
Title: fargo-nd-12-9-00
Author: jeff "kazper" kasper
Date: Dec 9, 2000

My first tournament report...

Here’s the sitch:

foil vader and foil luke for first place.

top players:
(spelling might be bad)

Zach Stenerson,
Mike Raveling
Josh Kohman,
Graham Neal,

and there are some tough and less
competitive players:

Andy Dahl,
Brian Herold
Gary Murphy
Casey Culkin

and many others I’m sure I am forgetting.

Tournament is at noon, some of the players
are traveling 200+ miles in the near blizzard conditions.

I’m playing hidden ebo v 1.5, and Cole Ryba’s tie deck

First Match:

i get paired against some wash-up scrub, who is just
getting back in the game. My hidden/ebo against his
i don’t even remember what he played. This guy played
twilek advisor for his starting effect, i beat him without
lifting a finger, he said, "wow, you played great", I
win by 17.

Second Match:

Against Shane Butler, and old nemesis. My ties against
his mind what you have learned/super falcon/on the edge
deck. He cheats a small bit buy saing he dropped yoda
from his reserve for -2 when it came from his hand. I
whip on his superfalcon for his loss of 13 force, he
mis-counts tracked destiny for on the edge, he stalls
the game out, i get a timed win +22.

Third Match

Against Zach. My Ties against his mind what you have
learned/superfalcon/on the edge deck. He spanked me,
I drew up.


Hidden ebo vs Brian herold’s hunt down.

he epic dueled my obi at ehco docking bay, and lost.
i didn’t play smart and lost the match. harold is very
wormy to play against.


my hidden ebo against gabe andersons bring him before me.

At the beginning of this match, some newbie scrub that had
the bye was running around pissing people off, i get
distracted and irritated, couldn’t recover, i lose
to gabe.


my ties against gary murphy’s ebo y-wing swarm.

he get’s his ebo set up and on the next turn, he drops
7 or so y-wings to 7 different sites, all for free.

he drains me for 15 the next turn. my ties and dreadnaughts
by some miracle chase him off, i win!

Josh Kohman ends up winning.

I’m sure i forgot to mention alot of people, and i probably
didn’t spell many names right, but like I said, this is my
first tournament report, it’s like playing a new deck,
a little strange at first, then later i learn where
i could do some improving.

After the tournament, a bunch of us went to perkins.

Special thanks to all the guys from the cities, st. cloud,
and surrounding nodak places for braving the weather
and making this the best tournament i’ve seen
in this town in a long long time.

p’s and s’s

i’ve been waiting for this all day long.

Slop to Gary Murphy for talking about Magic within
five minutes of arrival.

Slops to that loud mouthy stinky kid that ruined
my third match.

props to myself for running back into perkins
after dinner to take a dump.

slops to me for telling everyone i took a dump.

props to me for cracking me up.

props and slops to the weather for being -7 F after
we were all done.

props to gary murphy for losing yet another match
to me that he very well could have won if he would
have just convinced me that he has the cards in hands
that woulda beat me.

slops to shane butler for trying to cheat.

props to Josh for being able to twist his arm
all the way around and grossing everyone out.

props to Jon Swenson and Rich, the owner of the store,
for running this tournie.

Hopefully everyone got home safely!