
Title: glenside-pa-10-29-2000
Author: Ted "Rogue15" Panczyszyn
Date: Oct 29, 2000

Glenside, PA 10/29/2000

Director’s Report

Holy Cow!! My first sactioned tournament in 2 months!! Of course only 2 local players showed up, but we still had enough to get the thing started!!!

After 2 failed DS2/Endor tournaments and 1 failed regular swiss, I was a little nervous about today. When I started getting messages from folks far away I was pretty excited, but little did I know they were gonna be the bulk of the tournament!

Bob Caton and occasional attendee Joe B. were among the last to arrive. We started at about 12:20pm and the games were afoot!! The decks were varied, with some BHBM, TIGIH, HB, MWYHL, COurt, Profit, and a few twists on Mains and Toys. On/Off the Edge was popular too while embedded in other deck archetypes. It was pretty exciting gaming!! The only news after game 1 was that Bob Caton and Pat Ziagos (go figure) both had timed wins over their opponents. After game 2, Steve Brentson and Joe Gagliardi were the only players undefeated and ended up playing each other in games 3 and 4. They exchange victories and all is good. Frank Walsh loses a timed game to Joe B., whose rating was sitting around 1450 or so. It was a classic game that Joe B. was so excited to win!! Frank’s rating is gonna take a hit after that!! (we’ve all been there, dude!!)

Joe Gagliardi beats Frank in game 5 and Pat and Steve match up, with Steve "profiting" from a 21 point win. It’s between Steve and Joe G., but since Joe and Pat already played each other (in their final allegiances), Steve and Pat match up again and Joe G. Plays Bob Caton. Joe beats Bob by 16, but it will take a Ziagos victory for Joe to win the tourney. As the players massed around Steve and Pat, it looked like Steve had the game, but Pat Off The Edge’d for 5 cards, which made it close. Steve takes a moment, then spreads out his forces to drain Pat out for a 10 point win. Steve ends up winning the tournament.

Final Standings:

1. Steve Brentson 5-1 10(85)
2. Joe Gagliardi 5-1 10(66)
3. Frank Walsh 3-3 6(7)
4. Pat Ziagos 3-3 5(9)*
5. Bob Caton 3-3 5(-3)*
6. Joe B. 3-3 5(-43)*
7. Rich Haman 2-4 4(-58)
8. Doug Faust 0-6 0(-63)

*- included timed win

Our hearts go out to Doug, who may rethink what he is playing for the Coruscant Civil War II next week. All but Bob and Joe B. will be there, plus World Champion Matt Sokol (he’s my hero!! he brought balance to the force!!) and the rest of Team Albany!!

Respectfully Submitted,

Ted Panczyszyn
Rogue 15