
Title: presque-isle-maine-11-04-00
Author: Jayke "Lord_vader20" Ball
Date: Nov 5, 2000

This tournement was bassicaly a Joke, not neccisarily for me, but for one of my freinds. The computer pairings were so bogus and messed it, he got screwed royaly. He had to play the top 3 players each in a row, even though he hadn’t won any games yet. but oh well, on to my games:
GAME 1- Me light him dark
Ok, This was an Easy Game. I was playing my TIGIH elom beatdown, and he was playing huntdown. He puts DLOS at hoth defense perimiter, I revolution that site, and med. chamber. I cancle visage with a bothan my frisst turm, and by turn 4 I drop about 7 eloms with EEP obi and smack down vader
FW +26

GAME 2-Me dark HIm Light
I had to play my very good freind Cullen Burns this game. I had been at his house the night before, so I knew how good his deck was. I Had ralltiir, he had Liberation and speeders. He crushed me with force drains.. simple
FL -23

GAME 3- Me dark, him light
This game was tough. I had ralltiir again and he had HIdden Base. I filpped second turn, then just used Executor and dengar running around killing x-wings with help of security precatuions.
FW +7

GAME 4-Me light him dark
I had the TIGIH, he was playing the new DS JPSD obkective. I just smacked him down with Jedi luke and EPP obi. Not a hard game at all
FW +31

GAME 5- Me dark him light
This also was a tough matchup. I had my ralltiir, he had EBO baraguins. I started Iperial Decree and secret plans, and just incaded hoth. ididnt even bother with my objective. I made shure to control 2 sites, so he only drained me at the most 4. I drained him for about 6 on hoth with lightsabers and Presence of the force. Then iwent to space with Zukkus and Bossk and wrecked. but it was very close game
FW +3

Game 6- me light him dark
This was cheap. I should have won, but I just wasn’t playing smart at all! He had court, I had TIGIH. I put too many guys at one site, and he got out mossep and Galid and I begame losing about 6 off the top every one of his turns. Then he smacked Jedi Luke with DIsarmed and uded Dr.EVason to Operate, BY BY LUKE! that was pretty much game right there.
FL -16
I ended up geting 5th, only behind third place by +17 diferential.
Overall it was an OK tournement. Prizes were DS:2 and Cloud city packs.