
Title: san-jose-ca-12-9-00
Author: Nick "JediBrain" Stefanko
Date: Dec 10, 2000

Pre-tourney hoopla:

My friend Steve and I planned to hang out at KK’s Komics Kards & Kollectibles with some other people prior to going to his tournament. Kevin Shannon and Dan Mochizuki showed up, along with Shawn Ely and two other people. We played some games, traded (I got my 2nd Lando With Vibro-Ax that I needed, as well as 3 more Outer Rim Scouts to add to my collection), and at about 4:30ish, we headed down to San Jose for the tournament.

The Tournament:

My decks:
LS - Why Ewoks Care About Hansicles v2.0 - Profit Ewoks, with monster drains
DS - The Emperor’s TIE Interceptor Hell v2.1 - BHBM TIE Interceptors with a small, insignificant #s on the side
My LS deck is on DeckTech; v2.0 of my DS deck is as well. I may post my new decks at some point later.

Right off the bat, I’d like to say that I didn’t take notes on the games, so if you see that detail is lacking, that is the reason why.

DS v. Dan Mochizuki’s HB X-wings
Palpy in opening hand. Hurray… He doesn’t run a lot of X-wings, so my Interceptors ruined him. Lateral Damage played a big part, as did Your Destiny. Lando In Falcon went Legendary, but a Lateral Damage and Dreadnaught scared it off Wakeelmui, then 2 Interceptors cannoned it and beat up the 2 ’escorting’ X-wings.
Result: FW +27
Standing: 2(+27)
Good Things: Despite Palpy in opening hand, and All Power To Weapons getting grabbed, I pulled off a win.
Bad Things: Neglecting to switch out my Vader’s Lightsaber for There’ll Be Hell To Pay before the tournament as I had planned.
Compliment of opponent: Dan is a great player, and it was a great game. He @#$%ed about having to sit on the concrete/stone bench all evening; that was pretty funny.

LS v. Phillip Green’s Hunt Down
1st turn Darth Vader with Vader’s Lightsaber to my Tatooine: Jabba’s Palace. Great… Next turn, he lost his way in the Tatooine wilderness. I set up Tessek with Rennek at the Audience Chamber, with Order To Engage, and my Ewoks on Endor. All game, I was hurting for my Bargaining Table, but it never showed up. Irritating… So, I eat his big saber-enhanced drains. Graak and Kazak do their work admirably, and despite being chased around by Igar in Tempest 1, my massive Endor drains took him out.
Result: FW +13
Standing: 4(+40)
Good Things: Staying away from his main forces and draining for the victory.
Bad Things: No Jedi of mine showed up.
Compliment of opponent: I thought he had the game, and he was maneuvering around to maximize the damage, but wasn’t able to take on my Ewoks, which was a good thing. I was armed with Ewok Rescue, Sound The Attack, Choke, and Fallen Portal all game.

DS v. Kevin Shannon’s EBO X-wing Beatdown
I had the upper hand early. I had no lost pile until the turning battle. Your Destiny wasn’t a factor; his Japanese Commander Luke (Kevin impersonating a Japanese player: "ohh, youa haadcore…"; if you had heard it, you would have laughed as much as we all did) came out to the North Ridge, then was replaced by Jedi Luke. Once EBO was up, he invaded Wakeelmui w/ 3 X-wings. In came 2 Interceptors, 1 w/ Cannons, and a Lateral Damage targeting one. He reacts with Spiral, but loses all but the LDamaged X-wing. His turn, 8 X-wings come in, 1 with Cannons, and after removing my armed Interceptor, waste my lone Interceptor. 29 battle damage later, I was running on empty. I got in a few more drains, but his EBO-enhanced drains tanked me.
Result: FL -19
Standing: 4(+21)
Good Things: I got all my systems early, and played cautiously.
Bad Things: The unexpected Wakeelmui beatdown.
Compliment of opponent: As always, a great game. I have no shame in losing to Kevin, and always learn something new. He is the best player I know, although he thinks he is a scrub for some reason or another.

LS v. Alex Stefanko’s MKOS Abyssins
Not again. We’ve played this same setup of a game too many times. Irritating… Well, I didn’t feel like playing very much. Once again, Bargaining Table and Artoo + A Gift never show. Tessek and Rennek held Order To Engage at the AC, which incurred some loss on his part. I ate his drains and battled his fruity Abyssins a few times with Ewoks and the one-man wrecking crew known as Lando With Vibro-Ax to make him lose to his own First Strike. I got mostly bad destinies, especially with my Fallen Portals (very irritating…). Oh well. I don’t really care.
Result: FL -26
Standing: 4(-5)
Good Things: None really.
Bad Things: Playing once again against my brother’s near-copy of Kevin Shannon’s Abyssin deck
Compliment of opponent: None.

Out of 10 people, Kevin Shannon went undefeated for 1st, Alex got 2nd, Dan Mochizuki came in 3rd, and I end something around 5th.
Decipher did not send Steve his prize support of Crap City, so our prizes were our entry fees. I pulled a Moff Jerjerrod and Sim Aloo. Kevin Shannon gave me a Combined Fleet Action for one of my extra Luke’s Blaster Pistols, which he in turn began to snack on, then planted it in one of the nearby planters ("Maybe a Luke’s Blaster Pistol tree will grow!"). I swapped it for my brother’s 5th Capital Support (which he pulled). After talking with everyone a while longer, I drove myself and my unoriginal little brother home in the rain.

Thanks for reading my simple little TR.