
Title: boxborough-ma-12-10-00
Author: Michael "The Rattler" Schiemer
Date: Dec 11, 2000

Michael Schiemer

Pre-tourney Info

I had come from the week before going 6-0 and winning the tournament. My dark deck was an excellent hunt down battling deck while my light side deck was a "you’ll die if you battle me and you’ll die if you don’t" thing. I tweaked my hunt down deck at least 5 cards but decided to dump my light side deck because although good, it took forever to play a game with it .I tried two new light decks:an updated version of my hidden base deck with matching ships and pilots and heavy retrieval w/OTE and OMDH. I decided against using this deck in the end and instead went with my version of a super falcon deck(bad move).I arrive with my brother Jimmy Schiemer (1733 rating) a half hour early.My rating: 1953.

Game One vs. ???(sorry)’s dark court
manipulator deck w/rating of 1400’s

I started MWYHL with wise advise, do or do not, and squad ass.As soon as I draw my opening hand I ask myself what was I thinking when i made this deck.It took me way too long to get super falcon out at kessel because my Captain Hans were getting monnoked to used pile or scanned away by miyyoon. By this time it was about too lat for he was draining me for two or three per turn , I was losing one force every draw phase from search and destroy, 3 force every deploy phase from the objective from AAA and the objective .My anger fear aggressions were not working very well but I did end up retrieving about 15 force that game (although I had to pay for it with secret plans).The only high point in the game for me was when I made him battle my super falcon with order to engage . He fought me with ZIMH and Mara as a pilot . I played punch it and out of nowhere and drawing about a twenty in battle destiny and him a three. I played legendary starfighter while he lost his ship and 5 extra . From there I just drained at kessel for 3 turns while he lost 2 to legendary starfighter and I lost 7 force a turn . I couldn’t get off any OTE because of secret plans so I ended up losing by 15. My rating will not like this.

Game Two versus ??? playing Hut starting with wise advise, insurrection, and satging areas.(rating of 1700’s)

I now at least get to play my Hunt Down Deck.I start out with no Epic Duel,secret plans , mob. points, and arrest order. I start out slow not getting Vader out until third turn but then I got the deck going . Janus started tracking high destiny and getting what I needed while my characters did a pretty good job keepin Visage alive by killing his spies and replacing it with another Visage . I eventually got into a large battle that made him lose a lot and search and destroy was played . Barriers ,Put all sections on alert , and tramples kept his characters at bay while Visage, drains, and s+d work away at him until the end.Full win by 26

Game Three versus Jimmy Schiemer playing mains beatdown with MWYHL , db’s , and it could be worse.

I am pretty sure I can win this game and it ends up being a similar game to the one above . My brother packed some transmission terminateds but my visages kept being retrieved with first strike and no escape . Not to mention I had four extras besides my starting one. I got him in a battle that made him lose everyone and 17 extra. Then the drains , visages , and s+d took him down . Full win by 23

Game Four versus Hayes Hunter’s huntdown smackdown deck with minor dueling. Rating 2088.

This was a descent and close game at te start because of my transmission terminateds but then my Captain Han and boshek on Falcon was destroyed from a lateral damage and a tracked 6 and 3.My destiny draws were extremely unlucky though and ended up being a pile of 1’s and 3’s in a battle and I had no more captain Han’s left from previous force drain losses . I basically died then and there but not before I attempted a pointless but funny rescue mission to dagobah with boshek and melas at the wheel of the falcon. Luke and Yoda boarded but never escaped from dagobah.Full loss by 18

Game Five versus Jimmy Schiemer again with his bring him before me deck with responsibility of command .

This was a close and long game . He had minor drains in the beginning while I set up super falcon. I completed jedi test 1 with melas which did little except prevent vader’s lightsaber and Janus from dealing me force drain damage .My captain Han was responsibiltied and was given much anger in him but I was lucky and killed him with on the edge and then bought him back to my hand with Ounee Tah. Order to engage was deployed as was anger fear agression and he had to battle me. He had a huge power and forfiet in space and beat me in that battle despite my total battle destiny of 20. I lost 2 cards for battle destiny while he lost 3 pilots and Zuckus in mist hunter to attrition . He then battled again the next turn to satisfy order to engage and he lost to me and my 14 in battle destiny.I then played legendary starfighter . On my folowing turn I moved to Kessel with the help of hyper escape . It was extremely close and there was a popped anger fear aggression in my brother’s reserve deck but time was called earlier so I we went with how many cards were in my deck . Timed Win by 5.

Final game versus Rich ??? playing Test to three with mains, db’s, and very little or no visage protection.Rating 1600’s

This was a pretty quick game with a first turn Vader to a battleground db. I then proceeded to drain him at docking bays and hurt him with visage while tracking and dumping cards with Janus . Once he got out honr of the jedi I got out no escape , retrieving first strike in the process. I got into some minor battles but they mostly just killed his characters with a few of mine with them . These tactics including the retrieval of first strike got rid of his spies and jedi so I was free to make him lose force with yet again db drains, s+d, andvisage . This finshed him off fairly quickly.Full Win by 30
Final Standing 7(+51)

Final words

This was not one of my better tournaments(my rating will take a major beating) but it was fun and I had nice opponents (sorry for those of you I didn’t remember in the name area). I got some trades and a better idea of a new light side deck. My thanks and congratulations to the tournament director(s) for a well done and efficient tournament.

Congratulations to Hayes Hunter for winning the tournament and ditching BHBM for hunt down .

Congratulations to Justin Desai for getting second place .

I will see many of you Kashyyykians in January at the Video Connection , TJ’s collectibles, and Holiday Inn tournaments. By then I will have a new light side deck and I will be ready to raise some hell.That is the bottom line because The Rattler said so.