
Title: monpellier-france-17-12-2000
Author: Jean Philippe "Warrior" Thevier
Date: Dec 19, 2000

This was a big tournament on Monpellier some of participants come from Spain and far city like Paris Grenoble ...

For this tournament I choose to play my MKOS abyssin deck whow has alway make good result and for my light deck I choose to play a special hidden base deck using don’t underestimate our chance.
The tournament take place on the Griffon’s shop where we arrived at 9:30 AM to beginn the tournament at 10:00 AM.

1st game : My MKOS against Pierre Maury’s Massassi trone-revolution deck

Massassi trone room ,Swamp, Farm ?? This is a deck I’ve not seen from long time ! He begin the game by deploying a nudje using his swamp and then deploy Bacta tank. On my first turn I begin By deploying jabba’s palace : audiance chamber and searsh for sail barge and deploy it to desert heart, immediatly deploy passager deck. It’s a good beginning as all time. He deploy a revolution on my passagers deck, deploy one another nudje and deploy draw their fire, On the view of revolution I was immediatly surprise : I was not prepared to revolution so it promiss to be a hard game. I deploy Mighty jabba from my reserve deck with the chamber and deploy bib with power of the hutt I draw the remaining force. He deploy Luke with lightsaber to beat me at audiance chamber, He fail to hit bib ( drawing 0 and 1 ! ) And draw only 4 for the battle destiny I draw 5 and 1. He place luke in his bacta tank and I forfeit bib. He end his turn by drawing a lot. Drain of 1 at audiance chamber, deploy no escape, re-take bib into hand, deploy scum and villainy then Chall bekan to lower passage, take one abyssin into hand, deploy bib for only 1 forces to audiance chamber, deploy one abyssin at jabba’s palace and so flip my objective. I move the alone abyssin to same site as chall. On his turn he take luke from bacta tank and redeploy it, play alter on my scum who goes in used pile with oppressive inforcement. The game continu as this but my opponent play very very slow so the game ended on a time win for me.

TW 1 (1 +0)

good : I’ve see what my deck can do against this type of deck and if the game were more fast I whould win.
Bad : The stratigie of my opponent to play the time at the middle of game isn’t fair play !

2nd game My special hidden base against Spanish ( Don’t remember his name ) Carbon freezing testing

ARg I must imprison a rebel ? Pilot are no good for that, nor luke jedi knight nor obi so boush was the prisonner.
It’s the first game for my light side deck and I didn’t know how it will work so it’s a sort of play-test ! He begin with security precaution. I play a basic starting : Squadron assignement, wise advise, do or do not. He begin the game by searshing for a carbon freezing and deploy it to chamber, deploy audience chamber and draw.
I begin deploying aquaris and deploy red 8 with here matching with a laser cannon. I show his hand using perimeter scan, I see there zuckuss in mist hunter and hope that he will deploy it on his next turn but he doesn’t ! He froze boush on his 3id turn so I lose 8 forces because I had a It’s could be worse in my hand but he had It’s worse in his ! My lose are not important but I lose :
-don’t underestimate our chance
-power pivot
-out of nowhere
-slight weapon malfunction
I think he had understand my type of deck so he never deploy befor I flip. He escort frozen leia to audience chamber and flip his objective ! When I flip my objective he immediatly deploy to kessel with jabba’s space cruser,chall bekan to pilot, 4-LOM with to add one battle and not zuckuss : bossk in boot. He prob ( correctly ) and I immediatly lose 10 force. He initiate : There are no starfighter so I cannot fire ( no slight weapon malfunction ) So I did play the triple battle damage but I play out of nowhere and power pivot on space cruser I drew 2 to power, 3 and 1 for battle destiny; He drew 5, 1 and 4.I lose my starfighter. I lose quickly.

FL -30 ( 1 -30 )

good : now I know that I must add one or two proton torpedoes to be able to fire against capital !
Bad : My deck Had a lots of weakness ! Why I take him ?

3rd game My SHB against another spanish ( the spanish name are to complex for me ! ) Bring him befor me, docking bay deck.

It’s was a simply game, he deploy some docking bay using IAO but he make a mistake on a time : he forgot Tarkin and a royal guard ( without force pike ) alone : So I deploy jedi luke from reserve deck, obi with from my hand, attack hit tarkin, draw 5 in battle and he draw only 0 ! Great ! He lose some forces. On his next turn instead of deploying Lord vader to same site as luke he deployed him at DS
docking bay to deploy him -2 But I play rebel barrier so he cannot move and cannot capture my luke this turn ! The remaining of game was a simple formality because I drain at 3 from kessel, 3 from coruscant, 2 from kiffex and 1 from corulag with only 1 starship at each ( some combo card in hand and rapid fire with a laser cannon I keep in hand ) But He has no space’s forces so he lose quickly.

FW +16 ( 3 -14 )
good : win
bad : nothing

4st game My MKOS against Monpellier’s woman main and toys / haven deck

STarting : she convert my jabba’s palace using careful planning ! It was not great ! It’s just a game where we have fighting on tatooine, I finally deploy audience chamber but not the scum so the end was a time lose ! ( Why I don’t have the force with me to draw my rancor nor one of my two scum ? ) She win for only 3 forces !!! If I had my scum ...

TL ( 3 -14 )
good : interressing game because she had some guy to battle and a rerieve great with haven but the game was too short on my own regret !
bad : I don’t draw my scum and when I play twi’lek none of the two in my deck was in when I activate only 3 forces ! no luck for this game !

5st game : My Hidden base against a court of the vile gangster

This objective may cause me several problem because He can deploy his independant starship from reserve deck but He didn’t put one of they into his deck so it was a simply win
because he didn’t support my big drain ! quick efficace !

FW +27 ( 5 +13 )

6st game My MKOS against a spanish’s profit deck !

Profit ! My dream ! Instead of no bargain I put secret plan in starting and deploy Mighty jabba and Myo. On my 1st turn I deploy the barge from reserve deck with passager deck !
He begin by deploying jedi luke to audience chamber against my Myo and my Jabba may be he forgot that myo is leader with my objective ! He try to hit myo with his lightsaber but fail ( myo was probably protect by the force ! ) He draw 4 for destiny and I draw 5 and 4 ! he lose his luke and I forfeit myo to my used pile ! On my next turn I take Bib from reserve deck deploy Mon from my hand to passager deck and 1 abyssin on barge : there are no non-tatooine location so I flip my objective. During three turn he attempts to deploy ben to audience chamber but 3 times I play non shall pass and He lose force from my search and destroy and ability ability ... When he deploy ben and lando with vibro-sex-machine on jabba’s palace lower passage Boba fett and 3 abyssin were waiting they ! He attempt to exclude my boba but I draw a 6 and he fail ! I fail to hit lando but I draw a 5 for battle destiny ! So 5+2=7 He must forfeit Ben and choose to keep lando against my boba fett and 1 abyssin remaining ( the others going in used pile ! ) because he draw double 5 in battle destiny so I cancel one with my rep but I forgot that while no non-tatooine location are on table my alien are forfeit value +2 and I forfeit 2 abyssin ! But the turn after I deploy 4 other abyssin and Ig-88 : power 28 and 2 battle against 4 and 1 Battle ( that I cancel because I had another myo into hand ! ), I hit Lando, He fail to exclude IG-88 , I draw 5 ( +2 ) and my traked 6 ( +2 ), He draw 1 that I cancel for the style ! Total : 43 against 4 : He lose the game on this battle !

FW +29 ( 7 +32 )
good : I love the last battle !
Bad : too easy game

Finally I’m placed 10 because of losing a game ( The next time I will go with a light deck I know ! )
And the victory is for Matthieu Paccou in his country !

Good tournament and a good ambience was the positive points of the meeting !
But I think that a particulary Rogue Squadron must review his rules because he doesn’t found any errata on shot in the dark ! May be he had never see the white border card ( with the little "once per turn" befor the effect ! )

Special Tanks To :

Decipher who was present with a lot of representant.
Lotus noir for their sponsoring
Royaume du griffon for his partipate ( particulary thanks for your reflection booster ! ( Ben is alway good in foil ! )
And some other personn who I can forgot !
Good luck For your @#$% Nico, It’s not all the time you were @#$%ed by a rogue squadron member !