had a feeling I knew what to expect. As it turned out I didn’t
know everything, but I was in control of the game. I won a major battle, and he was
doing things to keep it close. He gives me Luke so I move Vader to the Emperor’s site,
and start Dueling. I easily have 3 Battlegrounds so when I win he loses 3 force, and I won
alot with my destiny’s. Some of the details are not here, but I do know I won by 17.
Full Win by 17
Total: 4(+20)

Highlights: My dark beats any kind of Hidden Base which is cool.
Lowlights: Players the same person twice in a row.

Game 3: My LS vs Justin Desai’s Ralltiir Rating 1796

I really remember nothing from this game, just that he had every Counter to what I could
do, he cancels fury on Vader, he cancels Anger Fear’s, he did everything he needed to do
to win. I lost by 11
Full Loss by 11
Total: 4(+9)

Highs:???I don’t remember
Lows: Well I lost to Ralltiir,and this deck wasn’t supposed to lose to that...oh well.

Game 4: My DS vs Jason Dennee MWYHL Rating 1856

This is another game I remember very little from. I do know his deck was very close to
what I was playing, on my light side. I play with only 2 Projective Telepathy, and I could
draw any of them early which hurt a couple of times. Then when Legendary hit the table,
I knew it was going to be tough to win. Finally Jedi Luke comes down, and that did it for
Full Loss by 6
Total: 4(+3)

Highs: Well I am still positive?...
Lows: I could have beat this deck I am sure of it.

Well finally this is the mid way point, and Talking to some of the other Vegas people we
are not all kicking major but. I know there is still a chance, but there was little space for
error. I was feeling a down, and so was Ted, and Matt so what better way than to take a
trip to the bar. We buy are drinks and get back to the games. Which we had plenty of
time between games to do.

Game 5: My LS vs Jeff Field’s Huntdown Rating 1931

Well I have played Jeff Field before this only once, and I won so a weird way
helps when coming into a game. He had nothing for Anger Fear so that hurts him a bit,
and suicide Obi hurts him also. He gets some good Drains going however on Endor. I
have Twass Complete Jedi Test 1 and put some POAS’s down to reduce those and things
start to shift in my favor. He had 3 battle grounds pretty early so Visage didn’t hurt him,
but it did me. He grabs my it could be worse early as well. Soon after I set up a Drain at
Kessel with Super Falcon, (not Leia) and that does him in. He did Duel Obi and won, so
that kept it close.
Full Win by 13
Total: 6(+16)

Highs: Well I did win, and it was always fun to play Jeff
Lows: Obi lost a duel :(

Now I start thinking that stopping for a drink was a good Idea, and so did my friends since
they all won one too. I was a little worried about my Dif, and if it was enough to make it.

Game 6: My DS vs Daniel Spaid’s Deck? Rating 1724

I don’t remember much, just that I controlled the game. He gave me Luke very early, so
from the beginning I had to lose a force every turn, which doesn’t’ matter really in this
deck. I do my stuff and win.
Full Win by 18
Total: 8(+34)

Highs: Hey I made it...WAIT we still have 2 more games
Lows: We still have 2 more, and it about 11:30 Now...oh well.

You know the funny thing is I remember last year in the Wild Card event after 6 games I
was in 2nd place, with Brian Twigg in 1st. If it was only 6 games both of us would have
been in it. Now its that all over again, so that kind of freaks me out I am worried, but this
time it will be different.

Game 7: My LS vs Chris Twigg BHBM deck. Rating 2190

Well I have already played this deck when I played Steve Baroni, so I knew what to
expect. He did much better, and I never got out Legendary Starfighter, he had control of
the game, and I just remembered we didn’t stop for Juri Juice before this game.
Full Loss by 15

Highs: Ahhh.. there was something ask me later.
Lows: I forgot to make him lose force from Anger Fear twice...what is up with that? He
had plenty of cards in hand anyway.

Must have drink that is we get it and move on.

Game 8: My DS vs Michael...??? forgot oopps. He was playing EBO

Well I knew this deck beats EBO, but even more so if this is Baragins. and it was. I
started Secret Plans, and made a mistake this game. I didn’t start Insig Rebellion, which I
was supposed to. You know it was 2:00 AM after all, and my opponent was nice enough
to say go get it, because it was supposed to be there anyway. If he wanted to he could
have placed my objective OOP, but I had a sorry draw with the Emperor in my hand so It
would have helped me better with it OOP anyway. I wasn’t worry since I knew what he
was playing. When he puts Luke in Space I was happy, he loses 3 force hehehe. His big
Drains, hurt a little, but his retrieval is stopped with the Coward card.
Full Win by 16
Total: 10(+35)

Highs: Yes I I made it.
Lows: I did make some mistakes I shouldn’t have.

So the top 38 make it, and we started with 170, and I ended up in 34 place. Thats good I
did it, and I am happy. Time for bed.

The bar
My opponents
Tattooine for kicking butt

The DQ’s
Such a late start...dam that sucked.
Having such low dif

Well overall I still had a really good time, even if it did take 16 hours to play 8 games. My
Day 2 report will be tomorrow.

Thanks for reading this far if you did,
Tim Guzman