
Title: d-ii-endor-sealed-gb-12-9-00
Author: Matt "Ooryl_909" Woleske
Date: Dec 9, 2000

First to start w/ a sort of a disclaimer this is my first ever tourney report on decktech so sorry for any errors and just to remind you this was a closed env. tourney w/ the foils for closed tourney and we played w/ 2 endor and 1 D*II pack + the starters from D*II

Ok now for the pre-tourney stuff (if you don’t like it don’t read it)

well i first see this tourney up on DT about 2 weeks ago tell my friend how cool this is and that we gotta go so then i commit to the ultimate struggle...get money i’m now broke and was before the tourney which is a credit to my capablities as a money making machine its just i never have enough i get $10 bucks for baby sitting my sister which is like free money because my sister is 5 and she just sits in my parents room and watches TV the whole time cause she doesn’t wanna do anything else because she;s lazy and stuff so i get 10 bucks free and then my parents say i don’t get anymore money cause i owe my mom $70 cause i broke a camera by mistake and these people threatend legal action if i didn’t pay (i didn’t care cause my mom is a lawyer and she said that if they sued my i would never owe money becuase he provoked me its a long story and i’m sure you don’t care) anyway so my mom said well i’ll give you the money to you but you owe me so i agree cause i have a whole bunch of junk in my basement and i didn’t need it so i was going to sell it on ebay for some $$$$ so then this week they tell me all the money i earn goes to them in deduction of my debt to them so i say allright so i start (gasp) taking money form the communal change jar (i always pay entree fee in quarters its a law of nature) but anyway by the time i need it i’ve got more than enough (good now i can buy myself some Babylon 5 cards cause its a kind of fun game where i might be able to win some games big time so i figure i have enough to get some starters and packs if the stupid store has them)(oh yeah forgot to say the tourney was at Hobbytown USA the site of all our usual tournies) now getting there is a pain cause i have to go to a church breakfast (annual event i lovingly refer to a eat @#$% in honor of the christ child) well anyway i have to go to this breakfast but then thank god i get my dad to say he’ll leave the thingy to take me before the totally gay storyteller starts his 5 star story of christ (yeah right he is on the gay bestseller list) so i get out of that and all is well at this time to quote brian hunter it is way way way to cold for speeders (-20 w/ the windchill its like straight out of those stories you grandparents tell you about when they went to school except you have shoes and there;s no blizzard) so i go to the tourney w/ $20 and some sort of a dream about jedi luke (i can only hope) now on to the tourney

the parings come out and i get to switch w/ John (sorry didn’t catch his last name first timer though) ok my rares were of course the ones in the sealed deck and the few rares: Battle Deployment from the D*II an at-st dual cannon and empires new order (god pulls almost everyone had ewoks and the cannon i could and would shoot everyone and everything in site and battle deployment helps me pull all 5 combat vehicles in my deck) i go into this tourney w/ a sealed rating of 1490

Game 1 my DS vs. John’s Twix filled LS (1500)

ok this guy got junk for pulls but he got 2 twix sites cheif chirpa’s place and home one war room (his start)
ok the details of this game are a little fuzzy because not much happend my starting hand was godly i had both my non unique TS’s and the cannon was drawn next turn i also forgot to say i start the emdor D bay and effects were mob points, an entire legion, and empires new order so as a strategy in this game of sad activation i dropped a scrub first turn only to be beat down royally in my sad but true attempt to get more but i drop the at-st’s and the cannon and shot everyone i could including the ewok so i could get some force retreived but at this time all was pretty much lost and i couldn;t recover i even went to space but he’d been waiting for this and totally screwed over 2 tie interceptors bad

FL 0(-11)
coming off of this i don’t feel to bad cause in this Ls has a major advantage so i trade a DLOTS for an epp han and ecc chewie (can’t help but want another) and i got 3 packs of endor w/ god pulls orrie and chewbacca (great just what i wanted a third chewie of kashyyyk) and Lt. Renz (hey i didn’t have him before)

Game 2 DS vs. Dan (again for got his last name sorry) rating 1500

well this game was another royal screw up i have problems winning here even though i mangaed to retrieve w/ him about 4 times for losing ewoks and even tracking a 7 i retrieved to smack him down i still just couldn;t catch up it was bad at the docking bay he drops chewie, han, a crapload of scrubs and battles my at-st’s (2 TS’s 1 w/ lt. arnet piloting it) and 2 elite squad stormies (1 w/ gun) he canceled my destinies continuously until i killed han big time w/ the cannon and killing the ewoks just couldn’t keep up w/ the amount i had to lose then finally i had a TS at the d bay against nothing so i react to cancel a drain of 2 then his turn he initiates and stupid me w/ many mind lapses thinks he can react away from the battle but his intelligence forgot you can’t react twice a turn then i move to space and smackdown is laid majorly i get killed sooooooooooo bad he drops every card in his had (i swear this guy can predict anything and everything it sucks he lays whole bunches of matching ships and pilots and independence (nice)

FL by 17 0(-28)

game 3 vs. Brady Drezwicki (1420?) this rating was what i remmeber so i’m not sure about this one sorry

this is the toilet bowl game last place players and my last chance to redeem myself and boy did i ever my starting hand i a good mix 3 at-st’s and arnet 2 vic class and a site so i activate pass he activates and drops a lone dresselian i activate and lay some serious smack (i draw a 6 for destiny i love AO’s like this one its only the first of 2 occasions it pops for destiny) so he has to die and lose about 10. at this point he know he’s lost but still then he makes his second mistake laying down a lone mon mothma (hey if he knew her text she’s be great buy poor him he has no clue and smack down beats her up then 3rd mistake he physically let me retrieve big in a series of 3 battles he lost 3 ewoks thats 6 lost force i retrieved the whole game the only drain that lasted more than 2 turns was a single nebulon b frigate which got smacked down then came his next and final mistake which turned out to be the absolute slaughter of a single x-wing at my endor system 2 vic classes and a tie defender and a 7 destiny proceeded to whack him BIG TIME and then i win big but have a recount to confirm then i called out my differential and this guy’s like "holy @#$% you opened a can of whoop ass" and i respond totally spontaneouly causing massive laughter even from the loser of the gane "more like a 6-pack"

FW by 33 2(+6)

so the final game is between dan who’s first sealed deck ever is today vs. derek mueller 30th in the world for sealed decks and a downright cool guy and guess who wins...dan and now derek’ll be about 40th in the world

so afterwords i trade a palpy for a jedi luke (i thought those dreams meant somehing) some junk for a local uprising obj. emperor’s shield and a melas BUT here is the best parti trade for a japanese TOO COLD FOR SPEEDERs!!!!! to well describe wisconsins pitiful climate and i also get a jap rebel barrier and a probably one of a kind Blue border (yes from the printing presses blue no i didn’t get out my marker) bo shek now how many of those have you seen and then christian (the td) comes over and tells me i get a battle plan or order foil (kick ass) i get the remaining one after dan (winner of the tourney) chooses

Props and Slops

-To christian the TD for waking up at a wacky 4 am to drive to the tourney and run one for us nice people in GB

-to Dan for winning the tourney

-Me for getting a cool foil japanese cards and a jedi luke (finally)

-my dad for driving me

-to derek for being cool

-to hobbytown for letting us have the tourney at their place for the 100th time

-hobbytowns pug for being awesome

-everyone who traded with me cause your cool especially christian for trading me one of his 4 blue border cards


-Mark for pulling a BB vader in a reflections pack (WTF?)

-brady for being so late

-brady for getting a jedi luke in his prize support

-Me for not finishing better

well i hope you enjoyed my TR and thanks for it if you reveiewed

Matt "Ooryl_909" Woleske