
Title: lg-sj-super-saturday-11-18-00
Author: Nick "JediBrain" Stefanko
Date: Nov 19, 2000

Hurray! After having 2 very successful Super Saturdays the past 2 months, I was looking forward to another great day of gaming. I was disappointed in the result. For Event 1 in Los Gatos, we were barely sanctioned with 12 players.

My decks:
LS - Why Ewoks Care About Hansicles v2.0 - Profit Ewoks
DS - A View From The Expensive Seats - BHBM #s, Counter Assaults, and a little manipulation

Game 1 - DS v. Carlo Panighetti’s Rescue The Princess
I got all my sites and system out 1st turn, and put Palpy at DB327. The game was completely dominated by myself. 8D8 got Force Lightning-ed twice. Monnok controlled his hand; #s popped twice (him losing 15 each time).

Result: FW by 37; 2(+37)
Good Things: My deck worked beautifully
Bummers: Beating the hell out of a scrub
Compliment of opponent: He played well given the circumstances.

Game 2 - LS v. David Wearne’s JP Manipulator
My Profit start foils his plans. His AC crew were subjected to Order To Engage most of the game. 3rd turn, EPP Obi suicides, taking Mara w/ saber with him. Lando With Vibro-Ax came down later and wrecked everyone thrown at him. I set my Ewoks up on Endor and drained him out.

Result: FW by 32; 4(+69)
Good Things: Lando ruling Jabba’s Palace
Bummers: none
Compliment of opponent: He stayed away from Endor, which is always good vs. Ewoks.

Game 3 - LS v. Alex Stefanko’s HB Fakeout/EPP @#$%storm
He knew my deck outright, and took advantage of that. He started Your Insight Serves You Well, among others, and didn’t toss it. I Altered everything I could, and set up Visage Of The Emperor to drain at the Holotable. But, EPP Luke sat at the Cantina, and Home One at Carida all game. For fun, Tech Mo’r went up against EPP Luke and ECC Chewie with a tracked 5 for battle destiny (via Emperor’s Power). Later, I Force Lightning-ed Navy Trooper Fenson, retrieved him into hand with No Escape, and threw him against ECC Chewie with a tracked 6 for battle destiny. The game ended with EPP Obi, Lando With Vibro, and Tycho beating down Fenson for tons.

Result: FL by 29; 4(+40)
Good Things: I stayed alive for quite a while
Bummers: the game
Compliment of opponent: I hate my little brother.

Game 4 - DS v. Alex Stefanko’s My Kind Of Scum Abyssins
Again?!?!?!?! @#$%. Well, my brother joins the ranks of players running MKOS Abyssins. His unoriginality is appalling. I A Gifted Threepio (damn Ephant Mon), which killed his drains. I set up on Endor, but couldn’t pull my Ithorians. Tessek also fell to Bubo, so my drains were pithy. Then the Abyssins came. It was a stalemate for the most part all game, but his mass retrieval was just too much.

Result: FL by 30; 4(+10)
Good Things: none
Bummers: Playing my brother AGAIN; the game
Compliment of opponent: none

Out of 11 final players (#12 dropped), I ended up placing 4th and pulled a Green Squadron A-wing and The Emperor’s Shield in my prize packs. John Monroe took first, my brother got 2nd, and Nghia Nyugen edged me out for 3rd.

At 6:00 p.m., we only had 7 players for Event 2, which I was running. Steve Daniel and Alfred Dong were on there way, and Kevin Shannon had called in saying he was en route as well. We finally got started around 6:30, and Kevin and Shawn Ely showed up 15 minutes later. So, we finally ended up with 11 players, then one had to drop for the last game. Kevin Shannon went undefeated and won, Steve got 2nd, and Eric Brummel came in 3rd. Since Decipher hadn’t gotten my prize support to me, prizes consisted of some Crap City donated by Steve last week, and the JP packs from my JPSD. A highlight of the entire tournament was Kevin’s comments. When he opened his CC, he pulled a Forced Landing, and bit into it. He said, "Oh my god, they count this stuff in Cloud City filth!" After I finished handing out prizes, Steve cleaned out his binder of junk rares and said "Free rares!" Kevin picked up a Cloud City: Dining Room and tried to eat it! Funny stuff. After he and Alfred Dong ripped up a bunch of Debris Zones and threw them up in the air, I couldn’t stay for fear of laughing myself to incapacitation.

Thanks for reading my report. The next Los Gatos/San Jose Super Saturday (2 tournaments, one morning, one evening) is December 16; if you’re in the area, stop by! All details are posted on the Decipher website. Turnout should be A LOT better for that one.