
Title: jabronicon-2000-paul
Author: Paul "lbmyers1" Myers
Date: Oct 25, 2000

Pre-tourney is now- There’s a lot of flab in here so if something get’s boring just skip ahead a couple lines and I’ll try to make it enjoyable. YAHOO! There are 2 Tourneys for Day 1 and the first is a EPP Overdrive Sealed deck. My dad and I run to Huddle House before for Good luck to see if HH will work...So here it is:

Event 1: EPP Overdrive
I must mention that before anything happened Johnny Grigilioni(Sorry about butchering the name) comes in with his shiny pants and I am pumped. I have SEEN the shiny pants. And then I see hanging from his neck the golden medal of honor, the Kissimee Gold medal for card-house building! I tell him I need good luck and he ponders for a second, and let’s me touch the medal. I am obviouslly extremely lucky he walked in, what a lifesaver? I throw on my headphones and try to sleep. Clay(TD) comes over and is like: "So paul, what’s your fight music, BSB, NSync?" So I’m like "Check this out" and he puts on my headphones to here CAN’t TOUCH THIS! He tells me that was him in middle school. So anyways, I am hoping to get DS since they are better, but DS proves much worse with out A New Hope at their side. I open packs and I got like 3 Xwings, one kessel, EPP Obi, Return of a Jedi for him, and MY RARES ROCKED, I pulled like Throne Room, Cantina, KalFal, AND DISARMED!

Game 1: Against my Employee(Jim Boyd)

I go first. Activate 2, drop x-wing and kessel, that’s game. He converts but it doesn’t matter. He never deployed a tie. So EPP Obi kills a ’Safe’ Imp Trooper Guard and 5 more. Vader moves into the cantina to fight 2 jawas(Power 2), Beru, Dodonna, and Obi...NOT good. Vader get’s hit by a 3&4, and It’s vader and 6. Not to mention I am still draining at Kessel. I own you Jim  Win by +24

Game 2: Random Jabroni

This is the only game I "almost" lost during the competition. I drop trash compactor, and drain for 1 like 5 turns, and we both draw everything for like 10 turns straight cuz I want Kessel, and he wants vader. So... He drops Mos eisley, EPP Vader, and dark jedi lightsaber and 3 scrubs. I drop Obi and KalFal to compactor and move them in to his DS War room. Get kessel down real late to help. The only close game today because of his drains. Win by 11.

Game 3: Chris Mirhva(Sp?)

He’s a good player of SW and I start to worry when he starts Y4 Forest and can move in to My throne room. One of my friends was yapping about how EPP Vader is Power 8 Immune to all attrition there so I am ready. And once again, without any cheating at ALL, I get kessel and X-Wing. So I know that’s most likely game. I beat him off his own forest with epp obi and others. His 1st turn he drops tie scout and pilot infront of my Xwing. My turn I drop Xwing #2 and initiate. He loses pilot and 1. So he ends up drawing ALL his ships and throwing them infront of my 2 xwings but I have power 6 and he loses something every battle even though no attrition. I get the kessel drain secured and that’s game. Win by 23.

Game 4: James Barret

Well, a horrible match-up for him cuz he has NO ships in his deck. And yet again after he cuts my deck, I draw Kessel, An X-wing, and a Y-wing. Put it down first turn and that’s game. Though a couple skirmishes on the ground and he did kill my EPP Obi; unfortunately, it was too little too late. As he said, His deck was just smoke and mirrors. Win by 24.

So I am the only undefeated player there, and I take it with 8 (+82) and it was fun too. So with some good pulls, a little skill, MC-Hammer, and a touch of the Golden Medal, I win it. I almost didn’t wake up for it. I get my prizes and head out for food and get ready for the constructed tourney.

I am running I grab your Ghhk for DS cuz I played it at Worlds and it was awesome and I am familiar with it. None of my friends (Landon;) EVER want to play against my DS so they don’t know anything about it. Hence, when it comes to doing something crazy like deploying a guy to the DS DB, I can work some magic. This comes into play later. For LS, I play Chu’s Swarm changed a couple cards, got a 2nd cannon in, yadda yadda yadda.

So game 1 of 6 starts Now.

Game 1: Will ???s Rebel ST vs. My SYCFA Scum

I activate 8 first turn. Drop Jabba and Prophetess and JP and AC and S&D. He it could be worses my drain of 2 and I it’s worse for 15. He drops EPP Leia, ECC Lando, and Lieutenant Page to the landing site. My turn I drop Dengar and Brangus. Dengar hits Lando and Page, and a tracked 6 is destiny. Game. I win by +34.

Game 2: Tony Zamberlan’s Standard Rops vs.

Well, we can’t really do much damage to each other. I Projection 2 of his sites and Play rebel fleet. Boushh lost her deck spot when I figured out she costs 9 to drop at his DB. He puts down S&D, and Satisfies Honor. My Forest combo comes down after I take a good bit of Damage from S&D. He comes to space with a bunch of forfeit and Myo. I have a hard time taking out his ships, and the time runs out on us with neither of us trying to stall. We count up and he’s got 18 to my 12. Dang, though he woulda had me if we kept playing, I still didn’t like losing a timed win. It was a great game, and Tony is a good adversary.
TL –18.

Game 3: Carmines SYCFA Interceptors

Well, we played twice before the tourney, He won the first 1, and I realized how he won the 1st one and came back to win the 2nd one. So, I make a stupid mistake on like turn 4 and he’s got like 74 to my 0 in power…hmm. His 8 interceptors are power 7 each, yikes. Blah blah blah, he suprisingly only wins by 25 but really fast. Now I am getting strepth throat and can’t really talk, I go to get a drink and the water fountain is broken. I am 0-2 with my LS. Sooo, I kinda want to die. Oh well, I deserved it cuz of my own stupid mistakes on Carmine. I think I would’ve won it though, He had stuck the executor, a dreadnaught, and a couple ceptors there, and they were stuck. Oh well.

Game 4: Jim’s(my Employee) X-wing swarm Hyper escape with Draw their fire?

I set up S&D and the JP and AC and resistance. He sets up drains of 2 at DS, Kesel, and coruscant. So then he signals for DTF…WTF? So I plop down scum, and First strike, and Initiate against his x-wings a couple times. The 6 force swing happens and then he Hyper Escapes…Sounds great to me! I drain him out and move in front of his space drains. Win by 24 or so?

Highs: Dude, I SOOOO Own Jim Boyd it’s not even funny. Side niote to Jim-I own you.

Game 5: Landon’s BHBM w/ DBs, as standard as you can get.

I know his deck since we play some. I projection Endor and tatooine DS’s, and Drop tk-422 at the CC DB. He loses 3 cards for no reason and I’m like, What are you doing?? He says I am losing to Order to Engage. I am not sure if he meant from the TK-422 with his guys or Vader and emperor with a captured Luke. Either way, he is putting cards in his lost pile, sounds great to me again. Well, a ton of direct damage, Like Legendary starfighter, CivilDisorder, His own objective, AND OTE. Talk about Direct! I also drain in space, and that’s game. Win by 25ish?

Game 6: Tony Zamberlan’s HB w/ Super Falcon and matching Ships

This should be another close game. I need to be the one initiating the battles if I can stay ahead. He projections JP and AC But I drop Gailid and S&D. ON GROUND: He drops EPP Obi for 7 and I none shall pass. He drops him next turn against Gailid and Jabba, misses Hit’s gailid, and I draw no destiny. My next turn I battle him, retrieve Gailid and kill Obi. TOO bad I couldn’t find Gailid again. IN SPACE: He drops like Super falcon, Spiral, Redemption, and bacta tank. But I have 3 destines in Z in MH, so it equals out. I have a bunch of Fodder in Z in MH, and Bacta tank works for him, but I drain and S&D while we keep battling in space. He is low in life force, and Finally, the falcon sits empty at a system and I drain to win it. Win by +17

Well, I made a pretty solid comeback to get 4th place. Art wastes everyone as usual to get 1st [place, and he seems happy. I hang out for a while and get prize support. I open my DS:2 pack, and flip to the rare slot to find it backwards so I can’t see it. I flip it over to find…RED SQUADRON 4!!! A common, yahoo, a no-rare pack, THANKS decipher. It’s perfectly fine though cuz Clay Reimbersed me with a reflections pack containing a Punch It and LS Lando and 21B Foil-Maybe carmine needs the foil ;) I know you heard that carmine ;) Props and Slops time.

Clay for a cool tournament, and that reimbursement.
Landon for being Landon.
Jim, for me absolutely owning you.
Carms for giving me the beating of a lifetime, I shoulda ripped up the 21B in your face for vengeance.
Carms for playing me in Day 2, You’ll get your payback.
Art for winning the TOURNEY! I still never got to see your DS ISB in action dang it.
James, for being a good sport in such a stupid Sealed deck game.
Johhny-the luck you gave me, and for the awesome article on shiny pants.
Who else…
Nick Hicky for the DLOTS and the guy I beat in game 2 of sealed for the emperor trade.

Me, I went to denny’s and asked for a brownie, not the Chocolate fudge cake…I am retarded.

It was a fun Day 1 and Day 2 will probably be up tomorrow. Look for it. Excuse my grammar, because I am too lazy to go back and proofread. I really don’t care either if you give me one star less for grammar, I could care less. Hope you enjoyed the read! Look for Day 2 and the tourney I won, LATER!