
Title: dom-goes-to-florida
Author: Dominic "Decktech" Gaudreault
Date: Oct 12, 2000

My favorite song . LIFE OF THE PARTY ‘’Crash to the lobby, dont know where to go, the date is not here, its a quarter to 10, time to start jumping. you know lifes not easy, but its the only way to be, maxing out the cards at every bar, the bouncers are after me, woho, gunna rise up to the ocasion, THE PARTY’S NOT STARTED TILL I GET THERE. cause hey yeah baby I AM THE LIFE OF THE PARTY, LIFE OF THE PARTY ! yeah, hey baby, I AM THE LIFE OF THE PARTY, LIFE OF THE PARTY ! LIFE OF THE PARTY ! LIFE OF THE PARTY ! LIFE OF THE PARTY ! LIFE OF THE PARTY ! LIFE OF THE PARTY ! LIFE OF THE PARTY !’’................My song from the Planet Smashers.

Ok, this is my tournement report on Florida party. but I will try to do my best to remember my games.... but I forgot most. So, it all started when I was at the airport.... we have lots of time to waste, so me martin, and raphael decide to play some game. Its a good idea since I did not play any single game in the last 2 week. I love to much my girlfriend, I always wunna be with her. So I play another game with my BHBM, and it put my record to 26-0. Then we past the guy at the frontier to the USA. And because I am dress like a wunna be punk, the guy ask us like 100 question. finaly we pass. In the plane, me and raphael and yannick’s girlfriend we play a game call Beigne. I still dont know how to play that @#$%ty game, I am so stupid, but I was trowing random cards, and winning.

Then we stop at another airport, and we have 3 hours to waste. I tell Raphael I am the best player of the world at any fighting game, and he said he was gunna beat my a$s. so we go to the arcade, and I go to the killer instinct game... and he go to the pac-man game. He said... oh, I thaught you thaught you were good at pac-man, I dont know how to play at killer instinct. lol. So we go to the burger king. And there was free drink refill, so we drink all kind of sh!t with 1 glass for 3 hours. We even taste unsweated ice tea.... It taste like mexicain piss ! Raphael told me I was a good player, but my weakness was that I believe everything people tell me in game, then he said, maybe you do that to have a newbie look, but if you really do that, be caucious. I didnt really listen to his advice… I should have tho . (read game 4 of day 3 )Then we play more games, I was playing EBO baraguin against Jo Machine BHBM deck. And he was wrecking my tomato a$s. I was force to go fight him with captain han, and 2 baraguin.... then I super tech him with captain had ability, and he was starting to loose. But The Machine is DA machine, and Jo is Tha Machine, so he eventualy beat my as$. Then some scrub came near us. and tell us, are you going to D-Con. We said no, we are gunna kick some a$$ at D-Con. And he make his scrub face, and went away. So we catch our plane. In the plane, I was speed up. I was yelling like a crazy. So a Lady said sumthing... then she said SHUT UP ! so I said... well you b!tch, you better shut your f!cking mout before I kick your a$$. Anyways, I start to b!tch at her And my friend made me stop. Then I start to talk at the scrub that was going to D-Con, he was funny. He had 1600 rating I think. Then I try to make Julie and Jo kiss togeter, I never saw them kiss.... anyways, I wrote it on a big piece of paper, and put in in the air... so they kiss ! wohoo ! So the plane land,And I yell like a little girl because I think it will crash . At the airport, we take our lugage, and meet a fur guy. He was the friend of Charles hickey, and had fur everywhere on his body.

So we go to the hotel in a small truck. the driver put some hawaian music... it was so gay... but I was in the mood, so I start dancing like a crazy fu!ker. At the hotel, I go see yannick, and he introduce me to martin akesson, and koen meijssen 2 of the coolest guy there. I play a game against martin. he was wrecking me, but I did some baraguib tunel vision with a x-wing laser canon on ZIMH, and win that game by like 1. just because I am lucky. From what I saw, martin is a hell of a player. Then, me and Julie we go buy some eggs to comb my hair, and a bread to eat our nutella. Then we go sleep.

On the morning we get in line to have our D-Con pass. Then I meet Neal, and John, to really cool dude.But that @#$% was so f*cking long, it took like 4 hours to start that tournement. It just suck balls. Then, I start to be a litle stressed... so every 10 minutes, I go to the bathroom to piss. So the tourney start, and I really hope me, jo, raphael, and martin make top 38.

For light side, I play the only deck that was hapening to be in my deck box, a EBO deck eith baraguin and off the edge with super duper falcon. For dark I play BHBM , tha MACHINE !

I am always unlycky, so Its imposible I play a scrub on my first round. but today I am luckier than before, I play a half scrub... but I forgot his name.


the game start. he got the guy that search for planet on his first turn. I set up EBO by turn 3-4. Jedi Luke and saber and lightsaber proficiency control the endor docking bay. he put tie interceptor and emperor shuttle at endor. on my turn he said... f*ck, I forgot I only have 3 ability there... so I am laughing my a$s off. lol, does he think I am a scrub ? I deploy wedge on his starship, with a x-wing canon I attack. he deploy emperor shield, I barier, he deploy emperor sword , I said ok. I shot the sword. lost. so he still have 3 ability... lol. I draw a 7 batle destiny, so I have 16 power ! I am his daddy ! then, I super duper falcon him to death.

FW about 20+


Close game.... but I am a sense excessive boy, so I won all sac war. then on one turn, I play force lightling on ben kenobie, and then sniper... I you are beaten someone, and he got sh!t left. batle damage = thats game ! I own him.

FW about 20+


first I have to say, that this guy is fu!king cool ! all people say he is arogant, but really, he is the man ! So the game start.... Jedi Luke and Orimarko went to raltir and wreck his a$$. I super falcon him, and eventualy flip Raltir back. I retrieve. then I kill him a ship, and I forgot to put legendary starffighter !!!! but my game

FW about 20 +


Teacher is also really really cool. I remember when we wanted to fight because of some sh!t on the internet... well, I am quite hapy we are friend now, that guy is like 250 6’3’’ ! so the game start. I set up search and destroy. He must fight, I did him 8 batledamage in space. and somehow, 25 batle damage on lone han solo on ground.

FW about 20 +


I didnt really talk to bastian at first, he was to much arogant, but at the end, I learn he was a good guy. so another HB deck that my deck will wreck. I put pressure on him fast with S&D janus and vader saber. the only bad thing that hapen is he grab my sense and alter it... anyways. I made a scrub move in that game. I deploy lateral damage on some ship, BIHT... then I realise... well @#$%, his hiden base is for sure alderand... I wont attack, I will move boskk. anyways, my game

FW about 20 +


I really that this guy is the best american player ! He have rendili in his starting hand, so I tell him, well at least you can search for the executor. He said your right ! then he look at his hand, and he got the executor  well, It was a close game, I dont know how I made him lose force, becuase I did almost nothing all game. he eventualy cancel my Echo base operation ! and he put the much anger in him, responsability of comand combo on super falcon. I did the order to engage /ishi tib/wise advise/ do or do not combo to make him loose force. his game. I am analy molested

Fl by 8 !

Game 7 ... no kidding , I have no clue of what happen !!!!!!!

FW by sumthing !


If I win this game, I win day 1 like I predicted... but I forgot to put Honor of the jedi in my deck. thats bad :( well, he won by 16

so I place 4... And that crapy tournement took 16 hours !!!! thats mad !!! raphael place like 37 so we are really hapy ! jo acidently check the drop box, and said yes, after 3 games :( and martin got disqualify when he was 4-0 because of a bad deck list. so it sux, at least, we are 3 quebecers and a english quebecer for day 2.

So I switch legendary starfighter for honor or the jedi, ans switch a sh!tty card for uncontrolable furry .And add 1 grapler in my dark deck. I went to sleep… at 5 :15 am… f*ck ! Because I am too tired to make new deck.

So its a new day… day 2… must make top 12… must make it…. To prove I was never a scrub… this is my chance… will I make it… after 2 hours of sleep…. I hope so. This will prove If I am as good as I think I am, or just an average player. And god knows I am arogant, so I cannot not make it !

I then made some spikes in Raphael hair… because he told me if he made it to day 2… I will have the right to make him some spikes ! thats cool ! raphael always have that nerdy look and a tie… seing him with spikes is just hilarous :)


There Is Not Much I remember. We fought on the dearh star. He track 6 destiny ta batle damage ben with vader, but I on the edge lost ben. Then I put FURRY. HUGE ! I drain at the docking bay with a Ishi Tib, and The Admiral Order I take the leader. He play Counter Assault, I lost 5. Later, I surprise assault him for 8 .I have super hyper duper falcon…captain han, EPP leia. The new Wedge, and Tycho… I move, he play gravity shadow… he draw a 4… my falcon is lost…. F!ck ! he did some glee tech. But hey ! I won by 6 !

Game 2 MY 30-0 dark side deck vs Brian Ripito TRM deck

First turn, he put a spy at my trone room, and put 2 2/0 site. I activate, and deploy the emperor. I have lord vader and his saber in hand. He drain for 2… I loose from top of my reserve deck. Sense… Vader…. He play out of comission… got vader… Now… I say nothing for like 30 min…. that was so gay. He out SAC me I never play any interupt. I play the best I could with my ability, and my moral.

FL –8

Game 3 : Some deck VS Criss Shanner…

Sorry, I have no clue of what happen

FW +5

Game 4 : My pile VS Jeremy Lamere

Well, I have no memory of this game :)

FL –11

Well, I am screwed… I am falling asleep, and I am tired of loosing. So I go swimm in boxer at the pool. And I hope It will make me win again. I come back all wet, and ready for game 5.

Game 5 : My Light Side deck VS Michael Kessling HDADTJ

Well, I have Honor Of the Jedi, So I can’t loose. We `forgot`to loose from visage till I found my Honor :) well, Not Much Really easy game for me. The guy look nice, but I did not had a chance to talk to him :(

FW +19

Game 6 : My Machine VS RUCK ``I look like a bad guy`` BRANDON Profit

Da*n that guy look bad ! he always stare at me like if he wanted to kill me…. I never play against a profit with my deck… dont know why… but I saw people do, so I know how to win. I deploy emperor at the palace. Did some stuff. Drain in space. I deploy vader at the palace. I start to split. He is dead. I play The circle Is Now Complete. He play courage. I have no sense… he draw a 5… damn… I move mara and some @#$%. I play you are beaten on luke… like 20 batle damage. I own that game.

FW + 26


The Game start, I put pressure on him. I think I will win for sure. I deploy vader. He draw. When drawing, he say oh, I forgot to put honor of the jedi… I said ok, put it. Later, I have ship in space. He put wedge in his ship. I barrier. He said, oh, I play frozen asset before… I said ok… well, he play spiral and kalfan, and power pivot with a gun, and I loose 10 force… thats bad. Later, we had a fight because search and destroy was suposed to be cancelled, but we forget. Then I said I batle sumwhere, but didnt play my 1 force to do so. And he said I was force to. Well that also cost me the game. Anyways, I was mad, so mad. But, It was my fault… I wont give chance away at world next year.

FL –7

Game 8 : This is the @#$% … VS David Irvine BHBM trooper beatdown.

My Girlfriend for Ever call Audrée sing me A NEW SECRET BASE. And I have 3 in my deck… to draw it as fast as I can. I draw my 7 first card, and thats balls. I top deck …. And its my girlfriends card ! a good sing. Well, He put pressure on me. I couldn ‘t do much. I play Like a scrub. But meanwhile, Obi wan was getting beatdown by 8 trooper , janus, and emperor… I on the edge him to the lost pile. I activate, and notice my reserve deck is 7,7,7,6,5 destiny… he drain… I play surprise assault… that was almost game . he lost 25 ! and I play a couple of On the Edge, and retrieve with my baraguin as I have no card in hand.

FW +40

So people tell me I might finish 13 or 12, and martin Akesson only got 1 point diferential less than me. So if he is 14, I am 13…. And if he is 13… I am 12… So, Yannick and raphael are in the top 12 for sure, thats freaking cool. So they start the ranking… 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14… its not martin Akesson ! HIAAAAAA I MADE IT. I was so f*cking happy ! I think I jump in everybody `s harm ! As I start playing tournement in starwars 1 years ago… making top 12 was my untimate goal ! It feel very good. Especialy since I know I was unexperience, and I know I can be much better.

Yannick ‘girlfriend, our manager said we should go to bed at 1 am, but we said, no way, lets go to a restaurant. So we go at denny’s , the shi!tyest restaurant of the world. Ok… here I will put a part of the tournement report of yannick, for those who did not read it… So when It said I, it mean Yannick !

_____Yannick part____________________________________________________________

wath the f*ck was that f*ck anyway i never saw a waitress that dumb i was ordering first and we are 7 at the table she ask me what i want and i order some bad Sh !t
and when i said iam done she leave and dont take order for my friend? wath a stupid b!tch
when she come back...
Fat b!tch: here is your milkshake
me:can you take order for my friend
Fat b!tch:what there other people(remember she always have a stupid look on her face)
me:yes if you look around me there is 6 other people
stupid b!tch: ho i tought you were talking about the other table
me and my friend: LOL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!
b!tch:You also want milkshake
me and my friend: LOL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!
me: NOOOOO!!!! they want to order other stuff
B!tch: ok

1 hour later she bring or stuff except mine

me:can i have want i order
b!tch:want did you order?
me and my friend: LOL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!
me: what! are you dumd or just stupid i want the plate there that is mine but you didnt bring it

after she bring my plate

me: thank salope! ( salope is a french word that sound like alot but mean a b*tch)
b!tch: your welcome
me and my friend: LOL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!

so we eat leave the place in a big mess of ketchup, and food under the table. and leave 1 cent(canadian:) for tip .


I am too tired, so I jump on the sholder of Martin, so he can carry me in the hotel. But Raphael Kick my As$ !!!!!!!!!! It hurt me for 2 hours later !!! Raphael Suck !!!

So we go to the hotel room. Before I go talk to the englishman quebecer Alex, who did 3-4 drop. And he is dead drunk… He was funny to see… especialy since he was sure he was going to win it all !!! lol !! anyways. I am to tired ans lazy to make new deck. But yannick made a old deck that look good, so I copy it, and change like 7 card. I wanted to put the draw their fire/frozen asset combo… and only frozen asset was in my deck… so I was searching for a card to remove for first strike…. But I was so tired… I remove frozen asset ! and I only realise my mistake when I gave my decklist the next morning ! I am dumb !

So, I woke up, with another 2 hours of sleep. I am less tired than Friday tho. We thaught we needed to give our decklist at 8,but it was 9, so we waste 1 hours ! we suck !So at 9, we give our deck. then 1 hour later, they call me, and tell me I need to remove the sticker on my cards. That suck big time, as sticker bring me luck…what suck even more, is that I play with no card signed by my girlfriend. !thats a$$ ! Well, I am still tired, so I try to sleep in the highway. But this time its martin that kick my a$$. I am frustrated, so I start runing after him, and I kick his butt. Then I play ball with Raphael…and then they call the player… Dominic Gaudreault vs…

Gary Carman HB deck…. damn, thats gay.

Well, I have never play Gary before… but Yannick told me he was a machine. Well, I put all my dude at the only batle ground docking bay. he deploy a spy at the trone room and obi wan. I deploy my other docking bay. jabba, search and destroy. and split my character. he had batle plan in play. and I was ocuping rendili. So I was out draining him.he deploy general solo and nien num and try to beatdown. but I play you are beaten on leia. and hummm. on his turn he then move leia… on my turn, I realise she was you are beaten… and I told him that… he said your right and made a smile  I start to laugh ! your tha man gary ! I won a big SAC war… my game

FW 15 or sumthing

Game 2. my deck VS Brian Ripito… Ice plain/peremeter deck

that matchup suck for me… he deploy ozel on defensive peremeter first turn. I put yoda. he deploy vader and vader lightsaber, and presence of the force !!!! I deploy ben kenobie and his lightsaber on tatoine. He deploy blizard 2 and another pilot… I cant go in that site… so I deploy Jedi Luke and his saber at the other docking bay Later he deploy forect cleaning presence of the force, tempest 1, igar, janus, emperor…. so he drain for 7 all games, and I drain for 4… I play some on the enge and off teh edge… he grab and sense. at the end, my only chance is my ITCBW… but he play its worst of 8…

FL 8

Meanwhile, I go watch the YJ final as my Friend play that final with spikes like me on his head  he won the first game… but got a unlucky draw in the second game… so he lost  well congrat Philippe parise, making the final of YJ mean your f*cking lucky… so with practice at SWCCG, and all your luck, you can become good :) I am just kiding, good job man.

Game 3 my @#$% raper LS deck VS Kyle craft last game for the eternity ROPS deck.

First turn, he deploy a atst pilot to raltir docking bay. My turn, I deploy Orrimarko. batle he play projective thelepathy. then I show to the cameraman Orrimarko, and tell him that Orimarko is his dady ! He deploy janus and someone and try to rape orrimarko. but I draw a 5 , and he draw a 1… thats bad I did not had falen portal… he lost 2 force. I deploy yoda, I attack with the now imune to 5 orrimarko… he lost 2 more force. he put vader, I barier. Now comes Jedi luke and saber. he lost all + 6 force. he have a huge lost pile, and it was only the 3rd turn. Well, I was In control of this game with Ben Kenobie and Order to Engage.

FW + 25

Ok, I have the best diferential of the 2-1 guys…. I win this 1, I go to the final…. but I play my mentor, yannick.


first turn, I deploy emperor and janus to the docking… he knows my play style, so If I have 1 force left… it mean I have a barrier… but I did not had a barrier  anyways, he deploy Jedi Luke and stick and move to the emperor site. I have no vader in hand. I activate … search for 1 of my 2 docking bay… they are in my force pile… thats game, I am dead… wait… maybe I can janus for a vader. He cut my deck. and hit it with yoda (fung)pupet… I cut back my deck and hit it with max rebo…. max rebo won… I janus… CHOKE VADER ! Well, The game was close till I atack with like 20 people epp leia and captain han… he play falen portal on vader. he said, since you upgraded your vader to a lord and your insightserve you well is on table, I need a 5 to crush him… I said yeah. ( in fact he needed a 6 ) well , I batle , and he falen portal and drew a out of comision japanese… damn… vader is lost, and jedi luke come back to the dark side… that was game… anyways, it was my fault, and I know yannick just made a mistake, he is to honest. he super falcon me, and he won. I feel really hapy about going 2-2 , so I dont mind ! I was just so happy for him !

I watch the final…. Yannick play good in the first game, and won… then in the second… when I saw den of thieves hit the table. I knew yannick would not make him loose anymore force… So I just left the room… I came back later, and yannick was almost dead… that Sandwirl deck was gay ! but f*cking strong ! congrat to whomever who build it. And also to matt for chosing it, and playing it like a champ ! MATT ROCK !

So I finish 5, and I am hapy with it… well 6 would have been beter.. so next year I could have finish 9… witch make 6 and 9. well 69 !

So there is this buffet at seaworld… When entering the room, I made a slow dance with raphael…lol… hey ! I was just happy ! then when eating… everybody who saw me can say I am the dumbest player of the world. I was eating without fork or knife or anything… just my mouth, not even my hands ! I was spiting stuff everywhere. I stole a fake tomato ! I was shaking 7up batle before opening it…. anyways…. it was fun ! So I get my trophy, and I proudly show my t-shirt with F*CK YOU I HAVE ENOUG HFRIEND written on it. Now, I wanted to go ask shannon baska for a dance. yannick told me if I did, he pay me the beer… but then I think… f*ck you ! beer if free ! It would have been funny tho. She look so shy ! I went to take a picture with her, and she said sumthing… then I said sumthing like dont worry, your pretty. and her face turn red.

Then In the bus to go back to the hotel, I feel bad. Philippe parise, the finalist from YJ start talking about how many woman he f*ck back in ontario, and Yannick was talking about the size of his P*nis ! Then Raphael was telling me, hey Dom you wish you were as good as philippe hey ! I tell him , no f*cking way man, I have my girlfriend, and its forever !Witch reminds me, The game call p*nis is the coolest game ever ! thanx clint !

So we go back to the hotel. We are like 10 guys who decide to go in the woman bathroom… I dont know for the rest of the guys, but I piss everywhere !hehe. Then we got to play this sealed deck… I decide to play with only japanese card and 3 bubo, so my deck suck big times ! its a 40 card sealed deck… I lost by 32. I almost did nothing ! then I come back to play… and they tell me I suck too much , and they made me drop ! lol !

So we go sleep, and decide team Quebec will not play in the team event, we need to relax on the pool, and go shoping. I also play a ping pong game with some scrub… da*n, he beat my a$$ 21-2 ! I thaught I was good !

So the day is over, and I go tell bye to my friends. I must go sleep at the airport, because I have no more room to sleep in… so I went to the airport at 11 pm, and my plane was at 6 :30 am !!!

well, we almost did not sleep. I didnt wanted to get rape. So I unpact my lugage like 2 times to waste times. I made a mad profit deck… God that new lando is your dady ! I play the game call trow the fake stolen indestructable tomato. And I made fun of nancy. I think she was really tired at the end :) sorry !

well, the story ends… here is the promps ( in no particular order) ( except forthe first 9 one)

-Neal Razi because he is damncool , and if you switch his initial, it make Real Nazi !
-Bastian Wilkelhausbecause he ofer me a place to stay when I told him I was goint to sleep at the airport
-Mike Girard because he dont wear chose, and almost convince me it was tech !
-Pat Dinelle Because he gave me the on the edge japanese I wanted… sorry for b*tching at you man, I was also tired ! we are friends now, so maybe you can unban me from the quebecers swccg mesage board, I swear, I wont use bad word anymore :)
-Charles Hickey because he is big and cool ! you are the prof@#$% man !
-Cummie boy… because your name is so damn cool ! hey yo wuzzzup Cuuuuuuuumie boy !
-Kyle Craft because that guys was funny as hell ! we should have talk more man ! And becaue he was funny to see when he was sleeping on a chair.
-Jason Kilby because he trows card so far away ! you need to show me man !
-All the people from UK, because they are Beer Machine !
-Clint hays because he akways look stoned and for that Penis game !
-Jesper Larson because he was also really kind and cool
-Martin Akesson for being cool , and a damn good player. I feel bad for you Mart ! next year, you will make the final for sure.
-Hays Hunter Because he play with so many sac ! and he is da*n good ! And for hoking up with that asian girl… what a wh0re !
-gary Carman , because he is tha machine ! and really funny !
-Brian Twigg becuase he like punk & ska, and he got a t-shirt with REEL BIG FISH SUCK written on it !
-Matt Sokol because he is a f*cking cool world champion ! That guy is a funny mother fu*ker ! congrat man ! you own me !
-Yannick Lapointe for being always consistent, and the best mentor a swccg player like me can have !next years is yours !
-Raphael and Philipe parise for the spike.
-Jo and Julie because They kiss 2 times… and I had never saw them kiss before ! jo your da man !
-Raphael for being the first world champion to be 3 times a finalist. you are a tru champion ! dont stop playing ! you will still beat my a$$! DONT QUIT SWCCG !!!!!! tell your girlfriend to let you some times to play swccg ! she dont own you ! I own you :)
-Gabe Alonso because he is cool.


-Gabe Alonso because he quit swccg.
-the guys that stole Alex Cards
-My big juici cat. well, I wanted to put him in my report… but I had no clue where I should put him.
-To everybody who think we are Canadien... we are NOT Canadien, we are Quebecers !
- My GIRLFRIEND MOTHER/FATHER because they are evil !
-Dennys, it just suck !
-MC donald barbecu sause... it taste like ch*t !

Now I think everybody know I may not be the best player of the world, but I am the stupidest !

Have sex as often as you can, dont smoke too much weed, just enough, it wreck the brain. When having sex, try to be brutal.Pig are fat ! Dont sleep with your grandmother. Never have more than 3 girlfriend at the same time. Dont forget, someone own you. Dont eat at dennys. My sister is pretty, and I love her. I love 34 FF breast !And remember who is your daddy !

-Dom The Craziest Mother F*cker Ever !