
Title: bossier-city-la-11-4-00
Author: Jeremy "pakkratt" Sumrall
Date: Nov 5, 2000

Our local squadron member was running a constructed tournament this weekend so I decided to go. 10 people showed up which is fine with me as long as we are sanctioned. For some reason Craig only wants to run 4 game tournaments so that sucks. Anyway on to the report.

My LS: EBO that starts with Sqadass, strike planning, and insurrection instead of ANSB.

My DS: BHBM with great destiny. Involves Janus and a lot of tracking.

Game 1

My EBO against Rob’s (1460) SYCFA.

Well, I get paired up with a scrub first game. He activates and deploys DS War room from hand and another site from reserve. He deploys a DS gunner from hand also. It’s actually a flip version of SYCFA. Anyway before I activate I take General Crix madine from reserve with strike planning. I activate my 5 and deploy E:war room from hand. I then deploy E:DB from reserve with insurrection and put crix at the war room. I pull Geezum from reserve because he is a scout of ability <3 and draw.

Rob sends his gunner to used pile to get superlaser and deploys another gunner at a DS site and draws. Now he’s gonna hurt. I activate 9 force and pull Blount from reserve with crix. Deploy Blount to the gunners site and Premeir Obi from hand and battle. He loses the gunner for attrition but no battle damage. After the 3rd turn I set up EBO and a drain of 5 at his DS. He attempts to battle my super falcon with Baron and saber 2. I barrier and he is stuck because of no hyperspeed. I deploy Tantive IV, battle, draw 10 in totol battle destiny and clear the site. My EBO enhanced drains are too much for him.
Full win by 23
Highs: winning by decent number
Lows: beating on a scrub.

Game 2
My BHBM against James Busby’s (1463) speeders.

Well I get paired up against another scrub. James starts with 1st and 4th marker with ANSB so I was thinking EBO. Before I activate I pull Rendili into hand an then activate 4. Deploy Cloud city DB from reserve with Emperor there. Deploy Janus to Emperor (-3) and its his turn. He just actives and pulls EBG and an echo site and draws. My turn I drain for 2 and deploy Lord vader with saber to emperor. Use Operational as planned to put a 6 on top of force pile. I use that 6 for Janus and draw top card of reserve. After I count my reserve for tracking I draw up and find GMT and IG-88 with riot gun. James activates and starts deploying speeders to hoth. He had like 7 speeders there doing nothing. He deploys Boush to CC:DB to block my drain. My turn, I deploy my spaceport docking bay from hand and put Tarkin there. I deploy IG-88 with emperor and I move vader over with tarkin and draw. His turn, he does nothing. I am draining for 3 every turn and he is just sitting there. I activate to my tracked 6 and sniper Boush with IG-88. I drain for 5 now and just sit. The rest of the games is the same. He never comes to me and I just drain him out.
Full Win by 25

Highs: winning
Lows: beating on a scrub and having a very boring game.

Game 3
My EBO against Andrew Rice’s (1689) Hunt Down dueling.

I finally get to play someone with a decent rating. This turns out to be a very close and fun game. He starts no escape so Honor won’t do anything. His first turn he deploys executor DB from hand and Coruscant DB from reserve and draws. We both lose to Visage. I pull Crix before I activate and then activate. I deploy Hoth and E:War room from hand. Deploy crix to war room and pull blount from reserve. We both lose to visage. His turn he drops DVDLOTS to 4th marker. He just draws and I lose to visage again. My turn activate 8, drop blount to Holotheatre to cancel visage. PUll Chewie of kashyyyk from reserve with crix and deploy chewie to back blount up. His turn, deploys IG-88 with riot gun and 4-lom and battles. He captures blount and forfeit chewie. I activate and use signal to grab ANSB. I grab an echo site and EBO and deploy 2 scrubs to satisfy EBO and deploy it. He deploys Tarkin with Vader and another visage. I lose to visage after he moves in to the 1st marker. I activate pull Cracken from reserve and cancel visage again. I also deploy Tantive IV to Hoth with barrier and spiral in my hand. His turn drains for 2 and deploys presence of the force at my E:DB. He also deploys Zuckuss to kill cracken off of the Executor. My turn I drain for 3 at Hoth, deploy Tatooine system wit Spiral there and Captain Han on Falcon at Hoth. His turn drains for 3 and moves zuckuss to endor DB through his E:DB. I drain for 6 and draw while he drains for 4 and deploys dark forest. He moves zuckuss over and sits. Andrew knows if he just sits and lets me drain in space I will win so he saves up force. My turn drain for 6 and sit. His turn drain for 5 and deploys Bossk in Bus and Boba in S1 against falcon and spiral. I lose spiral while he loses both ships and I drop the game winner, Legendary Starfighter. My drains of six and 2 from legendary win me the game by 1 force. Close game that was fun to play.
Full win by 1

Highs: winning a close game that I was losing early on.

Lows: Not winning by much.

Game 4
My BHBM against Andrew Rice’s (1689) Profit.

I start with mara at the chamber and put emperor at Jabba’s palace. Move mara over with emperor and sit. I won’t go in to much detail with this game because I won from the start. He freed han but tried to get rid of my crew. I had emperor, Janus, mara with saber and Vader with saber. I force lightning his Lando with vibro axe. Hit ben, hit han and draw a 4 for bd. He draws good destiny and I lose everything except vader and emperor. He loses everybody except KFC and wedge. I play young fool on Han to place him out of play and he can’t do anything. I win by 21
Full win by 21

So I go undefeated and win the tournament. Prize support was good with me getting Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight and second getting Flagship Executor.

-Craig for running a good tournament
-Andrew for a good 3rd game
-me for winning
-Tom for letting us play

-Craig for only running 4 games
-David Monteiro for not showing up
-Decipher for no prize support
-Andrew for getting mad in the last game after I put Han out of play.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

Jeremy "Pakkratt" Sumrall