
Title: info-brokers-worlds-day-2-report
Author: Tim "Info Broker" Guzman
Date: Oct 11, 2000

If you read my Day 1 Report and many of the others posted, then you would have known
that that tournament ended around 3:30 AM. I wasn’t to happy with my light side deck so
for some reason I was determined to change it. So at 4:00 in the Morning I make a new
Light Side Deck. I get about 3 hours sleep, and then get up test my new deck once, and
wake up Matt to make sure he makes it, and get down to start playing in the Real Worlds,
which was called Day 2 this year.

Since this was important to me I do remember the games a little better than I remember
the ones from Day 1, but still there might be things I forget. My DS is the same BHBM
deck with about 3 card changes, and my new Light Side Built just hours before was a
Profit Deck. When I go back to think about it I probably would have done better with my
old light, but don’t we all say that. I had really intense games, and at times I did what I
had to do to scrape up a win. I thought My dif was low the day before, this tourney it was
even lower. After talking with John Arendt we realize how many from Tatooine made it,
and it was 6 players, 7 if you count Jeremy Lamere(honorary Tatooine player), that was a
little to be proud of. Anyway on to the games:

Game 1: My LS vs John Arendt’s Huntdown with Duel Rating 2120

Me and John are at a lot of big tournaments, but only now we face each other, in fact we
played on table one. He started with Control early on when he Altar Honor of the Jedi
which went to my used pile, and I believe I never got it out again. Also after tracking
destiny he turned Jedi Luke to the dark side, which hurt a bit, but I did free Han to get 10
force back, which I was able to keep the game close. I did get a spy to cancel Visage, and
when I drain over there, he Counter Assaulted I lose force. He did get coward out, but I
had 2 battlegrounds so I can drain, but this time I grimtaash first to see if he had another
Counter Assault, and that net me 2 Altar which I didn’t complain about and he had no
Counter Assault, so I drained. He was trying to find Circle so he can get Ben off the
table, but that card avoided him to my relief. I mainly lost when Dark Jedi Luke used I
have you Now against Leia his own sister, plus a few drains in space and that was it.
Good Game.
Full Loss by 8
Total: 0(-8)

Highlights: Keeping it close after I thought it was going to be bad.
Lowlights: Having my Jedi Luke turned....

I check to see how other Players are doing and it turns out Matt lose his first one as well,
with the other Tat players doing ok I believe. Losing my first game is not something I
wanted to do, but it happened.

Game 2: My DS vs Josh Martin’s Hidden Base Rating 1972

Wow I have to play another Tatooine Player. Well when I saw his objective I knew my
dark can beat it, but Josh is a good player so he might be able to pull it off. Basically he
deploys early, and I take advantage of it with beatdown, I had SAC in my hand so I wasn’t
worry about his Barrier, which wasn’t in his had anyway. I win a battle, and he loses
force, plus stacks a card. I soon capture Luke and he soon loses 3 more battles, so there
is 4 cards stacks, and I set up a losing duel, but I am not sure about just what card is under
that, I lose the duel of course, but I only draw a 3 and I needed a 4 or more. So I have I
more turn of drains to take and my objective damage. Next turn I lose duel, and draw the
number I need to turn Luke to the Dark side, making Josh lose all force, I just like winning
like that.
Full Win by 17
Total: 2(+9)

Highlights: Winning a guess, it was a really fun game.
Lowlights: Not losing force to my own Objective for about 3 turns, sorry Josh.

Ok now I am 1-1 lets see if I can keep it up. The funny thing is the next person I have to
play is Jeremy Lamere, so now I thinking is this worlds? Or is this the Tatooine Regional
since the first 3 people I play are from Tatooine.

Game 3: My DS vs Jeremy Lamere’s Hidden Base Rating 1927

It turns out that Jeremy and Josh were playing the same deck, almost card for card, so I
did know what to expect, and I played to make sure I had the up hand, but Jeremy did
keep it close. Just winning a few battles here and there, is what did it for me however, and
taking advantage of all my stuff. I win.
Full Win by 13
Total 4(+22)

Highlights: Well since I did know what to expect that helped.
Lowlights: Not really a Lowlight, but kind of weird to play 3 Tatooine players in a row.

Game 4: My LS vs Bruce Savin’s BHBM Rating 1728

This game was important to me because since I built this deck earlier this morning I still
didn’t know if it was capable to win. It start off by him being very cautious, which was
good really, I had Jedi Luke, Ben, and Gift in my hand, and was dying to use it. Soon I
draw Weapon Levitate, and thought this is a good time. I use Frozen Assets first, then
Drop Ben, Luke, and Ben Saber, and battle Mara, Emperor, and a Walker. I Weapon lev,
Mara, and slice her, and play gift to clear the site. Soon after I free Han, and he sets up a
drain of 2 in Space and another on the ground. I am doing profit damage, and tracking a
It could be worse for one of his drains. Soon he grabs that, so we play some technical
game until I win.
Full Win by 16
Total: 6(+38)

Highlights: My Ls won so it could be that bad, it might be able to hold it off today.
Lowlights: None really I did what I wanted to.

Well I am 3-1 now. That is what I wanted at the half way point to be at least 3-1. Maybe
my next 4 games I can go 3-1 to pull out a good finish. Well lets see.

Game 5: My LS vs Martin Akesson’s BHBM Rating 1916

At this time I am up to like 5th or 6th place, which is kind of cool. I am feeling a little
good, since this deck just beat BHBM, but he is a good player so lets up see. First things
start to look good, and Martin plays light a champ. I decide to give him Luke very early
so he would have to lose force every turn. I block drains with Boushh, and it starts slow.
He soon sets up a drain of 2 in space with me looking for cool stuff in my deck. I counted
his deck and counted mine, and realized I could win, if I just play it right. Well this is
when IG-88 comes down in front of Han and Chewie, why did I not put someone else
there? and Battle, I try Fallen Portal he senses, I altar, and he Sense anyway, I then try
Narrow Escape, and he has one more sense, which does my in. That did it for me when he
captured Han. I did have a Sorry about the mess in hand, but he move IG over to the
DSII docking and I could get Ben with saber over from where he was at. Good game.
Full Loss by 11
Total: 6(+27)

Highlights: Ahh...something it was a good game
Lowlights: not leaving someone else with Han and Chewie so I could draw battle destiny.

I can’t lose anymore from here on out it I will have a chance, or so I think. Matt has
decided to play one more game before he drops, because he is having some tough match

Game 6: My DS vs Hayes Hunter Throne Room Steam Roller Rating 2064

Right at the start I had a bad draw. At the same time he has a god draw, first turn he
drops 2 twix locations, and draws. Next turn he drops 3 more twix location and draws. I
knew it was going to be bad for me, but I wanted just play my game and maybe things will
work out. Of course it didn’t he was activating way more force than I was and he had
total control and with Goo Nee Tay out he had Force advantage. The bad part is when he
OOC my Vader in my lost pile and that was it for me.
Full Loss by 24
Total: 6(+3)

Highlights: Well I did get to play Hayes, and he is so funny and he made my loss a fun
game even though I got crushed.
Lowlights: I lost by way to much not there is not a chance.

Well I am 3-3 and now I just want to win my last two games to have a respectable finish
and a decent placing.

Game 7: My LS vs Alex Klammrodt’s Dark side Beatdown Rating 1937

It was nice to meet Alex he is Avatar here on Deck tech for those who don’t know, and he
had a interesting deck. I thought he had this game when I had Ben and Jedi Luke with
Saber in the Audience Chamber. You would think that was enough to hold whatever beat
down he had coming. Boy was I wrong. He has Mara, Vader, Ig-88, 4-Lom, Jabba, Epp
Fett, all deployed in Chamber, and battles, he plays I have you Now, and slices Luke, and
cancels Ben text. He drew really good, and this is like only the 4 turn in the game, I
couldn’t believe it. I lose both Ben and Jedi Luke and like another 13 cards, or was it 23?
It was a lot. I am think I lost at this point, but soon I find my evasive cards, he had
already grab, my Grimtaash, my Altar, and my Fallen Portal, so since I have only one It
could be worse, I used it to save my life. With 2 Undercover’s blocking drains, and It
could be worse for the space drain, and now I finally drew Someone who Loves you, I
free Han. I just make sure Narrow Escape, and Rebel Barrier work like crazy to pull out a
win out of my @ss.
Full Win by 8
Total 8(+11)

Highlights: Coming back from such a losing battle.
Lowlights: Thinking Ben and Jedi Luke can hold there own...sometimes no :)

Ok the last game is upon us.

Game 8: My DS vs John Arendt’s Hidden Base Flip Rating 2120

Well we get to play again it turns out. Maybe I will get my revenge. Which I did, but he
kept it close. It was about even for a while until he flip. I soon deployed two ships to
probe at two different places. I got it at Kessel right away which helped out my cause.
He had a fleet at Kessel so I moved away, and let him have that Drain of 3. He did deploy
Ben and Orri to one of my docking bays and realized he didn’t have enough force to move
to the Endor one, I took advantage of that by deploying Ig-88 and Mara with Saber and
some other beat down. I capture Orri and slice Obi and win he stacks a card and loses like
12 cards. That helped my cause. It was just a moving around game from there. I pretty
much let him have the drain of 3 at Kessel, because I was afraid of Legendary Starfighter
and he played well to keep my win very low.
Full Win by 4
Total 10(+15)

Highlights: Well I did go 5-3 which is good in Worlds.
Lowlights: Player John again was kind of weird, I wish I won by a lot more, but I didn’t
have a chance anyway. Fun game

It was over, and I wait to see where I placed. I ended up coming in 19th place overall
which is not to shabby if I say so myself. Congrats to all who made it to Day 3, and Sokol
you rock for winning it all.

Props and Slops for basically the whole convention are.

Having a great time in worlds.
Stopping at the bar at night
Listening to others talk smack during Ghetto wars
Shannon and Michonne for being there.
Michonne for partying with me at the bar Friday night
Michonne for drinking almost as much as me(ask me that story sometime it is funny)
Michonne’s Boy friend for buying most of the drinks
Matt Berta and Ted Hansen for making it fun.
Ted Hansen for buying drinks as well on Saturday night.
John Arendt for being cool, and making it fun.
Neal Razi for being was nice to meet you.
Charlie Herren for being cool, and smacking me around when I was flying on Juri Juice :)
Mike Girard just because...see soon Mike
And the rest of the Arizona Crew.
The Jen’s, because well they are the Jen’s.
Avery Poliak for doing awesome in YJ.
Gabe for fighting for the cause of Day 2.
I for the Smelly guy who wore the same outfit 3 days in a row, this guy made my crew
laugh every time we saw him.

Long line to get registered
The Dq’s boooo
My low Dif in Day 1 and Day 2
Florida for having a law about not selling Liquor after 2:00Am. I never heard of
something like that, living in Vegas and all.
The Lady at 7-11 for being a B.cth about it
Some Volunteer for saying my drink is to close to the computer when I am at least 5 feat
away. Come on man you over did it you know.
Needing Decklist for a Team Event? I thought that one was for fun? I didn’t wake up in
time for it anyway.
Oh and YJ for being so Random.

I had a blast and if I forgot to mention you I didn’t mean it, I need to get my @ss to work
now, until the next big event see ya,

Tim Guzman