
Title: box-ma-no-ps2
Author: Justin "H2O" Desai
Date: Dec 11, 2000

What up? This tourny was originally going to be a huge event around here because as announced last month, 1st place was going to awarded a Play station 2. It looked like over 40 people would show up including the crew from albany. Alas, about a week before the tournament, The TD(Kris Earle, the best TD on the planet), announced that he, along with every other Christman shopper on the planet had failed in his quest to obtain a PS2.
So...The prize support would be a Box of R2 to the winner and 2nd place(obviously given to the winner and second place when it comes out). So about 30 peeps show up, notables include, Steve Brentson, Hayes Hunter, mike Sciemer (who had been on a rool of late and was now 2000),Eric Hunter Mike Hawley and soke other good players. So I get there like 10 minute before the tourny with my boys(Ben and Mike, The two coolest kids in SWCCG.) I pick up a few cards I need for my decks, including the Huntdown objective.
On to the games cause my hand in is tired.

For Dark I am playing "el nasto 2k" a High destiny Huntdown with no dueling casue I don’t want to risk it. Original idea given to me by Mike "earlnock" rodriguez.
For Light I am playing my usual MWYHL with secial tech to beat scum-aliens because dagobah usually dies to that.


My Light vs. Dan ???’s Court aliens.
Dan’s a cool kid but isn’t the most experienced and usually gets last at tournaments. So I figure that this is a good time to test out my anti aliens tech. Well i get it first turn, and a get out a dagobah site and see that kessel is in my force pile so i draw for that too. For the next few turns he drops a few aliens and pays to drain via battle plan, I drop a ship at kessel and insert a few times. He loses all his ships to my drains and I just It could be worse his drains on the land. Eventually he drops some fool at the cantina and i drop epp obi, Epp leai and lesbian lando. Thats game. Full win by 28.
Afetr the game I give the kid a few pointers and we trade some cards. This game finished in 4 minutes so I take a nap for the next 56 minutes.


So I wake up and now knwo I’ll prolly play someone who’s a littel more experienced this time. I end up paried with Renee.
I’ve never played against a girl before so this will be a new experience.

My Ds vs. renee ????’s HB matching pilots.

So I start the usual stuff and no escape, IAO and mpoints. She starts the squasin thing, tries to deploy honor(I tell her she can’T) so instaed starts BPlan(hurts her more than me).
I get a decent hand with vader and saber in it. Drop carida and a mofo to the executor docking bay. and lose a card for visage, so does she. She drops pilots at systems and draws for the next few turns, she seemed kind of annoyed I was playing huntdown, but hey, what can you do.
I get vader out along with tarkin to the Ds docking bay. She is now losing 3 a turn so instead trying to go staight foir space she drops epp leia and biggs to the DS docking bay, she tries to battle but i tell her she can’t due to Leia being a skywalker. She just draws some more. next turn i drop 2 walkers, mara, fett and Dr e, battle, swipe leia and operate, hit biggs and make her lose 29 force. tahts pretty much game, I think she ended up flipping at some point but I just dropped soem ships and killed some of her ships. Full win by 24.


I see how my boys are doing, Mike wins with El nasto but lost with his light, Ben won with his light an dlost with his dark (as usaul, I swear if Ben’s rating was soley based on his light he’d easily be 1850, the other side if it was soley based on his dark he’d be 1350. Go figure)

Next round begins--

My Dark vs. Eric Hunter’s Deadbolt.

This game starts out normal, eric braggs to about everyone there about how good his hand is. For the first few turns We just sort of set up. I get vader and a mofo(I think Denagr) to the death star docking bay, he sets up with ketwol. Visage makes him lose a few, on the edge get sit back. He eventually gets lesbian lando and masta luke to the docking bay and can now "bounce’ 2 of my characters per battle with his high destinies. I can’t find a saber to save my life and he knocks off alot of my dudes. He sets up with the falcon at hoth and drains for 3 there, I try to fight him but he’s got I know and causes me even more damage.
I drain him for quite a bit but he plays on the edge around 9 times and gets all his force back. Visage does ME in along with his drain. FL by 23.

It was a good game all around, I think the damage was evenly dealt pretty much, except he retrieved like 35 force and I didn’t. Had I ditched secret plans for something special planned for them It would have bee a littel different.

Game 4--My light vs. Jeremy ????’s Huntdown numbers.

He starts the usual huntdown stuff and I start my stuff.
He drops vader at the cloud city docking bay along with that 6 destiny dude ant teh emperor. He inserts, place fear, plays limited resources,plays defensive fire and alot of other really annoying stuff. I have a numbers total of 2 to his 13, numbers pops during my turns and I ...Play it could be worse for 12!! LOL
He drains for 1, I drain for 3 at kessel and have inserts of my own(AFAs), he’s losing from that and all his fears. He inserts again but it never comes up. No battles this game. FW by 20.

So now’s like 6 +50 something, there are 3 undefeateds so I get to play one of them because I’m the highest 3-1.

My Dark Vs. Mike hawley’s Staging area mains.

Mike a real good player, and a real deliberate player, rarley makes known mistakes. He starts the docking bay staging are thingy and I start my usual.
I get set up fast with vader tarkin at the de docking bay. He revos(WTF?) alot of my sites so I’m only geting like 9 a turn but tis ok cause visage is eating away all his life force, he’s loses like 4 jedis off the top and thuis obi never hits the table. He drops a spy and orinmarko to cancel visage, I drop mara and rd e to fight them off, and drop another visage. Jedi luke comes out to flip me back and fight vader but i out power him every battle and he thus loses a few every battle. A few other of his characters come out to play, epp leia, epp han, but they bite the dust. He eventually drops the tantive 4 at carida, and I see my chance to end the game sooner, drop l damage, and 2 ships and make him lose 14. Visage slowly eats his life force. FW by 20.

So now I’m 8+68 and If I win my next game I get 1/2 box of R2. The hunter brothers just played and Hayes won, Eric and me now had the same record and diff and were tied for 2nd, Kris said that the brothers hunter would play each other again, and I would play...Karl sundburg.

So he beat me at worlds in game 7, and was one of the reason I didn’t make it to day 2.
We’re both playing the same decks.

My Light vs. Karl Sundburg’s Endor opps.
He drops executor second turn with 2 pilots, along with like 8 systems, so one my second turn I get like 20 force. I drop the super duper falcon in front of executor and battle, I drwa 13 fro destiny and clear it away. From then on I pretty much control the game. I reinforce my forces at sullust and have a solid drain of 2 there, afas and OTE do him in, I retrive a few with on the edge and pull out a litte rrevenge. FW +26

So I finish in 2nd place with 10(+94) hayes beats Eric again and wins the tourny. Bothe me and hayes get to splita box of R2 but we both get box topers too. Mike hawley came in 3rd. My boys both did pretty good. Both going 3-3 with some quality wins over decent competition.

Time for props and slops:

Hayes for winning
My boys for showing up and having a kick @#$% time.
Mike for El nasto
Stve baroni, for a second there i thought you jacked my cards in florida, but the i realized you didn’t do that cause you’re cool.
All my opponents, I had some fun games.
My MWYHL deck, how often does a dag deck win by 28,20, and 26?

Eric, J-E-L-L-O
Steve Brentson for scrubbing out..again, c’mon man, when is bongo coming back?
Mime sciemer for scrubbng out and posting his TR 3 times!

Thats about it, This has been a pretty dull TR but the tournamnet itself was a blast.--Unstil next time, take it sleazy--Justin.