
Title: mega-phoenix-and-tellings
Author: Tim "Info Broker" Guzman
Date: Nov 8, 2000

Well first I just want to let everyone know that I didn’t take notes on who I played. For a tourney like this I usually do, but for some reason I felt lazy, and the mood I was in I was just tired. I had a blast at this tournament. Mike Girard did an awesome job, and Arizona Gamer was a great place to play at. If you want to skip all the good pre-tourney stuff, then scroll down until you see Tourney report..but for now...from the start.

Pre-Tourney:(long part)

Well 6 of us from Vegas decided to leave Friday night to stay at Motel 6 and go to the tourney from there. It was Me, Shane Watner, Kris Lavigne, Matt Berta, Danny Lamar, and Noah Singer. We planned on leaving at 3 in the afternoon, but I didn’t get off until 4. I knew we were having a late start, but I couldn’t help...thinking to myself if we leave now we will have time to playtest...Matt is freaking out on the phone, because I wasn’t there when he called, but now I am home waiting for him. I give him directions to my place and say get over here NOW so we can leave. For some reason he thinks now means, stopping for something to eat, and then going to his place for what he calls his lucky jacket. (Don’t worry Matt, I am over that.) So now it is really late, about 5:45PM we hit the road, and it takes about 5 and a half hours to get there. Well with the Road work and all :) We take two cars with me in the lead. Shane and Kris in my car, with Noah, and Danny in Matt car.

This is where we talk about what each of us decided to play, because we know that we will have little time to playtest in the Hotel room, because it will be about 1:00 in the morning when we arrive....We are getting close to Kingman now and we are starving...well not Noah and Matt, because they ate earlier, but the rest of us are. We know of the Carl’s Jr that is right there on the road, and we are so hungry that Carl’s Jr sounds real good right now. In fact Kris was so hungry even Mcdonald’s sounded good. :)

After the one stop it was straight to phoenix from there. We took ghetto road, because 93 has major Road work going on...really. I think I saw a UFO, but it was just a reflector they tell me, but I have my own story. :) Somehow, because I rock, I drive straight to Motel 6, only making one U-turn...hehe. And when we get there they say they are Booked to the core. I tell them who I am and all of a sudden they have a room and we stay there...weird, but close to true. It is late and we are all I test one game with Shane, kill him and go to bad.

Tourney Report:

Well I decided to play Huntdown Guzman Style, and MWYHL. We find Arizona Gamer with ease, and walk in to see who showed up. It looked like a pretty good crowd, with names like Clint Hayes, Steven Lewis, Brian Hunter, Kyle Craft, Quasimodo, Clayton Atkins, and Keven Shannon...others also, but I didn’t want to just start naming names forever.. :) But I will mention it was good to see some of my friends from Kingman make the trip. Well we all know how these things start right???

Game 1 My Huntdown vs Matt Berta’s Throne Room(rating 1836)

That’s right it start off with me playing someone who drove up with me. I really like my Huntdown it is pretty solid and it wins more games than it losses...if it does that. And when I saw what he starts I have a good feeling on what to do. Well this is when bad things happen. On the first visage lost, I decide to lose off the top and its Vader, and he plays OOC right away, and gets Vader. Just like that Vader is out of play from the start of the game. Well I can play with out Vader, I guess...I was worried, but I just used the rest of my cards to was kind of funny, I could give more details, but like I said I didn’t take notes. I win by 19
Full Win by 19

Highs: Winning without Vader in a Huntdown deck. You know it cracks me up, when people rate my stuff and say how do you play a game with only 2 characters in it and win? Well I did this one with only 1...hehehaha. Man thats funny that people suck. You know its to bad that people suck. :)

Lows:Playing someone I drow up with.

Game 2 My LS vs Arizona guys Manip with Carbon Chamber

Well I am sitting next to Brian Hunter and he is playing someone who looks like he has ability one and a half. And I am playing something I didn’t really prepare for. I give him Orri to be a prisoner and we start. Pretty much he seems to be in control of the game. But I set up some direct damage stuff like Uncontrollable Fury, and Legendary Starfighter. Time was running out and he has order to engage so he battle Jedi Luke with Barqin Dan, Prescott, and Ehant Mon, and I play Move Along to move Barquin and Prescot, and Ephant is sitting there and shiitting his pants, and I win.
Full Win by 12??

Highs: Winning when for second I wasn’t sure.

Lows: Well I did have to listen to Brian throw a mini fit, but don’t worry Brian...Jizz is a weird thing...

Game 3 My DS vs Shane Watner’s Profit(rating 1674)

You have got to be kidding me. I have to play again someone who I drove up with? Well at least I am darkside, and we just played this same match up last night in the Hotel room, and I won. So no worrys right? Wrong...For some reason Shane is using Your insight serves you well like that is his favorite card. He at one point played Sorry about the mess on Lord Vader with Saber mind you, and gets him...That was game from there. I even had a Drain of 8 in space and he pulled it out. Funny how it turned out, but oh well. I lose.
Full Loss by 11 or was it 8

highs:hmmm winning...I mean lossing...shane is doing good

Lows:Zuchuss in Hunter loses some force from Surprise Assault..what???

Game 4 My LS vs Ben Robinson?? Aliens something(Rating 1989)

He didn’t say anything out load, but I thought he said "I will own by the end of this weekend" in his mind. My friends and I have this thing where if you lose to someone twice unless they are locals, then they own you. Well I ended up losing to this guy twice once during Mega, and Once during the Grand Slam. He played very well, and I was in control, but at one point when I was counting on running away, he puts down Bubo, so I can’t move, and battles, me and I die like crazy...and NO it wasn’t because I ran out of gas. Don’t asked.
full loss by 8

Highs: I have I don’t. Well I did make him read the card dodge.

Lows: losing 2 in a happened... :(

Game 5 My LS vs some army guys SFS..

Well this deck is a natural killer toward tie decks so I wasn’t worried. He had Kuat out so I was happy about that, because when I Revo’d his Wawawawhatever I got more activation. The funny thing was when I deployed Uncontrolable fury on his Death Star Assault Squadron, that was cool, not like ninja turtles cool, but cool none the less. I win in the end.
Full Win by 20something

Game 6 My DS vs Joel Massies Profit (rating 1789)

Well here is a good player from Kingman...and I am already thing I have a weekness against Profit because of my lost to Shane earlier. Joel plays a great game, but in the end Lateral Damage proved to much for him. I win
Full win by 3

Game 7 My Ls vs Mike Sinclair’s Huntdown.

Well I have Huntdown protection, so I am not that worried, but I know he is a good player, and wants revenge for losing to me at the Vegas grand Slam. He is always fun to play against...Well I don’t think anything crazy can happen on the second turn of the game so I deploy JEDI luke to vaders site...I plan to kill him quick with Jedi Luke and Saber and Yoda at his hut to have Jedi luke live forever..hehehaha. However...this is the second turn in the game and he says oh I will duel Luke...I am like what...a blind duel against luke? Just like that...well he did it...We draw destiny and Jedi Luke subtracts 3 but I still lose by one...Wow...I guess my plan didn’t work out the way I wanted. I start a drain of three at Kessel with Falcon, but it proves not enough. Obi comes out just to let him get dueled and lose that one as well, cool...I don’t draw up to let him drop his whole hand, and I lose.
Full loss by 24?
8(+something small)

highs:???watching a blind duel...that was cool.

Lows:Being on the losing end of a Blind Duel...that was..

Game 8 My DS vs Jason Arye?? Agents in (1893)

Well things just went my way this game. He has a Chall Fan behind a docking bay for force, but I deploy Mara and kill him plus more...Then he does it again, and I deploy Presence then Vader and do it again...I put some ships in space, and Counter assualt him twice, and well that is about it...It wasn’t his day, and he told me he shouldn’t have brought the deck he did. I win
Full Win by 29 or 30 something..

Highs: Having a big win in the end.

Lows: Hmmm something.

Well I finish 5-3 with a not super dif, but good enough to come in 11 Place I believe it I am ok with that. Starving time to gather the group and eat out somewhere...and that has its set of storys. There is a lot of pretty girls in Phoenix

I do end up changing my decks to BHBM for Dark and making Changes to my Lightside for the GrandSlam. My LS in fact is posted already and that went Undefeated at the Grand Slam..its pretty solid. If I have time I will write that report as well. But don’t worry I will leave out the part where Kris throws up, because he had to win a bet that he can drink 10 glasses of Ice tea in 20 minutes. Funny...

To Mike Girard for a great tournament
To Brian Garrison for not just being apart of the the Arizona Crew
To Kris and Shane for keeping me young.. Oh..Ah..You are gross
To the Jens because there are just cool.
Did you know Chili’s has a good Awesome Blossom. Just came to mind for some reason.
To Brian Hunter for doing a great job in the tourney.
To Clint for nocking over this drink on someones cards. That was kind of funny, but I am sure you didn’t mean it Clint.
To the Security guard at Motel 6, because he told us about ghetto street...funny.
To the Hostess at Chili’s...oh wait I need to save some for my next report.

To ME because I forget to bring Uncutt Sheet for Girard, and I said I would..I suck...(I said stop being so gross)
To Matt because he was being first. (Were cool right?) :) Classic
To Kris being one step ahead, and never knowing how he did it or what he said. It’s To bad I can’t just use Alameda Str. and just drive straight to Phoenix. :)
To all of us for making Brad sleep in his car... that was cruel...Cool
To Shane for winning a rafle... I should have so I can sell the crap you got.
And To Brian Hunter for losing to Hunchback
OH and the Hostess at Chili’s...oh wait I need to save some for my next report.

Thanks for reading if you did,

Tim Guzman