
Title: virginia-beach-va-11-5-2000
Author: brian "darkjedi2000" catalino
Date: Nov 6, 2000

Every time I switch decks the night before a tourney I always do poorly, so I don’t know why I keep doing it. Maybe one of these weekends I’ll learn. Since Profit had not been performing well for me lately I made a mains and toys deck with a Yoda’s Hutt start and Super Falcon for space. Darkside was the new My kind of scum with skrillings(Pote as my rep) and Chevins. My rating going into the tourney was 1651.

Game 1 My DS vs Tristan Batchelor’s(1593) MWYHL test to 6.

Ack. Testing. I did not feel too good about this game. Most of the game was very boring with him testing and me fortifying Audience Chamber and other JP sites. When I started to drain he deployed undercover spies to block the drains. Here’s where I made my mistake...he deployed Tk422 to AC....when I had all aliens there. We didn’t realize it to many turns later. Oh bust. So nothing is happening when he deploys asteroid sectors to dagobah system with an xwing there...out comes sactuary....and no CHYBC in my deck. I’m losing 2 a turn from that but then I get Search and destroy down so he deploys an Arcona to get around that and reacts away when I try to battle but I have scum out so I’m getting 2 back a turn...but it looks like he’s going to pull out the win. Then he makes his mistake...forgets to save a force to react the Arcona away when he’s sitting at the AC. Ouch. Jabba, Dengar, Boelo, Ephant Mon, skrilling and more against his lone Arcona. I win by 14.

Highs: Beating down his Arcona and winning a game I would have lost
Lows: Letting Undercover Han deploy to my Alien infested AC.

Game 2 My LS vs Harrison Waldo’s(1597) BHBM

I start Insurrection, Staging Areas and Wise Advice. 2nd turn i get Jedi Luke w/stick at the Home One DB to drain for 1 for a couple of turns...He sets up Palpy and consorts at Endor DB then deploys choke vader to D*2 DB and moves him to Home One DB to capture Luke. Here’s where I screwed up. Wanting to get rid of Vader I deployed Epp Obi to Home One DB to battle Vader thinking I could sense a Circle if it came down. Well when I deployed Obi he barriered him so I sensed that....dumb! Down comes the circle and out of play goes Obi. With my big guns out of the game I set up Super Falcon at Kessel to drain for 3 but he was draining for 6 a turn with palpy and Janus at endor DB, Vader and Tarkin and the good Dr. at Home One DB, and Tempest 1 and Blizzard 2 at the back door. I made a last ditch effort with Lando w/axe and some aliens to get rid of Palpy and crew but he wiped them out. Lost by 10.

Highs: None
Lows: Obi getting Circled

Game 3 My DS vs Brandon Im’s(1737) Rebel Strike Team

I thought I could handle a RST deck with my skrillings and for the most part I had the game. I fortified the AC early while he set up Endor. I was winning the drain race at first but then he flipped and I couldn’t cancel his drains with my objective or Bargaining Table. So I had to go to Endor. Fett and Jodo captured Gen. Solo and Daughter(i think) but I could never get control of 3 exterior Endoe sites to flip his Objective back. He had close air support going with sime stacked 7’s so that hurt too. I was dwindling him away when he got off a couple of on the edges with those stacked 7’s and retrieved 12 with in 2 turns. I was low on cards he he put Obi w/stick at the deset heart and drained me out. Loss by 7.

Highs: Hidden weapons capturing everytime!
Lows: Losing a game I thought I had.

So here I am 1-2 when the TD calls the next pairing: Me against Lincoln Torrey...ack he’s rated like 8th in our region. Great....going 1-3 realy sucks I thought.

Game 4 My LS vs Lincoln Torrey’s(1992) My Kind of Scum
He showed his rep as Myo as we started and for some reason I decided to start the numbers killer forgetting he can’t play inserts with MKOS. I made a good choice because first turn he tries to scanning crew me. He sets up the AC with Jabba, Galid, Boelo, Boba and an Abyssin. I had an awesome opening hand with Jedi Luke, his stick and Lightsaber Proficiency. I wait a couple of turns to save up enough force and wipe out his AC with Super Luke and some scrub, thanking the SWCCG god that his hidden weapons failed against Luke. So I’m sitting there with a drain of 4 a turn. I get to verify his deck for some reason and notice trap doors in there...he then deploys the rancor to the pit and I move Luke over to Jabbas Palace not wanting to take a chance to get trap doored and go up against the Rancor. He stayed away fro Luke the rst of the game while Epp Obi, Epp Leia and JPSD Lando ran around inside killing off his aliens. A mistake I made that neither of us caught till later was deploying Blount with Obi to Ephant Mons site. He was never really able to get anything going after I cleared his AC and I take it by 14.

Highs: Playing cautiously and beating a high ranked player
Lows: None

So I go 2-2 for the 2nd Tourney in a row. I need to find a couple of decks to stick with instead of changing up every week. I pulled a Foil Obi in my Reflections pack from Prize support so that was cool.

Brian Casimiro for running a good Tourney
Curtis Brown for winning the Tourney(Dan Bojo came in 2nd, both were undefeated)

Me for having last minute decks and going 2-2