
Title: ithor-madrid-spain-11-11-00
Author: Angel "Dj" San Jose
Date: Nov 15, 2000


We were 18 players, a great attendance, at Generacion X in Madrid.

I did’t play in tourneys for a month and I was like mad for playing. I’ve been tweaking my decks, to perfection I think, and wanted to see how they work.
My decks:
DS: TDIGWATT which is going like 15-3. It can counter almost everything, super big drains and huge power.
LS: my version of Speederholics. This was the 1st time I played it at tourneys and did very well.

Game 1: TIGIH/speeders vs. (Yayo) Endor Operations/Bikers
He starts Endor. I know he will react a lot, so I try to intimidate (spell?) a little. I start as usual: Home One docking, Hoth docking, a couple speeders, Incom Corporation, etc. He starts setting up his bikers and drops that effecto to Endor to drain for a lot in space. I inmediatle cancel it deploying 4 X-wings to Endor (I drained there the whole game). I deploy MFlaps and 2 speeders to a site. He has set up like 4 bikers at a site, and reacts to my drain with the bikes and aTempest Scout. I activate the flaps, put Ewok Catapult on top of reserve, drop 2 more speeders, Draw Their Fire, battle. He had there the biker who cancels all battle damage and attrition, but I wanted to intimidate, you know. I forfeit a speeder. He comes with a few more bikers and battle next turn, but my power is still like 20 something, and I just forfeit 2 speeders and he has to forfeit almost everything. Meanwhile, JediLuke is draining safely at Chirpa’s. He drops Vader and Mara/saber there and gets Luke. Next turn I drop Boush to Chirpa’s, battle somewhere, and draw for more speeders. His turn, Vader and Mara go out for a walk, Mara hops on a bike and he spreads, leaving DVDLOTS and a biker/bike there. My turn, activate flaps (as every turn), put back a catapult, drop 3 speeders... he loses everything. I already have 4 cards in stack now, so he’s not going to deploy another Vader. I move Jediluke to get captured. Next turn he decides he prefers to spread and drain, but I’m draining him for about 5 +2 from Luke captured. The TD shows up and shouts ’hands down’. Whatever. I count and have 14 in reserve, he has 7.

TW 1+14 (1+14)
Highlights: winning my first game in a tourney with this new deck. His deck was huge power, but mine is even more.
Lowlights: Aaarg, I probably could win trying to cross Vader, but didn’t have my destiny tracked so I decided not to. Another timed win.

Game 2: TDIGWATT vs (Mario Saez) Dantooine Base Operations
As I see his objective I think I can win with no problem. Man, I was wrong. I decide to go play safe in CC, building up Dark Deal, etc. He goes slowly, gets down a couple generic sites and Home One with the matching crew and moves to Bespin. I see I cant set up CC Ocupation, so I go for Dark Deal. He eats 7 and 5 from drains in 2 turns, and I spread to drain for more. He’s doing almost nothing but I know he has Obi in hand (he searched for him), so I’m not going to waste my people at Dantooine sites. He deploys that card (Imperial Decree for LS), drops another site, and flips his objective with Jedi Luke, Obi and Orrimaarko, one at a site, then moves Orri to Luke. Hmmm... so I’m draining for 1 now. This is getting bad. He only have like 12 cards or so in reserve (I did a lot of damage early), but I see he will win in 5 turns. I deploy Executor to Bespin, and the trick worked. He wasted his Rebel Barrier. I draw and get characters and Tempest 1 and Boba in Slave in hand. I’m praying now... His turn he bums the Executor and backs up Obi with DOS. It’s now or never. He left one site unocupied, so Ozzel and Officer Evax go there, deploy Boba/Slave to Bespin and stare at him. I say, ’and your Rebel Barrier?’ He doesn’t have any in hand. Yeah. Boba moves to Dantooine, flip back his objective and I breath. I will drain him for 5 next turn. He moves JediLuke and Orri to Ozzel/Evax, and Obi/DOS begin his way to join the fray. Hehheh, I drop Tempest 1 and Igar, hop everybody in and battle (with Imperial Arrest Order I can sacrifice Evax and Ozzel). It happened that my 2nd destiny was Palpy, for a total attrition of 8, so he forfeits Luke. I land Boba for forfeit fodder. A turn and a battle later, he is dead.

FW 2+5 (3+19)
Highlights: Winning a game I thought I had lost. Seeing how my deck can make it through any circumstances.
Lowlights: Being too confident about my deck. It will never happen again

Game 3: TIGIH/speeders vs (Mario Saez) BHBM
We get paired again, and I expect another interesting one. I’ve tested my deck to his objective, and I consistantly win, but one never knows what can happen in a tourney. Let’s go.
We set up our usual things in the first 2-3 turns, except I cant find my Flaps or Signals. So Vader and Mara wait at the landing site for Luke, hidding at Chirpa’s. I eat the 3 force loss for not being at a battleground, draw and the flaps/signals keep not showing up. Doh! I have Boush and 3 speeders in hand, so I’m thinking about a beatdown on the Emperor (at DSII docking), but then he would move his characters to Chirpa’s and drain for three (Mara’s saber). He gets Kessel down, and ZiMH there. My turn, I give him Luke and reinforce some drains with speeders. He makes his way to DSII and his characters are safe. Where are my flaps!? I have 3 X-Wings in hand and I’m considering a beatdown on ZIMH, but I wait and draw and get one XWing more. Well, he deploys there BiHT and DiPO, and drops the Admiral Order which gives you bonus when you have a starfighter and a capital. So I just deploy a XWing and Landing Claw (now I can lose those other 7 XWings to drains...). I’m draining him for 3, he for 1 with Mara at DSII docking and he’s losing to his objective. Then he duels me and lose. I tell him to give me a card to stack and says ’what?’ I point that there’s a difference between DS and LS cards and he never duels again. :-) I go with Boush and 2 speeders (Flaps finally on) and battle the lone Mara (after getting back on reserve a catapult), he misses with the saber and lose Mara and like 5 cards. Another card to stack, that makes 3. He deploys Blizzard 1 + Veers, looks for Tempest 2 with the AO, a pilot to it and battles 3 speeders, I lose the battle and 2 speeders, he nothing (low destiny...). He moves Tempest 2 with pilot to block my drain with 2 speeders at the adjacent site. Next turn, I activate flaps, deploy another speeder there, and 2 more in front of Blizzard 1, Mechanical Failure on Blizzard 2, **bong**. Another card to stack. Battle Blizzard 1, antother to stack (that makes 4). I have a catapult in hand, but forgot to deploy it. After all these battles (with Draw Their Fire out), he has lost everything but 4 cards. He deploys that pilot who cancels landing claw and cancels it. Hehheh, it’s tooo late. He lose 1 to his objective and I drain him out.

FW 2+9 (5+28)
Highlights: Catapults. They kill everything with ASP droid.
Lowlights: Not finding Flaps until mid-game. I could cost me the win.

Game 4: TDIGWATT vs (?) Profit
At this point there are 5 undefeated players including me. I know I wont get the tourney cause my timed win at first game, so I just want to win this one with high differential an go home happy.
I start as ever vs. profit: Mob. Points, IAO, Oppresive Enforcement. Get out Executor DB and deploy there Janus (I had also Lord Vader, Sim Aloo, Mara/Saber and a Walker in hand). He deploys a location and draws. I get out Bespin, CC docking, search for Executor, deploy Crush The Rebellion and draw. He deploys Cantina and Mos Eisley and draws. I know he will come to try a beatdown, so I back up Janus with Blizzard 2, deploy CC and a site a draw. He has 13 cards in hand, so when I have 1 card left, I use 1 to play Masterful Move and get a Monnok, but it happened to be the one force I used... He comes with Artoo, EPP Leia, Talz and Chewbacca, battles, Leia hits Janus, plays Blaster Proficiency lost and Janus goes to lost pile, then plays Protector for an extra destiny. He draws 0, 3, so I lose the walker and 2 cards from hand. I have him where I wanted, now, at the Executor. I go, look for CC Occupation, deploy ZiMH to Bespin, Mara/Saber to CC docking, Evazan at the other site, deploy CC Occupation, OS721 to Cloud City, move Evazan with Mara and draw (I get a Sniper). His turn he drains, uses a bunch of cards to get all his people to CC docking and draw. I play sniper on Chewie, hit. Deploy Lord Vader and Sim Aloo there and battle, he plays Fallen Portal (doh!) on Mara but draws a 3 (yeah!). I swing at Leia but miss, Leia hits Evazan, I use Sim Aloo’s text and I see a 1, so my characters will stay, I draw high and he losses everything. I draw and get everything I need (Igar, Tempest 1, Trample...). His turn, deploys EPP Leia and rescues Han, using 10 cards (Secret Plans). I go, drain for 4 +1 from Occupation and deploy another CC site, characters to each site, Dark Deal and reinforce everywhere. He drains, make me lose to his flipped objective, deploys Luke and Lando to some Tatooine sites and spread his characters to make me lose some good force next turn. Cool. My turn, I drain for 12 + 3 from Occupation, deploy another site and Emperor there, deploy Tempest/Igar to where he has EPP Leia, Han and another Talz, I play Trample (with a tracked 4) on Han and bye, bye, move Tempest in front of Lando. His turn he draws a few, cant do nothing, and stares at me. I say ’do you have any Control, It Could Be Worse...?’ ’No’. Okey, I drain for 4+3+4+3+1+1, +4 from Occupation. That’s 20.

FW 2+17 (7+45)
Lowlights: None.

I ended 3rd out of 18 players. Luis Alvarez won the tourney with like 8+80, Rafael Arnaiz went 2nd with about 8+70. We were the only 3 undefeated players.