
Title: los-gatos-ca-10-21
Author: Alfred "ThaBraHmaBuL" Dong
Date: Oct 25, 2000

Tourney Report this week from Los Gatos, CA.....in perhaps one of the best weekends(following that DREADED one I suffered last weekend....if you didnt read that one, go for it, and rate it) this year. Are you ready? IT DOESNT MATTER. TR BEGINS HERE.


Between that weak weekend last week and this one, I get SWAMPED with homework up the yang ONCE AGAIN(if my parents love me, theyll kill my teachers)......Needless to say, I wasnt in a very "Star Warsy"place. I didnt want to do a tourney this week at all, just chill at home and maybe go out with some friends.

Enter Cat Ceder. A resident Squadron Member that lives down by Santa Barbara, and a great guy I always talk to through IM when the chance arises, was coming to town to see another friend of his. Taking into account I havent seen him since Comic Con, he decides to come down to my place on Saturday to chill and play some games........but not AT my house. Cat wants to play in a tourney.....and who am I to argue if you travel down here?

I get a call late Friday night from Cat, who after 5 hours of freeway action, finally make it to town. I give his friend directions to my place from hers, and we set the time to meet the next day. So Im in a tourney now, but do I change my decks? No. My decks went undefeated last week.....should do the job this week too. No sense in ruining a good thing.

Cat arrives at my place a little late, but not too late that we couldnt get to Los Gatos(the nearest tourney meeting our time frame at the moment) in time. We drive down the road and have a good talk......get there a little early and see the usual suspects. Paul Todd Feldman(11th day 3 at DCon) and Kevin Shannon (4th day 3 at DCon) show up, so we get some worlds-caliber challenges. Kevin hands me the JPSD he owes me, and everyone gawks over the cards. Cat and I engage in some Raw Deal before the start, and Mankind(me) knocks off The Rock, but gets beaten by Jericho before the start.

The Decks

Light: HB Fakeout Mains with a Scout twist: Same deck as last week.....SOLID deck, huge activation combo’ed up with Mains and Toys with a twist of Scouts to give you that winning edge.

Dark: Yannick Lapointe’s "The Machine"....ok, I moded it a little, but still the same jist. Yannick has my taste in decks, so I have no problem with them.

The Game

Game 1: LS vs. Steve Daniels DS "MY MACHINE BUT ITS YOURS" BHBM

Hey, look! Its my deck! Steve and I talked through IM a few days past last weekend, and he took all my mods to Yannicks deck and LITERALLY made the same deck. Ugh.....I HATE playing my own decks.....well we get started and I let him know this and he starts to apologize. Im getting pretty pissed and I start not to care anymore. I get BOTH Generals in my opening hand and BOTH my docking bays.....why do I start with Strike and Insurrection again? He sets up Emporer to DS2 for activation, I get Crix to the H1 Dbay and grab Endor with my Objective for activation. He gets Vader to Endor the next turn and moves Emppy there too. I give him Luke next turn, and he’ll lose one for the remainder of game. Crix is grabbing scouts and Steve is just drawing. I go for a small beatdown but end up losing a few battles despite winning the SAC wars through the game and force a card to stack on Insignificant. Theres about 2 cards there when he drops Janus and Vaders stick to Endor so he can actually drain for more than one a turn. I come down with Obi and wait for the Circle, but he has none. I back him up with scouts and battle and steal Vaders stick. I draw CRAP destiny and he draws good, leaving me to burn and stack ANOTHER card there. This goes on pretty much the rest of the game.....him trying to drain, me trying to beat down his guys but drawing crap for destiny and stacking a card there. After losing 5 battles to him, he decides to go back to the Death Star for the duel. I cant say much now, its pretty late game and Im running low on characters.....I figured I’ll lose the duel since hes drawing so high and Im not......so here it comes, the duel....I draw, a 4 and a 5......WTF?????? He draws insanely low and I end up winning the duel and he crosses Luke to win the game. Full Loss by 19.

Cumalative Score: 0(-19)
Highs: I stole both Vader and Maras stick before Obi died, and winning the SAC wars throughout the game.
Lows: Playing my own deck

Game 2: DS vs. Steve Daniels LS "NOT ONCE BUT TWICE" my LS deck

Its true. He copied not only my Dark, but my LS too. And I have the joy of playing him AGAIN(which I still think is impossible when I just lost by the same amount as he won by after GAME ONE). I really want to get this game overwith because of this, but he slows it down. I get Emporer to Endor first turn and follow up with Vader the next. He hands over Luke, and pretty much gives up to me because hes having the same luck I had with him the last game with his destinies and everything else south of the border. He tries the same tactics I used, and I counter them perfectly, so he just tries to have some fun. After deliberately losing 5 battles, I do the same as him, and go back home and cross Luke for the win by 26.

Cumalative Score: 2(+7)
Highs: Some measure of revenge
Lows: Aside from having to play my decks twice in one tourney, nothing

Cat and I break off from the SW crew and go at some Raw Deal. He plays his infamous Undertaker deck and I get out my Y2J deck and we get it on. After losing twice to it, I play the third and third times the charm. I add myself to the list of people to beat his deck, #7, using one of only 3 wrestlers to do so as well. He cheeses out with the Taker deck and gets revenge on Y2J a few times, then we head out for some munchies. We grab some pizza and share about our akward games and talk some more Raw Deal. We head back in time for the 2nd round, and as he sits down and talks trades with Steve, I head out to Safeway with Kevin and we talk about what went down at Worlds. We get back just in time for the 3rd game, and were ready to go.

Game 3: LS vs. Super Mario’s DS Court Pile

So I came back, sat down, and heres this kid, about half my size, and hes talking like he’s my boss......asks me stupid questions like "You know the errata on HB right???"......anyways, I resist the urge to chokeslam him through the table and play the game. He starts off on Court and out comes Jabba first turn with Scum. I grab Crix, Endor and a Dbay for generation, and start juicing out scouts and drawing. He backs Jabba up with Jodo and gun, and Mara with stick. I come down with Gen Cal, EPP Leia, and Jedi Luke w/ stick and fight. Skywalkers gets played, Leia gets captured, both my guns miss, and I draw a total of 3 with all 3 destinies and he loses Jabba. I Alter Scum and he goes. He comes down with Bossk and battles....Mara misses, Luke hits Bossk, Bossk hits the wall, and Jodo’s stuck with Leia and I draw destiny and he loses Mara(???) to leave Jodo there alone with Luke. Down comes EPP Han, Endor Chewie, and some scrubby scouts and I beat a new hole into Jodo for 20 or so. From there, I spread on Tatooine and reverse his Objective to damage him. He comes out to space and drains for one, but thats all crap now. Win buy 32.

Cumalative Score: 4(+39)
Highs: Know your Role, kid
Lows: Nothing much

Game 4: DS vs. Cat Ceders LS Endor Uprising

So I get to play Cat after all.....this game is pretty lop-sided towards me. Dbays and Rendili come out first turn with Emporer to the Farm. He trashes Insight fast and grabs Squassin and pulls Gen Cal and the newer, gayer Falcon. My turn, I drain, and send Zuckuss up there to make him stack a card. He responds with General Solo to Falcon, but then realizes he still cant draw destiny, and makes an @$$ of himself because he just killed Han for no reason. Vader comes down to Emporer with Janus and now Ive got a steady drain of 4 at the Farm. He loses to Your Destiny twice then sends Luke to the Rendili Dbay. I send Mara to kill Luke, but no avail. I get out Search and Destroy and now he’s reeling because Luke doesnt satisfy. He loses a ton of force before conquering space and getting his drains to match mines, at which point, is too late.....win by 33.

Final Score: 6(+72)
Highs: Finishing strong
Lows: Nothing too much

Well halfway through the tournament(after playing my decks twice), I wanted to drop, but stuck through and pulled 2nd, trailing only Alex Stefanko. Kevin and Feldman scrubbed out, Steve managed 5th. Got a few DS2 packs which I got another Jerjerrod and Merrejk out of, and some CC packs I gave away to scrubs.

Me and Cat go a few more rounds at Raw Deal, and Undertaker beats Jericho OVER and OVER again until Steve joins us and we engage in some Triple Threat action. Afterwards, I decide to head home instead of going to the next tourney in San Jose, call it a day and go back home and chill(besides, I had no rides back). Went home, opened the mail, and FINALLY got my Pedigree.....a little late in that I cant use HHH against Cat, but cool nonetheless. Whats the lesson we learned today?

If you said LS Sucks, you are correct.

Game Over?!?

Youre Damn Right Im Over!!!!!!!

Any questions, comments, or feedback, please email me at IfYaSmLLL@aol.com, or visit my page at Decktech.net under "ThaBrahmaBuL" and drop me a line, or use the link below.


Qui-Gon Jinn, The Brahma Bull
"Always Remember, Your Focus Determines Your Reality"