
Title: houlton-maine-10-28-00
Author: Jayke "Lord_vader20" Ball
Date: Oct 30, 2000

Well for once we accually had a SANCTIONED Star Wars TOurnement. We had 8 players. We had 5 local and 3 from out of town. They players from out of town are better then the other players in my town, but we like competition. Most of the players had back and forth wins and losses. The best Game was a game between ISB and MHYWL. They MWHYL player was just a begginer, and the othe kid was a very good player. The biginer got a BIG timed win off the ISB kid which will help his ratings and his skills. The only player who went Undefeated was Cullen Burns. Dean Patten got 2nd. And I Jake Ball got 3rd. Overall it was a very good tournement. Prizes where and Emporer, and packs of DS 2 and new Blue Sleeves.