
Title: hellmond-the-netherlands-101200
Author: Maarten "PIET" Rossou
Date: Dec 15, 2000


My kind of scum
Tatooine: Jabba’s Palace
Tatooine: Desert Heart

2x Skiff
Racing skiff

Antipersonnel Laser Cannon

Jabba’s Palace: Lower passages
Audience chamber
Rancor pit

Hutt smooch
Abyssin ornament
Hidden weapons
Quick reflexes
Power of the Hutt
Hutt influence

Da dudes:
2x Weequay Hunter
2x Nikto
2x Skrilling
Velken Tezeri
Mighty Jabba (dûh)
Mercenary Pilot

Scary creatures:
3x Bubo

Deck comments:
If you can start with the objective, do it. Simple as that.
The Blue: Skiff are power 3, pretty good and they can react. The racing skiff has a higher destiny however, and the Skiff’s destiny of 2 sucks.
Green: The vibro-ax can exclude even Lando sometimes. At one sealed deck, Johan van der Meer’s Rebel Scout (which we nicknamed Rambo) wiped out like 6 characters, so i wanted to play with the antipersonnel gun. But that is an expensive weapon, thats why i added:
extra @#$%es  Starting with jappas balace is good, but the gametext of the Trade routes forbids searching unless you control. But you can get around that and then you can search for sites. All my remaining sites are searchable, cuz i don’t like destiny 0.
I had 2 deserts, but no sandwhirls so i opted to put in the 2 1/0 Jp sites.
Red: A gift means dark side’s dead, so i put in hutt smooch. Abyssin ornament is huge, you can pull out almost everything (including the mercenary pilot). Power of the hutt is destiny 4, and can pull Hutt influence. And that is a killer. Attrition is reduced by 2 and no bargaining table. I had put in 2 No shall passes, but just in time i remembered there were (almost) no rebels in this format, so i added The QuickWeapons retrieval engine. For 2 force, quick reflexes lets you take a hidden weapons into hand from lost pile. Just 2 cards for a retrieval engine, pretty good.
Characters: the Niktos are awesome, in defense they are power 4, forfeit 5. Jabba and the pilot are standard, and with all the 3’s in the deck, Reeyees is da man. (force needed, hence the sites) The 3 Bubo’s are also pretty good.

Deckbuilding: I didn’t have sandwhirls, no ephant mon(bye bye lando) let alone 2 ephant mons, no twilek advisor and definitely no Scum and villainy. Basically i threw in every alien i had, except for the Yuzzum since i had only one bountyhunter. These were like the only cards left after i threw out the useless ones. I don’t believe much in guns, but next time i will use the stun blaster. Well, i learned something today...

The games:

Game 1: vs Jeroen van Beers
Like i dont play enough against him. Jeroen and me always drive together to tournaments (well he drives actually) and we always get paired against eachother. Both of us hadn’t played for a long time and the game started a bit rusty. He starts with the Bargaining table, so i am @#$%ed. He can sit back and pick his battles, cancelling my drains. After some skirmishes i finally get rid of Lando, due to a destiny 4 i had tracked about three times. All his aliens were forfeit 3 and my objective was flipped because of a mercenary pilot outside with Barada i think.
From then on it was game. Win with 9.

Game 2: vs Gepko Steringa
Gepko is one of our TD’s, but like many other TD’s he ain’t the best player around. The biggest mistakes he made were (pay attention class):
- Battling with 3 aliens while he only has ability 4.
One of his aliens is bound to die and then he has only ability 3 or 2 left and i can
smack him in my turn. Always make sure you have at least ability 4 in you

- Not tracking my destiny
It it not as hard as you think. When i play an Abyssin ornament, initiate a battle 2 turns later, draw the ornament and do not use any force after the battle, where is the destiny 5? Right on top of my reserve, waiting for you to initiate battle.

Win by 14
PS he played with Grans, they are the bombdiggety for the light side

Game 3: vs Willem Sterk
He should have kicked my @#$% so hard, but he didn’t. In about four turns, he has a skiff with palace raider, Rennek, forfeitfodder and Lando on one site. That means 3 destiny, and the 2 Bubo’s in my hand are doing nothing. So i give him the site.
Then he throws down 3 eloms and Tessek! in my audience chamber. So i am facing a drain of 6! Luckily i have the retrieval enging up and running and Bubo is anxious to eat. After one drain of 6, bubo eats tessek and i am only facing a drain of 4. I manage to flip my objective, using drop and drain tactics and i am able to retrieve and track my niktos. In the end he fails his Nar shaddaa wind chimes (‘forgot’ to track) and i win by 4.

Note: never forget the extra power destiny you get from your light objective. It makes you lose games.

Game 4: vs Jeroen ‘docking bay’ Kassenberg
2 Wortts, 2 Sandwhirls, Laudica, a good starting hand and a gift. Game set and match for mister Kassenberg.

I am the second dark player, going 3-1. I am behind a Scum and Villainy, 2 ephant mons, a twilek and a sandwhirl all in one deck played by Jeroen van den Bosch.

End notes: It aint the best form of sealed deck, but it was great fun. The deploy 3 = ability 2 rule is a good improvement. Makes you wonder why they (decipher) couldn’t balance gameplay with the 20 cards they have put in with the boosters…

Props to Erwin Flohr, the TD of the day who answered all my creaturequestions.

Maarten Rossou