
Title: lompoc-ca-11-04-00
Author: Cat "CatLoneRogue" Ceder
Date: Nov 6, 2000

--- WARNING THIS IS LONG --- - It’s a YJ and SW tournament report -

11/1/00 Sean Campbell IMs me and emails me that he is having a double tournament this Saturday, well I wasnt sure if I wanted to go to a double tournament and ask the local players if anyone else is going to go to the tournament. Unfortunately non of them want and that sort of makes up my mind that I dont want to go to the tournament. (I hate driving 70 miles by myself)

So Thursday comes around and i’m sitting on the floor at the place where I am house sitting...boring place...and I have my cards with me as always just in case I want to work on some decks or tech them out some. So i’m sitting there, the T.V.s on as usual (gotta have sound when I make a deck and they have no stero in the room that I was in) so I grab the remote and start moving through the channels. Its nice that they have all the channels...and I come across a Star Wars commercial for some of their toys...then another commercial (local for our store) with Star Wars in it. Then finally some movie w/Matthew Perry (that friends guy) and something about Chewbacca... so that clinches it. Im going to the tournament cause of all the signs. So I email IM Sean the next day when I see him online and tell him that I am going to the tournament.

So I wake up @ 10:30 in the morning and do the morning stuff that I do and head over to my own place and grab my YJ decks (thats the first tournament) and make sure their ready to go and get out on the open road.... I’m driving my Aunts car...and suffice to say there was NO CD player in it, no TAPE deck in it...just a freakin radio...and the stations that I got SUCKED!!! so I was bummed at that...but I get there at 11:45. (Its amazing how long it takes to get 70 miles when you average 80+ MPH)

I get to the store and see a couple of the locals for the YJ tournament, Chris, Bryan, Jessica and the brothers. About 10 minutes later a couple other people and the TD, Sean shows up and we have a sanctioned tournament. - Me Im shocked that there were enough people but cool... I get paired off and the YJ tournament report (and sorry I dont remember the peoples decks that I played against) NOW!

Game 1: My - Sebulba BEATS w/Aurra Sing vs. Chris Chatelins Light Side deck..
He wins the cut for destiny and starts off with Courscant and 4 to drop on the first turn. I look at my hand and love to seeing Sebulba and a Pod in the first hand as well as Transport which is always nice, also the effect that makes the Pod Racers Power +1 and Damage -1. So I drop the Effect and Sebulba and draw a couple of scrub Pod Racers. He flips Padme, her gun, and a scrub. I drop Sebulbas Pod, and a Scrub and battle. I set it up incorrectly and killed the second character of his the scrub while Padme kills my scrub. We pretty much battle the entire game on that planet til he makes the final mistake by battling against me and I set it up perfectly to kill his Padme w/Gun and other characters w/Gun to win the first planet in the game. He goes to Tatooine cause apparently his Naboo is still in his deck and Tatooine wasn’t. I had a lot of my characters sitting @ Courscant and he drops a couple to Tatooine and dumps his hand for more beats, one of which was a Naboo Starfighter...so I chance it I drop Sebulba, his pod and Transport its good and 15 cards go back into my deck. He flips w/some scrubs no guns I drop another Sebulba and Pod and beat him down quickly of Tatooine thus winning me that game by 20.

FW 2 (+20)

Highs - Lots of Battling on Courscant
Lows - Lots of battling on Courscant w/o Bonuses

so the first game is over I think about heading over to get some munchies but the others finish quickly and we have to start the next game....

Game 2: My - Anakin and Friends vs. Jessica Chatelins Dark Side (I think Senators)

Great, I get to play Jessica, for a girl shes got to be one of the best YJ players in Lompoc. Someone I didnt want to play until end of this little tournament cause then I would have a HUGE differental (hopefully) and the loss if I did wouldnt be that bad. Well we cut and she gets to go first which I dont mind at all. She starts Courscant as well and deploys 4 cards...I look at my hand and find Anakin (Courscant) and Padme in my hand is Are You An Angel and Qui-Gon his stick and something else. So I drop the Anakin/Padme and draw up Anakins Pod and Padmes Gun so I think to myself good...this is turning out good I can save Qui-Gon and stick for somewhere else cause I haven’t gotten a Transport yet. So she flips w/freak 2 Senators and 2 Guns, and drops 3 Senators. So I’m thinking of giving up the planet but I battle it out. I put down the other character in my hand (ah yeah thats what the other card was...Queen from Tatooine) so I drop her and Anakins Pod and initate the battle using Are You An Angel. Jessica uses a battle card (the Senator card) and a gun I flip Are You An Angel, Anakins Pod, Anakin, Padme - for the win in power and a Destiny of Qui-Gon (the destiny 6) and a Queen (another Destiny of 6) and then Padme wins the next battle thus leaving her only 2 Scrubs on the planet. Jessica drops more and more characters and we battle lots at courscant...eventually moving to Naboo for the finally with her sacrifing the planet to me because of 2 Anakins and 2 Padmes w/guns sitting there... I attempt Transport and she shoots it down but I drop the Qui-Gon w/Stick that I was holding for a long time and draw another Anakin and Gun and drop flip and battle for the game. Win by 39

FW 4 (+59)

Highs: Lots more battling on Courscant
Lows: Getting my ship shot down when I wanted back those characters...stupid power of 5... :)

Rick Crespo walked in during this round and everyone convinced him to go to the Border and get some grub, he does after enough persuasion and I offer to get him some grub, he’s cool like that and goes. Mmmmmm comes back w/3 Soft Taco Supremes (NO TOMATOs) and a LARGE PEPSI no ice. Mmmmmmm good stuff.

Game 3: My - Dark Side Sebulba deck vs. Bryan West

Bryan is the best player in Lompoc and this game however fast it was cause we both set up on Tatooine and stayed there the whole game we battle almost every time, mostly pushing w/his high powered, characters mathcing with low destiny vs my lower powered characters but high destiny. Unfortunately I don’t remember much of whatelse happened in this game but I did win but by only 7, I wasn’t sure if I would I lost all my transports early on, and if he did decide to go somewhere else I wouldnt have had to much staying power. Fortunately he committed alot to the planet as well and we had a grand time.

FW 6 (+66)

Highs: Winning barely
Lows: Over committed to one site fortunately it worked out for the best.

Game 4: My Light Anakins and Friends vs. Chris again.

This game was much more interesting than the first we also stayed on one planet but we set up HUGE amounts of characters and battle only a little and only when we had the upper hand. This time however I didn’t committ everyone to the planet I saved all my Qui-Gons and Maces (yes Mace destiny 6) for somewhere else just in case. Fortunately this time I didnt need to. The battles ensued and they were good alot of tying but I got the upper hand by killing of a couple of his scrubs and had 3 more characters than he did and then deployed the remaining 2 in my hand (again not deploy the Mace or the Q man) and beating him off the planet and thus depleting him of his life. Win by 29

FW 8 (+95)

Highs: HUGE amounts of characters at a battle
Lows: No other planets to conquer...but it was fun.

Well that’s it for the Young Jedi tournament (I love my Sebulba deck)...
I take first place which is a rush for me going into the second tournament for Star Wars - the prizes for this tournament are YJ cards of course and packs and a EMoDM Sebulba - WOOHOO!!! I have 14 in my deck now - I give all the other packs to the other people - I dont need anymore YJ cards...Oy!...

Well we brake for a bit, its only 2:00 and the SW doesnt start till 2:30 so I walk around the store pick up the limited series Darth Maul comics #1 and #2 and then walk to the corner store for more nourishment - Mmmmmm Pepsi and Cheese Crackers...good stuff.

So I get back to see the people coming into the tournament and the usuals are there and this new guy Mike or something I can’t remember but I do remember the name that he uses for his command card... Diablo Sanches - I haven’t got a clue but apparently everyone calls him Diablo so thats what I called him as well. Interesting fellow, and someone I get to play twice. but youll see that later on.

For light I am playing the new Obj. W/Kabe and Chandra Fans as my Rep. It’s a good battle deck w/3 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knights and OTE for good stuff. For Dark I am doing a BHBM deck w/ high destiny and The Circle Is Now Complete for Obi so that I can just get Luke and Force Drain for the win. This is a solid deck and alot like everyone elses. I will post them later if your interested.

Game 1: - My BHBM vs. Bryan West Test to 2 and battle.

I start the standard stuff for BHBM - Mobilization Points, Imperial Arrest Order, and Oppressive Enforcement. I go first, before activation I grab Rendilli and then activate 5 force searching my deck I get the Emperor, Death Star 2 DB, and a Force Lightning. I deploy D*II:DB, Rendilli, and Endor DB (from hand), deploy the Emperor to D*II db and Janus to there from hand as well...then move the Emp. to Endor DB (for free) and tell Bryan to go. He activates and drops Yodas Hut and Yoda to the hut tells me to go. Before I do I place the Force Lightning under my Used pile (the bottom) and draw the top card, Lord Vader isn’t that nice. So I activate - 14 force for myself. Renilli Dagobah (2 a piece) Docking Bays (1 ea.) Emperor (1) Me (1) and controlling of the DBs (2 ea) it was nice I use the Emperors game text to get FL and then Janus to drop it back under and get the top card. Vaders stick and then force drain for 1 @ Endor. I drop Vader and his Lightsaber @ the Generic Docking Bay that I fetch with IAO and place it @ Rendilli (where he stays till he drops Luke at the DB and I pick him up). I draw some and get ready for more fun. -- I use the Emperor and Janus for the reminder of the game and finally Luke comes down to the Endor DB to meet the Emp. he gets the Barrier and cant do much else. I mover good old Vader over and pick him up wait till next turn. He drops a Cloud City Lower Corrider and puts Lando w/Gun and someone else there I drop Jabba (barriered by him) and Mara w/Stick - Initiate and hit Lando he shoots and misses and draws a 1 and 1 for destiny I draw my TCINC and kill off Lando (he doesn’t loose the other guy first...weird) I stack a card under Insignificant. He drops Twass Khaa at the now battleable Jabba and Mara - and some other scrub and battles. Predicting he would win but unfortunately he looses Twass to the hit from Mara and a 5 in destiny....love those Signals and he looses the scrub +2 due to Insurrection. I stack another. He also deploys Red Squad 1 @ Rendilli w/Wedge and I get to go. First I activate then I deploy Sim Aloo w/Mara (I lost Jabba to attrition) and I drop two Dreadnaughts and a Sarkli for the battle against Wedge... I beat down the scrub against Sim and Mara and then get a stack...I then beat down Wedge in space w/a 0 Destiny for him and 6 for me (TCINC is completing its circle for me this game) and another stack - at this time Vader and the Emp are @ the D*II DB and I move them in for the conversion. Unfortunately I win the duel and he looses 3. Next turn he activates all that he can and only has 2 left and picks up I recycle some cards and track the Lord and his Stick and TCINC - I don’t FD him cause I want to convert Luke so I duel, he draws 2 5’s and I draw 2 1’s and then I have 1 card left so I draw that and its a 6 Luke converts and I win. FW by 29

2 (+29)

Highs: Converting Luke
Lows: Getting Mara and Sim Aloo stuck @ the CC:LC for the game...when I coulda used them somewhere else for more beats...and only a FD of 1.

Game 2: - My Lights Kabe/Chandra Fan vs. Chris Chaetlins Gamorean/Ortugg beats....
I start with UhOh, Wise Advice, and Do, Or Do Not for this deck...Unfortunately I don’t remember much of this game but what I do recall is that I set up on the third turn w/Kabe, Tessek, Rennek and Wortt @ the AC w/OTE out (damn that sucks that I didnt realize that it doesnt work cause the AC isnt a Battle Ground w/Bo Shuda on it ah well) So I sit there and Force Drain him at the Obi-Wans hut for the longest time w/a Chandra Fan and a BoMarr Monk it was interesting that he kept forgetting to deploy there. The sad thing when I kept trying to deploy Ben to the Jabba’s Palace site (the first one) he kept getting Non-Shall Passed...Grrr.. I hate that card. :) Then he made the fatal mistake of putting Jabbas Sail Barge and the Passanger deck out and I had Lando W/Axe and the still NON Shall Passed Ben in hand I dropped them inside the Barge (awwwww.. no NON there) and then moved them out when he moved the Sail Barge to Obi’s Hut and they sat there for the remainder of the game force draining for 4 a turn. Luke and Chandra Fan were stuck in the desert force draining for 3 a turn and the coup de grace was when I was sick of Ortugg sitting in the AC against my guys and he had some other scrubs there as well I dropped Han W/Blaster (knowing that Bo-Shuda would be suspended cause of the Rebel there) and battled shooting Ortug and then loosing Han to the attrition thus making all his Gamoreans Forfit of 3 only (some lame effect that was out) and I finally out drained him for 7 a turn. Win by 24

4 (+53)

Highs: Capping Ortugg in the AC w/Han then loosing him
Lows: Having Luke stuck in the Desert but a FD of 3 is nice a turn.

Game 3: - My Dark vs. Diablos M&T

I start standard and get the Lord and his stick first turn. So I deploy the Emp to the D*II DB and and get the extra activation. Next turn I drop Lord Vader to the Endor Docking Bay and pick up all but two (I drew a Barrier and the TCINC) so I sit there his first deploy was Han W/Blaster (which get’s barriered) then he drops Leia W/Blaster and then Obi-Wan he immediately get’s Circled and he decides to leave Leia there (smart move) My turn I drop IG-88 W/Gun and First Strike and Initiate. I capture Leia Immediately w/IGGY and he draws a site for destiny I hit Han and he goes off to the Bacta that he deployed...but he looses 12 more due to battle power. I stack and draw a couple getting one of the alters and getting rid of the tank and Han. He didn’t like that. so we played on and I kept my recirculation of Force Lightning going and he couldn’t do anything about everytime he dropped a character I battled and stacked it was a pretty uneventfull time. Finally he got Boussh down to the Meditation Chamber - (he had previouslly dropped characters to LV and IGGy and I lost IGGy to the battle attrition and he got Leia back but lost her later) and he dropped a meditation on Leia and Anakins stick. I retrieved some force from the battles and had enough to get back some cards including IGGy - so he makes his appearance again against Leia and I intiate a battle he wants to jump into destiny so that he can play Smoke Screen but I stop him and shoot her, capturing her immediately and thus ending the reign of his characters I force drain him out of the game. FW by 19

6 (+72)

Highs: IGGy capturing Leia twice
Lows: nothing really but I’m getting hungry again.

Game 4: - My light vs. Diablo again...

Well I start the same as before and he’s playing a Court Deck - Mmmmmm good stuff. He gets a great opening hand...and deploys some locations and Zuckuss and 4-Lom to the AC. My opening hand consists of Kabe and Tessek and Bo-Shuda well they all go down and I just sit there for the remainder of the game w/them their. I get Luke Skywalker, JK down and a Chandra Fan along w/Han W/Blaster for some moral support sitting in the Cantina. D drops Jabba, Ephand and Djas Puhr their and battles. I swing and hit Djas Puhr, shoot and miss Ephant...stupid 1...and attrition him out of there....his turn he drops stupid U-3P0 and I forgot to put in a card to get rid of him so he kills my drain of 4 a turn there... So I move out and got to the Docking Bay and sit there for a while...getting out some more characters and dominating Tatooine - he gets Tatooine Occupation going w/Boba Feet In Slave One (not the one card but both individual cards). He kept initiating and retrieving w/S&V and geting back either Ephant Mon or Boelo (damn Power Of The Hutt was working over time there) so eventually I beat him down where he can’t deploy battle and get back either one...lo to my suprise he plays 2 and 2 in his deck....grrrrr....he killed off Luke 2 times but I kept putting him back (I played w/3) his mistake was moving Zuckuss out of the AC and trying to set up a FD @ Desert Heart but forgot that once he left I controlled the AC and thus got rid of S&V and that’s what changed the game for me to win. Somewhere along the game he got some bounties out on Han and Lando but they never got used cause he wouldn’t have anyone that could capture them and good ole Ben just brought them back when he could. All in all a good challenge for my deck..... Mmmm fun stuff Chandra Fans... FW 20

8 (+92)

Highs: Luke, dies, re-deploy, Luke, dies, re-deploy, repeat
Lows: stupid S&V getting Boelo and Ephant Mon back stupid Power Of The Hutt.

Well I won both tournaments and that was cool I got 3 packs of D*II I gave the CC and other stuff to the other players and pulled squat in the packs thus giving them away. Got 2 more Garindans for my collection and 3 more Wattos as well so that was cool. Asides from that the PROPS/SLOPS.

Sean for running both tournaments
Jessica for playing YJ and being the ONLY girl in 70 miles that does
Rick for going to TB for food
getting more Garindan
getting more Wattos

Actually there wern’t any it was all in all a good day...
oh wait there is one..... the 70 mile drive back home... Oy!

Well I will see you all next time. Enjoy and have a great day...

Oh and if you have any GARINDANS let me know I collect (currently over 800 around 850)


Cat "The Garindan Collector" Ceder